Ganked: Life Bitten And Taken


"Riley!" Matt ran towards me, always smiling and his arms wide open for a hug. I mouthed his name, but there was no sound on my part. Behind him were my parents, just standing there smiling. I tried to call out to them, but they all just moved farther away. I wanted to run after them, but my feet wouldn't move. Looking down at them, I saw that I was standing in a pool of blood, Matt at my feet. He was looking up at me with shocked eyes. I heard screams calling out for me. It was my family, screaming for me to save them. It was then that I was in my house. I ran up the stairs, but only met black and red eyes. "Save them Riley." He chuckled. "Tell me where Orion is." He said, then his whole demeanor changed. He became a vicious predator, and his fangs went for my jungular.

"Nooo!" I woke up screaming, tears falling down my face. My body was in tremendous pain, but I ignored it as I looked around. This bedroom wasn't familiar to me. I was laying in a king-sized bed with black silk sheets and an ornate black and gold comforter was lain over me, IVs were stuck in both arms. The bedroom was about the size of a one-bedroom apartment without the walls, and it was decently decorated.....I wasn't home....and I hadn't died....but my family did. I hugged my knees to my chest and buried my face into my knees, allowing myself to cry deep, mournful tears. Why didn't I die? How did I get here? These were questions I asked myself when I calmed down a bit. I could feel myself slip into a depression, when the door opened, and a tall man, about 6'2" walked in. He was extremely pale with perfect skin, and the other men who tried to rape...and the one who tried to kill me. But his eyes were deep blue instead of black and red.

"Ah. I see that you're awake. How're you doing?" He asked, walking over to my bedside. He was extremely graceful and so beautiful I lost track of thought for a second, but then scoot away from him. I was frozen now, but not from his stunning looks, but because I thought he was going to kill me like the others had.

"I'm not here to harm you. I saved you from the man who did this to you." His eyes were sincere, but he didn't really look like he gave a rat's ass.

"I don't believe you. You're just like them! You look just like them!"

He looked at me with curious eyes. "Them? I only killed one."

"The men who tried to rape me."

The man seemed to be in deep thought for a second. "Who saved you from them?"

I didn't answer. I just looked away angrily, but when I thought he couldn't see my expression, I let my face fall into sadness, and he just dropped the subject and sat on the edge of my bed.

"Any questions?"

"Why didn't you let me die?" I whispered, sniffling. The tears had started up again.

There was a pause.

"Because you didn't deserve it."

"And my family did?" I looked at him like 'are you kidding me?'.

"No." His eyes now seemed pained, and I suddenly felt bad. Maybe he was good?...I didn't really know what to think at this point, but I decided to be nice and let my guard down. It didn't really matter if he killed me now or later anyway. My life didn't matter anymore.

"Who or what are you? Who killed my family and why?" I leaned back into the bunches of pillows, hissing slightly at the pain from my back and my head.

The man looked away from me, his back facing me. "My name is Kane. I am a vampire." I looked at him like he was crazy and just laughed a bit.

"Yeah right." But then I got to thinking. I remembered the bite marks in my family's necks, and how there was only a small amount of blood that came from them...and the blood around the mouth of the man who killed them. I stopped smiling and looked away from him. "So the man who killed my family..."

"Also a vampire, but of a different...race, I suppose is the word for it."


"Yes.There are two races of vampire.The race of the vampire that killed your family was Katherone. They are vicious, vengeful creatures. They are more like the vampires you humans hear about in stories. They can't stand the light because they're eyes are so sensitive, though, not because they turn to ash. And they feed off humans."

"Do they die from garlic and silver as well?" I said with a hint of attitude.

He rolled his eyes. "No. One vampire long ago was actually allergic to the stuff. A human girl made some type of dish that required raw garlic the night the fool decided to play with his food and kissed her and, instead of getting hives or something like you humans, he shriveled up and his insides turned into mush. The whole silver thing is just something someone made up."

"So what race are you then?" I looked at him and he was now sitting in a chair by my bed. How he it got it there without even making a sound, I have no idea.

"I am Jerichan (Jare-ik-can). We are much stronger in will and power than the Katherone. Our eyes can stand the sun, and we resist the human blood. We feed off overpopulated animals, and we aren't as cruel as the Katherone. We blend in with the human population pretty well usually. Though, we do try not to get too close to humans. We do not age, and letting too many people in on our little secret is not a safe thing to do. But we do have a few who gather information for us. See, we look after the Katherone because they are so reckless. When they get out of control, and our secret is in threat of being let out, we step in and regain control." He said all of this calmly, like it was an everyday thing. I just sat there silently, trying to take all of this information in.

"Oh..." Was all I could say for the moment.

Kane smirked and stood up. "Any more questions?"

I shook my head lightly.

"Ok then. My turn. What is your name?"

"Riley."I said softly.

"Well Riley. Do you have a last name?"

"No. A last name indicates who I came from, and who took care of me. I have no one now." I leaned my back again into the pillows and looked at the ceiling.

"Alright. How old are you?"

"I turned 17 on June 13th."

"Hmm. So what kind of group do you hang out with at school?"

"Does it really matter? Why do you keep asking so many questions?" I snapped a bit but didn't yell. "Where am I, anyway?"

Kane looked at me disapprovingly, but answered nicely. "You're in a big mansion far away from civilization in the countryside of Scotland."

"Scotland?! How the hell-!" I stopped my self. He's a vampire. He can probably shimmer anywhere.

"Yes, actually. I can."

What the-...can you read my thoughts?

"Only if I wish to. It's a gift not many vampires have. Sometimes, we are born with special powers, different from every other vampire. There are only five of us that can read minds."


"I can stop doing that if you'd like."

"Yes please."

"Alright then."