‹ Prequel: Pup Among the Big Dogs

Chasing the Moon

Tantrums and Pacifiers

“You may have your time, but we’d be wasting our time,” Aiden warned.

“No, I’m learning more about the boy I want to spend my whole life with,” I smiled. He smiled coyly back.

“Alright. Well, as you know, werewolves have certain traditions. Yet I didn’t get a mate. You see, I wasn’t exactly the nicest—or cutest—baby. I was as fun to be around as I was to look at. I know what you’re thinking, ‘What? My gorgeous Aiden was an ugly-ass jerk?’ Well, I can assure you that I outgrew that!

“Anyway, Leanne didn’t have a mate picked out either because her mother was too hyped up on medication to try to find her one. Our fathers were good friends, though, so they’d always try to pair Leanne and me up. Leanne was this quiet girl and I would torment her to death! The poor girl. But, long story short, our parents thought better of it, so we remained loveless. Well, I’m not anymore now that I have you,” he finished with a smirk. “So I’m glad I was an ugly douche.”

“I doubt you were that ugly, but whatever you say,” I muttered. “So Leanne didn’t like you?”

“Well, not at the time.”

“Does she now?” I felt a hint of jealousy audible in my voice.

“Yeah, but I’ve explained to her that we won’t ever be anything more than friends. I have you, so I know I made the right choice.”

“Why didn’t you want her?” I asked and he sighed, falling back lazily onto the couch, face in his hands.

“I’m a hopeless romantic,” he mumbled softly. “I believe in love at first sight, Gabriella. I just didn’t feel that connection with her, but you, my dear, are an entirely different story. The second I laid my eyes on you, I felt as though I’d known you my whole life. I wanted nothing more than to just hold you as close as our bodies could allow and tell you how I felt: I love you. But I was scared I’d chase you off,” he admitted, glancing up at me through soft eyes.

“I felt exactly the same way,” I confided, sitting beside him. “If you had gotten on one knee and proposed to me right then and there, I would’ve said yes as soon as the question left your lips! Aiden, you make me feel like I actually belong.”

“Because you belong with werewolves, not leeches. You’re no vampire—I know it. And when I can prove that to you, well, I will. But until then, you just have to trust me. I don’t know what you are exactly, but I do know that you’re mine,” he told me with a smile. I kissed him quickly.

“So are you going to help me find out what I am?” I asked softly. He took my face into his hands.

“Gabby, I wouldn’t be caught dead doing anything else,” he whispered, kissing my forehead. He drew me in and we kissed more passionately than we ever had before.

“I love you so much,” I breathed softly, catching up on my breaths.

“I love you more,” he challenged, that gorgeous grin of his plastered to his face.

And suddenly, everything was finally starting to fall into place...