Blissful Ignorance: In a Vampire's World

Going to the Club

I went into the bedroom, changed into my pajamas and got into bed. I felt like such an idiot. I should’ve known better than to date a boy after only knowing him for a number of hours. I rolled onto my side, facing the wall. I should’ve listened to Ryan, and Kevin, and the other boys. I should’ve taken the hint. Eventually I felt so idiotic and pathetic that I couldn’t take it, and fell asleep crying from frustration.

Damien didn’t knock the next night when Kyle and Marcus were getting ready to go clubbing again. He sat on the second couch, watching Marcus and Kyle finish getting ready. I was on the long couch, curled up with a warm blanket watching South Park. He hadn’t said a word to me, but I could feel him glance at me every once in a while.

“Kris? Why aren’t you getting ready?” Marcus walked in front of the TV with his arms folded over his chest.

I looked up at him curiously, completely confused. “What’re you talking about?”

Kyle came up behind the couch and leaned over it, his head by my ear. “You don’t think we’re going to leave you here again, do you?”

Marcus nodded. “Last night could’ve been a disaster. That wolf could’ve easily taken advantage of you.”

I whined. “But I’m not even going to leave the room! Besides, you guys are supposed to protect me from the Isis Agency, not wolves.” I glanced from Kyle, to Marcus, to Damien, who looked like he didn’t give a shit.

“That’s what you said last night.” Marcus didn’t change his serious demeanor.

“Besides, as your friends, Krissy, we aren’t going to let you stay home feeling sorry for yourself. And then go out clubbing when we all know you’re going to sneak off campus when we leave, and then go find some other guy at a bar and have him walk you home! What kind of friends would we be if we let you go out and completely surrender yourself to the risk of getting raped?” Kyle wrapped his arms around my neck and smiled, but I was left speechless.

They weren’t protecting me now just because of the Isis Agency, they were doing it because they were my friends, and they cared about me. It was a wonderful feeling, to know that I had people who truly cared about me, and who didn’t keep secrets from me. But I wasn’t going to let my guard down that quickly. So I just stood up and walked towards the bedroom. “I’ll get dressed.” I said, knowing the boys could hear me. I took off my shirt and pajama pants and slipped on some jeans when Kyle walked in. “Hey!” I wrapped my arms around my bra, and kept my back towards Kyle.

“Stop being so shy, it’s not like I haven’t seen you naked before.” Kyle sat on my bed, moving my blankets aside so he could sit on the sheets.

“What?!” I grabbed the front of his shirt in my fists, my face close to his. “What the hell are you talking about?!”

“I accidentally walked in on you when you were taking a shower. I was in and out before you even noticed.” Kyle shrugged like it was no big deal. “By the way, has anyone ever told you that your birthmark on your butt looks like half of a star?”

“Oh my God Kyle!” I let go of him and smacked my forehead. “I can’t believe you!”

“Chill Kris, it’s not like no one’s ever seen you naked before.” Kyle rolled his eyes and smiled, but it quickly disappeared when he saw me wrap my arms around my middle and my cheeks warm up. “Are you serious?! You’re that innocent?! Oh Krissy that’s so cute!” He smiled then chuckled, obviously teasing me.

It pissed me off. So I glared at him, then pushed him back onto my bed and my knee on the mattress to keep me above him. I looked down at him with my hair falling over my shoulders and looked down into his eyes. “I’ve never had sex, I’ve never let a guy touch any part of my body inappropriately, and I’ve never let any guy see me naked. Because I don’t want to. It scares me to think about letting my guard down completely. To surrender myself to any man. I’ve seen how they work. How they can easily persuade nice girls into thinking they love them, then completely dump them for some other girl and leave the other thinking she’s completely worthless. A man is nothing but a deceptive demon.” I watched carefully as Kyle’s eyes went from shocked to confused, to sad. “Of course, I know not all guys are like that.” I backed off of Kyle, and stood up to put a shirt on. “There are some guys out there who are good to girls who deserve it. Who know how to return the love that someone gives them. And that’s the kind of guy I’m saving myself for.” I turned to Kyle and smiled. “So you can make fun of me all you want, but I don’t feel sorry for myself. I’m glad that I’m much stronger than most other girls, who give it away just so they can satisfy their libido.” I fixed my AC/DC shirt and glanced at Kyle. “You ready to go?”

Kyle smiled and stood up in front of me, sticking his index finger in the rim of my jeans and pulling me into him. “You’re a very special person, Krissy.” He let go of my jeans and put his hand on my cheek softly, tilting my head back so I was looking up at him, and he kissed my lips softly. When he pulled back he smiled. “Don’t ever change who you are for anybody.” He gazed deep into my eyes, the intensity of them making me blush and nod in a daze. He chuckled. “You’re a good kisser you know.”

That woke me up. “Sh-shut up.” I blushed deeper and took a step back from him. “You didn’t need to kiss me you know.”

Kyle shrugged. “Sorry. You got to me.” His eyes swept my body as a look of disapproval appeared on his face. “You’re not wearing that…are you?”

I glanced down at myself then back up at Kyle. “Yeah, why?”

“Don’t you have any short dresses or skirts and high heels? It’s a club, baby, not a party in someone’s garage.” He daintily grabbed the short sleeve of my fitted shirt.

“No. I’m not a slut, Kyle. I just explained that to you.” I smacked away his hand. “I have a jean skirt.” I said, walking over to my closet and grabbing it off the top shelf and slipping out of my jeans and into it. I didn’t see why I had to hide myself from Kyle now that he’s seen me naked. “How’s this?” I turned to face him, and saw him shrug. He still wasn’t satisfied.

“Let me help.” He walked up to me and ripped my jean skirt around my legs so it was like a mini skirt now. I just huffed. It wasn’t so bad I guessed, but then he took it too far. He ripped most of the torso part of my shirt so it was inches above my belly button.

“Hey! That’s my favorite shirt!” I wrapped my arms around my exposed middle. “You’re buying me a new one!” I glared.

He chuckled and looked at me with approval. “Fine. I’ll buy you one for Christmas. It’s only three months away.” He pat my back then turned to my closet. “Are you sure you don’t have any heels?”

“Yes I’m sure. I guess I’ll have to settle with my Converse.” I smirked, knowing there was no other option.

Kyle just shrugged. “No one will be looking at your shoes, anyhow.” He turned to me and looked me over once more. “You should put on more eye liner. It makes your eyes pop.” He smiled then walked out of the room.

I did as he said and then grabbed my jacket, zipped it up all the way, and walked out of the room, still pouting.

I heard Damien chuckle darkly as he looked at my skirt. “Can that get any shorter?”

“Shut up Damien. I’m the one who did it. I’d rather go to a club with a girl with a short skirt than one who would wear jeans and a regular AC/DC shirt.” Kyle walked over to me and put a hand on the small of my back. “Now if you’re done teasing the child, we can go.”

The club was full of beautiful people. Humans, wolves, and vampires. There was a second floor that I was guessing was the V.I.P. section. As soon as we walked in a man offered to take our jackets, and I gave him mine reluctantly. After I did, I felt eyes on me, from the crowd and from Damien and Marcus. I could barely make out the argument between them and Kyle.

“You did that? Are you crazy? You’ve practically put a neon label on her telling every vampire in here that she’s a snack!” Marcus growled, but it was just a whisper to my ears.

“Well, if we do our job right, nothing will happen to her.” I could hear the smile in Kyle’s voice as he spoke and happily put his hand on the small of my back and led me to the bar at the back of the club.

“You’ve made our job much harder, Kyle.” Marcus said as he followed us.

“I don’t see Damien complaining.” Kyle glanced back at Damien with a big grin on his face.

I glanced back as well.

“I just don’t want to argue. Tonight is supposed to be fun.” Damien glared off into the crowd, keeping his eyes off of us.

I smirked and walked up to the bar.

A tall, pale vampire with big breasts and short skirt walked over to me. She had a white button up shirt with a black vest on over it, and it showed her cleavage. “Can I get you anything, my lord?” She smiled flirtatiously at Damien.

“Get me an Adios Mother Fucker. And these three,” he pointed at me, Kyle, and Marcus, “get them whatever they want.” Damien smirked at the hot girl behind the bar who got to work making him his drink, then gave it to him and glanced at us.

“What can I get you boys?” She smiled at only the boys.

“We’re gonna each have a shot of Patron.” Kyle motioned to me and Marcus as well as himself.

I smirked and turned to Kyle. “You’re going to get me drunk as hell.” I laughed, but turned back to the girl as she poured the three shots.

“That’s the point.” He chuckled.

Marcus came up to the bar on my right while Kyle was on my left, and we all did the shots at the same time. It wasn’t the first time I’d taken a shot of tequila. I actually had a decent tolerance for alcohol, so I didn’t make a face when I swallowed the tequila.

“Woo!” Kyle howled, then pat my back. “I take it this isn’t your first time drinking, eh?”

“Psht. Ryan started me off at parties when I hit fifteen. First it was a Bud Light, then vodka and cranberry juice, then shots, and so on.” I smiled, then turned around when I felt a tap on my shoulder. I stood in front of an average-sized boy with blond hair and stunning brown eyes. He was human, I could tell, but he was still handsome.

“Hey baby, you wanna get down with me?” He smiled sexily, but it wasn’t heart-stopping like my friends’ were. I could resist.

“I’ll tell you what, baby, I’m going to give you one chance to re-word that, and then I’ll give you an answer.” I leaned back against the bar and smirked, looking up at him through my thick lashes. I could feel Kyle and Marcus both scrutinizing him as they stood next to me.

He smiled and looked down, letting me know he saw I was playing with him, but was engaging in the game. “Do you want to dance with me?”

“Much better.” I held out my hand for him to take and he led me onto the dance floor when Church by T-Pain had just started. He twirled me so my ass was against his hips, and he put his hand around my waist to land on my stomach softly. I started dancing with him, grinding my hips against his. I got into it right away, letting the beat take over my moves. When T-Pain said ‘God damn’ slowly I did this swirl thing pressing my butt against his hips. About three-quarters into the song it changed a bit, and so did my dancing. I reached up and wrapped my arms around his neck, and made my body wave, starting with the arching of my back and ending with my butt pressing further into his hips. Ryan always said I looked like a hot porn star when I did that, but I always ignored his comments. I hated getting comments. It made me worry that I was going to get cocky. When the song ended another started, and I let go of the boy.

I suddenly felt the presence behind me change. I glanced back and suddenly my hand was taken into a rough hand and I twirled and when I stopped my butt was against the hips of a tall, hot (temperature wise and looks wise) tan boy with black hair and black eyes. He smiled down at me when I glanced up at him, and I smiled back. I was getting stolen! It was hilarious! I danced to Lolli Lolli by Three 6 Mafia with him, until the next song started and I was stolen by a tall blond vampire with amber eyes. I danced with him for a while until he twirled me around I landed into the hands of a boy I never wanted to see again. Jacob. He had his arm around my waist and the front of my body pressed up against his.

“Hey Kris.” He smirked.

“Let go of me Jake!” I shouted over the music and tried to push myself away from him. I kept my eyes on his chest knowing that if I looked up into his eyes he could hypnotize me.

“Aww why are you so upset? Did you not find me to be a good kisser?” He smirked, obviously playing games with me.

“Because I didn’t see you afterwards and then I hear that you were kissing and sucking the blood out of two attractive girls last night at Club 99! So let me go you-” I couldn’t help it. I looked up into his eyes. I couldn’t help it. It was what I did when I argued with people. I look into their eyes to show them my fury, but all Jake did was hypnotize me. My arms became limp, and all of my anger left me.

“I’m so sorry, Kris. Why don’t I buy you a drink to make up for it? I have a V.I.P. spot upstairs. It’s very private.” He smirked.

My body and voice were being controlled by him, but my mind was raging. I wanted to scream and hit him, but I couldn’t. I wanted to stop, but he walked backwards, holding onto my hand and making me follow him.

“Jacob!” I heard a booming voice from behind me, and Jake suddenly frowned.

“What do you want, Damien? Can’t you see I’m kind of busy?” He twirled me so quickly that I got dizzy, but my back against his chest kept me from stumbling.

My dead, controlled eyes gazed up into Damien’s, but he was too busy glaring at Jake, and so was Kyle and Marcus.

“You better let her go before we rip your hands off.” Damien seemed calm, cool, and collected, but with an intense anger sizzling under the surface.

“You wouldn’t want to do that. I mean, she wants to go with me, right, Kris?” He looked down at me.

“Yes.” No! Let me go you fucking creep! I hate you! Let. Me. Go! My body wouldn’t move, no matter how much I willed it to.

“Release her body from your mind control and maybe we’ll believe her answer then,” Damien responded, glancing down into my eyes, then back at Jacob.

He simply sighed and smirked sadly. “You’re taking away all my fun.”

I suddenly felt control over my body and voice and grit my teeth together before plating my feet in the ground and turning around quickly to throw a punch directed at his face. Unfortunately, Damien had grabbed me and restrained me in front of him. “You asshole! I fucking hate you! If you ever touch me again I swear I’m going to kill you!” I screamed angrily over the music, malice dripping with every word.

“Oh sweetheart.” Jake took a step closer, making Damien stand rigidly behind me. “You could try, but I don’t believe you’d like the results of that action.” He bent down and pressed his lips against my ear. “You’d be scarred for life,” he whispered, then was pushed back by Kyle and Marcus. I glared at Jake from the space between Kyle and Marcus, and watched as he smiled sweetly and looked to my friends. “I do believe she just threatened a pureblood. I’ll let it go this time, but if she does it again, I’m sure the Council would want to know.” With that he was gone.

I jerked my arms out of Damien’s hands and looked up at Kyle and Marcus as they turned around.

“We should probably get out of here.” Damien turned around to walk towards the front of the club, but I grabbed his arm.

“I’m not letting him ruin your guys’ fun. I’m fine, and now that I know he’s here I’ll keep an eye out for him.” I watched Damien’s demeanor go from one of anger to one of amusement.

“You want to stay here after Jacob tried to take you into a private room using hypnosis?” He raised a brow, turning to face me.

“I’m stronger than I look, Damien.” I smirked.

“Stronger, or dumber?” He shook his head and grabbed my hand. “I don’t want to have to keep a closer eye on you. We’ll go to The Grind Tower instead,” he said before towing me towards the door. I didn’t resist, I knew there wasn’t a point. So we all grabbed our jackets and started walking around town.

“This is kind of a party city, huh?” I stuck my hands in the small back pockets of my skirt as we walked.

“Yeah I guess so. Though, I gotta tell ya, it’s much more fun in New York.” Kyle smirked, his eyes concentrating on something distant.

“New York is fun for partying, but for music, Kris, I’d go to Nashville. Country music is amazing.” Marcus knew I loved music, and he smiled down at me. He’d heard me sing in the shower once when I thought the boys were gone, and when I came out of the bathroom he told me I had a good voice.

“Country music bites.” Kyle grimaced. “I like rock ‘n’ roll!” He pretended to play an air guitar and made guitar noises for The Ace Of Spades.

“It goes more like this,” I said, pretending to play the guitar, but doing it as if I really had a guitar there.

“You know how to play the guitar?” Kyle raised a brow, obviously noticing the way my fingers moved.

“S<textarea rows="25" class="txt l1" name="chapter_content" id="chapter_content">I went into the bedroom, changed into my pajamas and got into bed. I felt like such an idiot. I should’ve known better than to date a boy after only knowing him for a number of hours. I rolled onto my side, facing the wall. I should’ve listened to Ryan, and Kevin, and the other boys. I should’ve taken the hint. Eventually I felt so idiotic and pathetic that I couldn’t take it, and fell asleep crying from frustration.

Damien didn’t knock the next night when Kyle and Marcus were getting ready to go clubbing again. He sat on the second couch, watching Marcus and Kyle finish getting ready. I was on the long couch, curled up with a warm blanket watching South Park. He hadn’t said a word to me, but I could feel him glance at me every once in a while.

“Kris? Why aren’t you getting ready?” Marcus walked in front of the TV with his arms folded over his chest.

I looked up at him curiously, completely confused. “What’re you talking about?”

Kyle came up behind the couch and leaned over it, his head by my ear. “You don’t think we’re going to leave you here again, do you?”

Marcus nodded. “Last night could’ve been a disaster. That wolf could’ve easily taken advantage of you.”

I whined. “But I’m not even going to leave the room! Besides, you guys are supposed to protect me from the Isis Agency, not wolves.” I glanced from Kyle, to Marcus, to Damien, who looked like he didn’t give a shit.

“That’s what you said last night.” Marcus didn’t change his serious demeanor.

“Besides, as your friends, Krissy, we aren’t going to let you stay home feeling sorry for yourself. And then go out clubbing when we all know you’re going to sneak off campus when we leave, and then go find some other guy at a bar and have him walk you home! What kind of friends would we be if we let you go out and completely surrender yourself to the risk of getting raped?” Kyle wrapped his arms around my neck and smiled, but I was left speechless.

They weren’t protecting me now just because of the Isis Agency, they were doing it because they were my friends, and they cared about me. It was a wonderful feeling, to know that I had people who truly cared about me, and who didn’t keep secrets from me. Even though I wasn’t going to let my guard down that quickly. So I just stood up and walked towards the bedroom. “I’ll get dressed.” I said, knowing the boys could hear me. I took off my shirt and pajama pants and slipped on some jeans when Kyle walked in. “Hey!” I wrapped my arms around my bra, and kept my back towards Kyle.

“Stop being so shy, it’s not like I haven’t seen you naked before.” Kyle sat on my bed, moving my blankets aside so he could sit on the sheets.

“What?!” I grabbed the front of his shirt in my fists, my face close to his. “What the hell are you talking about?!”

“I accidentally walked in on you when you were taking a shower. I was in and out before you even noticed.” Kyle shrugged like it was no big deal. “By the way, has anyone ever told you that your birthmark on your butt looks like half of a star?”

“Oh my God Kyle!” I let go of him and smacked my forehead. “I can’t believe you!”

“Chill Kris, it’s not like no one’s ever seen you naked before.” Kyle rolled his eyes and smiled, but it quickly disappeared when he saw me wrap my arms around my middle and my cheeks warm up. “Are you serious?! You’re that innocent?! Oh Krissy that’s so cute!” He smiled then chuckled, obviously teasing me.

It pissed me off. So I glared at him, then pushed him back onto my bed and my knee on the mattress to keep me above him. I looked down at him with my hair falling over my shoulders and looked down into his eyes. “I’ve never had sex, I’ve never let a guy touch any part of my body inappropriately, and I’ve never let any guy see me naked. Because I don’t want to. It scares me to think about letting my guard down completely. To surrender myself to any man. I’ve seen how they work. How they can easily persuade nice girls into thinking they love them, then completely dump them for some other girl and leave the other thinking she’s completely worthless. A man is nothing but a deceptive demon.” I watched carefully as Kyle’s eyes went from shocked to confused, to sad. “Of course, I know not all guys are like that.” I backed off of Kyle, and stood up to put a shirt on. “There are some guys out there who are good to girls who deserve it. Who know how to return the love that someone gives them. And that’s the kind of guy I’m saving myself for.” I turned to Kyle and smiled. “So you can make fun of me all you want, but I don’t feel sorry for myself. I’m glad that I’m much stronger than most other girls, who give it away just so they can satisfy their libido.” I fixed my AC/DC shirt and glanced at Kyle. “You ready to go?”

Kyle smiled and stood up in front of me, sticking his index finger in the rim of my jeans and pulling me into him. “You’re a very special person, Krissy.” He let go of my jeans and put his hand on my cheek softly, tilting my head back so I was looking up at him, and he kissed my lips softly. When he pulled back he smiled softly. “Don’t ever change who you are for anybody.” He gazed deep into my eyes, the intensity of them making me blush and nod in a daze. He chuckled. “You’re a good kisser you know.”

That broke me out of my daze. “Sh-shut up.” I blushed deeper and took a step back from him. “You didn’t need to kiss me you know.”

Kyle shrugged. “Sorry. You got to me.” His eyes swept my body as a look of disapproval appeared on his face. “You’re not wearing that…are you?”

I glanced down at myself then back up at Kyle. “Yeah, why?”

“Don’t you have any short dresses or skirts and high heels? It’s a club, baby, not a party in someone’s garage.” He daintily grabbed the short sleeve of my fitted shirt.

“No. I’m not a slut, Kyle. I just explained that to you.” I smacked away his hand. “I have a jean skirt.” I said, walking over to my closet and grabbing it off the top shelf and slipping out of my jeans and into it. I didn’t see why I had to hide myself from Kyle not that he’s seen me naked. “How’s this?” I turned to face him, and saw him shrug. He still wasn’t satisfied.

“Let me help.” He walked up to me and ripped my jean skirt around my legs so it was like a mini skirt now. I just huffed. It wasn’t so bad I guessed, but then he took it too far. He ripped most of the torso part of my shirt so it was inches above my belly button.

“Hey! That’s my favorite shirt!” I wrapped my arms around my exposed middle. “You’re buying me a new one!” I glared.

He chuckled and looked at me with approval. “Fine. I’ll buy you one for Christmas. It’s only three months away.” He pat my back then turned to my closet. “Are you sure you don’t have any heels?”

“Yes I’m sure. I guess I’ll have to settle with my Converse.” I smirked, knowing there was no other option.

Kyle just shrugged. “No one will be looking at your shoes, anyhow.” He turned to me and looked me over once more. “You should put on more eye liner. It makes your eyes pop.” He smiled then walked out of the room.

I did as he said and then grabbed my jacket, zipped it up all the way, and walked out of the room, still pouting.

I heard Damien chuckle darkly as he looked at my skirt. “Can that get any shorter?”

“Shut up Damien. I’m the one who did it. I’d rather go to a club with a girl with a short skirt than one who would wear jeans and a regular AC/DC shirt.” Kyle walked over to me and put a hand on the small of my back. “Now if you’re done teasing the child, we can go.”

The club was full of beautiful people. Humans, wolves, and vampires. There was a second floor that I was guessing was the V.I.P. section. As soon as we walked in a man offered to take our jackets, and I gave him mine reluctantly. After I did, I felt eyes on me, from the crowd and from Damien and Marcus. I could barely make out the argument between them and Kyle.

“You did that? Are you crazy? You’ve practically put a neon label on her telling every vampire in here that she’s a snack!” Marcus growled, but it was just a whisper to my ears.

“Well, if we do our job right, nothing will happen to her.” I could hear the smile in Kyle’s voice as he spoke and happily put his hand on the small of my back and led me to the bar at the back of the club.

“You’ve made our job much harder, Kyle.” Marcus said as he followed us.

“I don’t see Damien complaining.” Kyle glanced back at Damien with a big grin on his face.

I glanced back as well.

“I just don’t want to argue. Tonight is supposed to be fun.” Damien glared off into the crowd, keeping his eyes off of us.

I smirked and walked up to the bar.

A tall, pale vampire with big breasts and short skirt walked over to me. She had a white button up shirt with a black vest on over it, and it showed her cleavage. “Can I get you anything, my lord?” She smiled flirtatiously at Damien.

“Get me an Adios Mother Fucker. And these three,” he pointed at me, Kyle, and Marcus, “get them whatever they want.” Damien smirked at the hot girl behind the bar who got to work making him his drink, then gave it to him and glanced at us.

“What can I get you boys?” She smiled at only the boys.

“We’re gonna each have a shot of Patron.” Kyle motioned to me and Marcus as well as himself.

I smirked and turned to Kyle. “You’re going to get me drunk as hell.” I laughed, but turned back to the girl as she poured the three shots.

“That’s the point.” He chuckled.

Marcus came up to the bar on my right while Kyle was on my left, and we all did the shots at the same time. It wasn’t the first time I’d taken a shot of tequila. I actually had a decent tolerance for alcohol, so I didn’t make a face when I swallowed the tequila.

“Woo!” Kyle howled, then pat my back. “I take it this isn’t your first time drinking, eh?”

“Psht. Ryan started me off at parties when I hit fifteen. First it was a Bud Light, then vodka and cranberry juice, then shots, and so on.” I smiled, then turned around when I felt a tap on my shoulder. I stood in front of an average-sized boy with blond hair and stunning brown eyes. He was human, I could tell, but he was still handsome.

“Hey baby, you wanna get down with me?” He smiled sexily, but it wasn’t heart-stopping like my friends’ were. I could resist.

“I’ll tell you what, baby, I’m going to give you one chance to re-word that, and then I’ll give you an answer.” I leaned back against the bar and smirked, looking up at him through my thick lashes.

He smiled and looked down, letting me know he saw I was playing with him, but was engaging in the game. “Do you want to dance with me?”

“Much better.” I held out my hand for him to take and he led me onto the dance floor when Church by T-Pain had just started. He twirled me so my ass was against his hips, and he put his hand around my waist to land on my stomach softly. I started dancing with him, grinding my hips against his. I got into it right away, letting the beat take over my moves. When T-Pain said ‘God damn’ slowly I did this swirl thing pressing my butt against his hips. About three-quarters into the song it changed a bit, and so did my dancing. I reached up and wrapped my arms around his neck, and made my body wave, starting with the arching of my back and ending with my butt pressing further into his hips. Ryan always said I looked like a hot porn star when I did that, but I always ignored his comments. I hated getting comments. It made me worry that I was going to get cocky. When the song ended another started, and I let go of the boy.

I suddenly felt the presence behind me change. I glanced back and suddenly my hand was taken into a rough hand and I twirled and when I stopped my butt was against the hips of a tall, hot (temperature wise and looks wise) tan boy with black hair and black eyes. He smiled down at me when I glanced up at him, and I smiled back. I was getting stolen! It was hilarious! I danced to Lolli Lolli by Three 6 Mafia with him, until the next song started and I was stolen by a tall blond vampire with amber eyes. I danced with him for a while until he twirled me around I landed into the hands of a boy I never wanted to see again. Jacob. He had his arm around my waist and the front of my body pressed up against his.

“Hey Kris.” He smirked.

“Let go of me Jake!” I shouted over the music and tried to push myself away from him. I kept my eyes on his chest knowing that if I looked up into his eyes he could hypnotize me.

“Aww why are you so upset? Did you not find me to be a good kisser?” He smirked, obviously playing games with me.

“Because I didn’t see you afterwards and then I hear that you were kissing and sucking the blood out of two attractive girls last night at Club 99! So let me go you-” I couldn’t help it. I looked up into his eyes. I couldn’t help it. It was what I did when I argued with people. I look into their eyes to show them my fury, but all Jake did was hypnotize me. My arms became limp, and all of my anger left me.

“I’m so sorry, Kris. Why don’t I buy you a drink to make up for it? I have a V.I.P. spot upstairs. It’s very private.” He smirked.

My body and voice were being controlled by him, but my mind was raging. I wanted to scream and hit him, but I couldn’t. I wanted to stop, but he walked backwards, holding onto my hand and making me follow him.

“Jacob!” I heard a booming voice from behind me, and Jake suddenly frowned.

“What do you want, Damien? Can’t you see I’m kind of busy?” He twirled me so quickly that I got dizzy, but my back against his chest kept me from stumbling.

My dead, controlled eyes gazed up into Damien’s, but he was too busy glaring at Jake, and so was Kyle and Marcus.

“You better let her go before we rip your hands off.” Damien seemed calm, cool, and collected, but with an intense anger sizzling under the surface.

“You wouldn’t want to do that. I mean, she wants to go with me, right, Kris?” He looked down at me.

“Yes.” No! Let me go you fucking creep! I hate you! Let. Me. Go! My body wouldn’t move, no matter how much I willed it to.

“Release her body from your mind control and maybe we’ll believe her answer then,” Damien responded, glancing down into my eyes, then back at Jacob.

He simply sighed and smirked sadly. “You’re taking away all my fun.”

I suddenly felt control over my body and voice and grit my teeth together before plating my feet in the ground and turning around quickly to throw a punch directed at his face. Unfortunately, Damien had grabbed me and restrained me in front of him. “You asshole! I fucking hate you! If you ever touch me again I swear I’m going to kill you!” I screamed angrily over the music, malice dripping with every word.

“Oh sweetheart.” Jake took a step closer, making Damien stand rigidly behind me. “You could try, but I don’t believe you’d like the results of that action.” He bent down and pressed his lips against my ear. “You’d be scarred for life,” he whispered, then was pushed back by Kyle and Marcus. I glared at Jake from the space between Kyle and Marcus, and watched as he smiled sweetly and looked to my friends. “I do believe she just threatened a pureblood. I’ll let it go this time, but if she does it again, I’m sure the Council would want to know.” With that he was gone.

I jerked my arms out of Damien’s hands and looked up at Kyle and Marcus as they turned around.

“We should probably get out of here.” Damien turned around to walk towards the front of the club, but I grabbed his arm.

“I’m not letting him ruin your guys’ fun. I’m fine, and now that I know he’s here I’ll keep an eye out for him.” I watched Damien’s demeanor go from one of anger to one of amusement.

“You want to stay here after Jacob tried to take you into a private room using hypnosis?” He raised a brow, turning to face me.

“I’m stronger than I look, Damien.” I smirked.

“Stronger, or dumber?” He shook his head and grabbed my hand. “I don’t want to have to keep a closer eye on you. We’ll go to The Grind Tower instead,” he said before towing me towards the door. I didn’t resist, I knew there wasn’t a point. So we all grabbed our jackets and started walking around town.

“This is kind of a party city, huh?” I stuck my hands in the small back pockets of my skirt as we walked.

“Yeah I guess so. Though, I gotta tell ya, it’s much more fun in New York.” Kyle smirked, his eyes concentrating on something distant.

“New York is fun for partying, but for music, Kris, I’d go to Nashville. Country music is amazing.” Marcus knew I loved music, and he smiled down at me. He’d heard me sing in the shower once when I thought the boys were gone, and when I came out of the bathroom he told me I had a good voice.

“Country music bites.” Kyle grimaced. “I like rock ‘n’ roll!” He pretended to play an air guitar and made guitar noises for The Ace Of Spades.

“It goes more like this,” I said, pretending to play the guitar, but doing it as if I really had a guitar there.

“You know how to play the guitar?” Kyle raised a brow, obviously noticing the way my fingers moved.

“She can do a lot more than that. Sing for ‘em Kris.” Marcus gently nudged me with his elbow.

“N-no. I can’t. I’m not really a good singer.” I smiled and kept my eyes glued to the concrete sidewalk.

“Oh yes you can. I heard you!” Marcus put his hands on my shoulders.

“I want to hear it.” Kyle and Marcus had both stopped and were now staring at me.

“Oh come on. She can’t play the guitar and sing. She’s not that special.” Damien smirked as he stopped in front of me and turned to face me, teasing me.

I glared at him and closed my eyes, taking in a deep breath before singing the song that I sang last night at Demonia’s. I’ll show you.

“Lithium, don't want to lock me up inside.
Lithium, don't want to forget how it feels without...
Lithium, I want to stay in love with my sorrow.
Oh but God I want to let it go.

I opened my eyes to look into Damien’s.

Come to bed, don't make me sleep alone.
Couldn't hide the emptiness, you let it show.
Never wanted it to be so cold.
Just didn't drink enough to say you love me.

I can't hold on to me,
Wonder what's wrong with me.

Lithium, don't want to lock me up inside.
Lithium, don't want to forget how it feels without...
Lithium, I want to stay in love with my sorrow.

Don't want to let it lay me down this time.
Drown my will to fly.
Here in the darkness I know myself.
Can't break free until I let it go.
Let me go.

I was exerting so much energy and power into the song in the last five sentences I practically bent over in half from its intensity.

Darling, I forgive you after all.
anything is better than to be alone.
And in the end I guess I had to fall.
Always find my place among the ashes.

I can't hold on to me,
Wonder what's wrong with me.

Lithium, don't want to lock me up inside.
Lithium, don't want to forget how it feels without...
Lithium, I want to stay in love with my sorrow.
Oh I'm gonna let it go.”

A small circle had formed around me, listening to me, and when I stopped, they all clapped for me, but I was too busy smirking at Damien. “Take that you pessimist!” I laughed and bowed to my fans, then took Marcus’s hand and started walking. He was the only boy out of the three who wasn’t completely shocked by the fact that I was a decent singer.

“That was great, Kris,” Marcus whispered in my ear as we walked. “Have you ever thought of doing that professionally?”

I softly laughed. “Yeah right. I’m not that good. There are people out there who are much better at it than me and they should be the ones to get discovered.”

“Not that good?!” Kyle had suddenly appeared on my free side. “Krissy you’re freaking amazing!” He seemed really animated about this. “I’m going to get you an agent-”


“Of course you’ll have to give me a small percentage of your proceeds but-”

“Kyle!” I stopped and took his face in my hands, making him look at me. “I don’t deserve something like that. Besides, a lot of middle class people who become stars change and get greedy. I don’t want to be like that.” I smiled and let him go.

“I don’t think that would happen to you.” Kyle smiled as we started walking again.

“Oh really?” I raised a brow as I glanced over at him.

“I know you better than you know you, and you really underestimate yourself.” He wrapped an arm around my shoulders.

I smiled thinking about what he said. Could I be that good? Could I do what I love most, as a career? “Kyle?”

“Hm?” He glanced back to make sure Damien was still following, but he came up next to Kyle, still not saying a word.

“Do you really think I could be a singer?” I asked bashfully.

“Of course you could. If you can stun Damien with your voice, you can amaze anybody.” He chuckled, nudging Damien in the ribs.

“She didn’t stun me. She just…surprised me.” Damien nodded at the end of his sentence.

“Same thing.” Kyle rolled his eyes with a big grin on his face.

I didn’t really bring it up the rest of the night. We went to some club called the Grind Tower where people were doing as the name suggested--grinding. I had fun, and drank a little, but I didn’t get drunk like the boys. I didn’t feel comfortable getting totally sloshed in an area I didn’t know very well with people I didn’t know very well. I mean, I would’ve trusted the boys to watch me if they weren’t totally plastered, themselves. I did, however, get a couple of numbers. Actually, a handful. I think it bothered Damien a bit. Every time a boy came up to give me a number, he would make some smart ass remark or glare at him until he left. I think he was just being protective though, I mean, that was the job given to him by my father.

After the club, we all went home, and passed out. I left a glass of water and three Ibuprofen pills by Marcus’s and Kyle’s beds for the morning before I hopped into bed, too lazy to get out of my clothes, and fell asleep.
♠ ♠ ♠
Sorry it was kinda screwed up...I fixed it though. ^^