Ganked: Life Bitten And Taken

School, Prep Bitches, and Being Kidnapped?!

"Ugh!" I groaned, letting my head fall back into Jason's lap. We were outside in the school courtyard with our group of friends during lunch.

Jason just chuckled and smirked, looking down at me and stroking my hair. "You should've studied for that English test like I told you to."

"I can't believe I almost got a B! That's would've killed the A- I got going!" I looked up at him.

He rolled his eyes. "Poor baby." He said sarcastically.

"Hey! I gotta keep my grades up so I'll get accepted to college! You've already gotten your free ride, I actually have to work for it." I said, sitting up and turning to him. Jason's parents knew the dean at Dartmouth, so they managed to pull a few strings for him and Kasey.

"Yeah yeah. Stop whining." Todd, one of Jason's friends, said, lightly smacking the back of my head.

"Hey!" I yelled and tackled him in the grass. He rolled over so I was under him and he held onto my wrists. I planted my feet on the ground and lifted the lower half of my body, sending him flying over my head, then I got up and sat on him, pinning him on the ground.
Jason, Kevin, and Sean all dog piled on top of us, making me lay on Todd. We all laughed,
then rolled off each other.

I took a deep breath and exhaled. "Jesus! You're big boys."

"Yes ma'am!" Kevin said, then they all started laughing. The pervs. I rolled my eyes, sat up, looked at all of the boys, then grabbed my backpack.

"Hey!" Sean grabbed my arm. "Where ya goin?"

"To class."

"But the bell hasn-" Sean began to say but the sound of the bell cut him off, and I started walking off.

"Bye guys! Jason I'll see you after school!"

"Meet me at the flag pole!"

"See ya!"

"Bye CJ!"

"Nice ass!"

I just rolled my eyes and smiled, my back facing them all. I could tell it was Kevin that made the compliment about my ass. He was the perviest out of them all.


I sat by the flagpole, waiting for Jason. He always took his sweet time. I tilted my head back to rest against the flagpole's cement base when I heard a high voice whisper my name, followed by giggles. I opened my eyes and glared at the stupid rich-bitch group that was glancing over me, then talking to themselves. I smirked and walked over to them, noticing that they immediately shut up and looked at me like I was a walking disease.


"Hey." The blond leader said with attitude.

"Do you guys wanna keep talking about me like I'm deaf or will you sluts shut up and stop being jealous?"

Ooooh were they pissed. The two girls on the blond's left clenched their fists, but waited for the blond to speak.

"Jealous of what? Your plain Jane look? Seriously Riley, when was the last time you ever got checked out by anyone other than the pervert Kevin you hang out with?" This made the other girls laugh, and I just smiled.

"I don't go for guys that check me out 'cause all they want is sex. But I guess that's how you girls are." I knew these girls, no matter how mad they got, would never hit me. They couldn't win, anyhow. So they just glared at me.

"You know Jason likes girls with style. He dated Karry Harlow freshman year." The blonde tried to change the subject. She, and every other girl in school were after Jason or his friends. They were the hottest boys in school, but also, the most normal. The boys didn't socialize that much with other high schoolers, though they were popular. They never really hung out with the popular kids, inside or outside of school.

I opened my mouth to tell them that I wasn't trying to catch his eye, but then I heard a familiar voice calling my name.

"Hey Riley!" Jason walked up to me, moving through the group of rich-bitches. He grabbed me around the waist and pulled me into him, and kissed my lips passionately.

Of course I was stunned, but my wide eyes weren't visible to the cheerleaders.
Jason let go of me and grabbed my hand. "Come on babygirl. Kasey's just pulled up." He dragged me towards Kasey's truck that had just pulled up in the student pick-up loop. I looked back at the cheerleaders, and smiled, seeing their faces, shocked.

Jason opened the truck door for me and closed it when I was in. Kasey smirked at Jason as he got into the truck and drove off.

"Dude, that was the craziest thing I have ever seen you do."

"Well I wouldn't have had to do that if Riley had just left the idiot squad alone."


"She was talkin shit to 'em and then got stuck."

"So you decided to kiss her to get her out of it."


Jason looked back at me to see what my reaction was, but I had my eyes looking out the window, pissed off and sad at the same time. Those cheerleaders were kinda right. I was never going to get a guy if I kept on being who I was. But how could he just sit there and sound totally annoyed with the fact that he kissed me. So much for that "special" first kiss. Yes, sadly enough, that was my first kiss, and Jason made it the worst.

"Take me home." I said, depressed as hell.

"What?! I thought you were coming to our house to hang with us for your birthday!" Kasey said.

"No. I just wanna go home."

"Oh come on, CJ. Stop being such an ass."

Jason was my best friend, but sometimes he said things without thinking about how it effected me or the people around him.

Kasey came up to a red light and I jumped out of the truck on the right side where he was close to the curb in the middle of town. I slammed the door and started walking the opposite way that the truck was headed. The bus stop was just a few blocks down.

"Hey!" Jason yelled out the window. "Riley where the hell are you going?!"

I didn't answer, I didn't even turn around. As I was crossing the street, I got grabbed from behind and taken into a truck.

"Jason!" I said, agitated, thinking it was Kasey and Jason who picked me up....but oh was I wrong. I looked around at the people who grabbed me. Two men in front, one in the back. They looked to be in their mid- to late twenties,amazing looking, with malicious smiles. The men were all beautiful. They were extremely pale, and their pupils were dilated with a circle of crimson red around them. My eyes widened with fear and the realization that I had just been kidnapped.
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OOOh exciting huh? ^.^