‹ Prequel: Pup Among the Big Dogs

Chasing the Moon

Fancy Meeting You Here

I shot up in bed sweating. It was a cold sweat, which happens to be the worst way ever to wake up! I wiped some of the stickiness from my forehead, falling back onto the pillow. I stared at the ceiling.

That man in my dreams... He looked familiar. I no doubt knew him. "Black" came to mind, but maybe I was being stupid. I'd had that same dream a million times, but now that Aiden was in the picture, it was getting worse and more detailed. That was the furthest I had ever gotten in that dream. Was that baby supposed to be me?

I shirked it off and jumped out of bed to splash some cold water on my face. I was finally feeling a great deal better and I slung my bookbag over my shoulder. Aiden could take my mind off of these things...hopefully.

"I'm going to school," I called out, rushing out the door. I was afraid Marshall had told Zach about last night and Zach would want to know who I was raped by!

I was running even when I was in town. I was just so paranoid and I wasn't even watching where I was going until...


I stumbled backwards, but fell into a cartwheel as I gracefully caught myself. The person I had slammed into hadn't done so well. I looked down as a girl reached around her, gathering scattered papers. When I saw who it was, I started helping her getting her stuff together.

"I'm so sorry, Leanne! I didn't see you!" I helped her up after we had finished gathering her things.

"It's okay. Really," she told me softly with a smile.

"So do you want to walk to school with me?" I asked her, smiling sheepishly. I still felt that strange connection with her...

"That would be nice. Dad usually walks with me, but he and mom are arguing now," she whispered sadly.

"About what?"

"Mom had a bad dream about my sister. She said that she saw what her baby girl went through and now she's pissed at him for giving up their first baby."

"I had a bad dream, too," I muttered, sullen. "But I'm sure they'll be fine when you get home."

"Yeah... So do you maybe want to come over after school? You don't have to or anything, but I was just wandering if you wanted to..." She was just so timid. I grinned.

"Of course!" I cried, hugging her quickly. "Between you and me, I don't want to go home to my annoying brother anyway," I joked. She smiled softly.

"I'm sure dad and mom won't have a problem with it. We can just stay in my room. I don't usually have people over other than Lucy, so I'm sure dad will be happy."

Her dad was .... Mr. Black... I had to think for a minute.

"I can't wait to meet him."

Ian Black...