Blissful Ignorance: In a Vampire's World

Kissed in a Trance

Shock overtook my face. "What? I'm so sorry to hear that. But that's stupid that they blame it on you."

Jake seemed to be concentrating on something distant, like a memory. "It's alright...I'm over it." He smiled at me, then pushed the door open for me to walk out of the dorm building and out into the courtyard. There were small solar-powered lights, about ankle height, lighting up the path that lead to the cafeteria. As we walked silently, I could feel his eyes on me every couple of steps.

"I'm not going to run." I laughed slightly and smiled at him.

Jake chuckled softly. "I'm not worried about that. I just...I can't believe how amazing you are." He sounded awe-struck or something. It made me blush.

"Thanks." I said softly, looking at the ground, letting my hair make a curtain between me and him.

He stopped, and gently grabbed my arm, making me stop and turn to face him. His free hand found its way under my chin and lifted it, making my eyes look right into his. "I'm only telling' the truth, love," he said softly, like if he spoke any louder it would break thin glass. His lips got closer to mine as he leaned down, and I stretched my neck a bit to make my lips a bit closer. Right before our lips could touch, I felt a vibrate, and heard Deftone's RX Queen playing in my pocket.

I quickly took a step back from Jake, as if snapping myself back into my body and reached into my pocket to take out my cellphone. The screen read "Kevin", and I looked up at Jake quickly. "I gotta take this. I'll meet you in the cafeteria." I turned and walked away from him before he could argue, flipping open my phone as I did.


"Hey Kris! How was your first day at school?" Kevin's cheerful voice filled my ear and soothed my nerves. I was still surprised I almost kissed a guy I had just met. I mean, it wouldn't be the first time, but I had the feeling Jake wanted a relationship, not a make-out session.

"Where should I begin?" I rolled my eyes and sat at the base of the tree I had fallen out of earlier.

"That bad, huh?" Kevin asked seriously.

"Well let me lay out my day for you. First off, right after I checked in at the office, I walked out into the courtyard, and was met with hundreds of furious, rich-bitch eyes. I ran into one of them, and he was a total jerk about it. Then I met this guy named Jake who showed me around school. He's a pretty nice dude. Then I almost got into a FIST FIGHT with a tall ass butt-muncher who mistook me for being the weak, gullible type, and the asshole I ran into defended me, which pissed me off."

"Yeah I know how you are with people getting in the middle of your fights." Kevin agreed.

"Yeah. So then I walked to the cafeteria to get away, and found Jake, met a few of his friends, and then got dissed by Damien, the guy who was a dick the moment I walked into the school, so I went to a tree and hung out at the top until night came, and then I fell out of it and right into the arms of Jake-"

"You're mentioning Jake's name alot..." Kevin pointed out, suggesting that I had a crush on him. (which I did but I'm not about to let him know that)

"Shut up Kev I'm talking." I said sternly.

"Alright. Continue." He said calmly, knowing I meant no offense to that.

"Anyway, he caught me, then Damien came along and chased him off like he was a father chasing off a boy that had a crush on his daughter, so I got pissed off at him and went to my dorm room which is huge by the way, and met my cool roommates. Then I went into the bedroom area which is just one big room me and the two boys share-"

"WHAT?!" I heard Ryan's angry voice in the background and jumped a little.

"Shut up Ryan. Keep talking hun." Kevin said calmly.

I sighed but then just remained silent, wondering if I should worry the boys by telling them about my panic attack.

"Ryan, you upset her." Kevin said frustratedly towards someone else next to him.

"Sorry..." I heard Ryan's soft voice in the background.

"No it's not's just..." I looked up at the sky. "I want to come home." I forced the tears back, but my voice still cracked at the end of my sentence.

"We miss you too, Kris. And we would love to have you home, but you know that it's safer there than it is back here." I could hear the sadness and frustration in his voice as he spoke.

I tipped the end of the phone I spoke into up towards the sky, but kept the speaker to my ear, and let out a sob. This was miserable. I'd never been away from home for more than a week when I went on a Washington D.C. trip in the eighth grade. Now I was going to have to spend an entire school year away?

"Kris? Honey?" Kevin's sad voice made the tears spill over and flow down my cheeks, but I brought the phone back so I could talk.

"I gotta go Kevin. I'll call you tomorrow." I said quickly and hung up before he could say anything. I brought my knees to my chest and buried my face in them and just cried, but tried to keep it controlled so I wouldn't end up like I had earlier in the dorm.

"Kris?" Jake's voice cut through my pity party, and I looked up at him, and saw that he was on his knees in front of me, which made me jump. I hadn't even heard him walk up to me. His eyes were sad. "What's wrong?" He sat down next to me but kept his eyes on me.

I kept my eyes on the ground as I wiped the tears from my cheeks. "Nothing."

He smiled sadly, seeing right through my lie. "Come on. You can talk to me." He rubbed my back soothingly.

I looked into his eyes, then just rested my cheek against my knee. "I miss my home. I never wanted to come here, you know. I was almost kidnapped by some guys in my neighborhood when I was walking home from a party at night. Luckily my friends, Kevin and Ryan had been driving towards my house to find me and check on me probably, because I had just gotten in a fight with Ryan and that's why I was walking home so early, and they grabbed me before the other guys could. But my mom freaked out and decided to send me away for my own safety." I sniffled, and watched as his face continued to show only concern.

"That's what that whole thing was about in your room? You miss your family and friends that much?" Jake didn't say it offensively, but it still made me feel a bit like an idiot.

"Yeah. I've always had my mother to comfort me in troubled times, or talk to and hang out with my my two best friends. I always knew I'd have to live on my own someday, but not right now. This is my last year of high school, and I want to enjoy it my way." I lifted my head and watched the kids walk into the cafeteria. "I want to have my friends at my side."

Jake put his fingers under my chin and made me look at him. "You have me." He looked intensely into my eyes, and I got the same feeling he had given me earlier. I felt hypnotized, and couldn't pull back when he leaned in to kiss my lips. I even closed my eyes and fell into it, adding to the emotion in it. He put his hand gently on my cheek, then moved it down to my neck.
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Sorry this one's so short.