The Beauty of a Weeping Heart


“Oi, get out of the way!”

I felt myself roughly being pushed aside as some lower kids decided to have a chasing game in the middle of the canteen. Before I could fall however, I felt strong lean hands catch me. I turned around to see myself face to face with that annoying, piss-taking idiot again.

“You okay?”

For a moment, I was thrown. He actually looked concerned, his beautiful green eyes furrowed in worry that I couldn't help but smile shyly in return. He probably wasn't so bad really.

“Yeah...” I whispered, quickly turning my head away.

I heard him sigh. “Do I really irritate you that much?”
I turned to look at him confused. He looked quite sad and I felt slightly guilty at the way I was acting before.

“No! It's just that...I don't like to talk. “ I hesitated. “You don't have to bother with me anyway. I'm sure there's plenty of other girls that would love to get to know you.”

To my surprise, he laughed. His laugh was so infectious that I couldn't help but crack a small smile in return.

“Now if I'm not mistaken, you said more than ten words in a sentence.” He grinned.

Crap. Scowling, I realised that I was next in line for more of that shitty food they served at the canteen. I looked in disgust, as they dumped what was meant to be mashed potato, but infact, resembled dog sick onto my tray. Collecting my cutlery, I frantically scanned the tables trying to find somewhere to sit. Normally, I sat on my own somewhere but with Frankie by my side, I doubted that would happen. Already,I was getting evil glares being shot at me from all over the room.

“Hey Frankie! Liana!”

I looked up to see Dani and Zak, hand in hand walking over to us. Dani's best friend, Ria who was the one that had called our names, smiled at us. I'd always envied Ria. Pretty wasn't even enough to define her. She was gorgeous. She had beautiful black copper skin, with her dark curly brown hair that framed her face. Her eyes were a dark chocolate brown and she was always smiling. Much like Dani, she was pretty much friends with everyone.

Zak was more of a sports guy, but he was well read in poetry and had quite a thoughtful and quiet side to him as well. He was quite good looking actually, with dark brown short hair that was quite floppy. One thing that you noticed instantly about Zak was that he had quite a beautiful smile. He was always sweet to everyone.

“Guess what.” Frankie pointed at me. “I got Liana to talk. Like more than ten words in a sentence.”

I couldn't help but giggle. Their reactions were classic. Dani and Ria's mouths dropped open while even Zak looked shocked.

“No! Shut up!” Dani gasped.

“I'm deadly serious.” Frankie said.

Ria grabbed my arm. “That's it! You're eating with us! Come on, lets bag this table!”

I stared at her. “You' to be kidding right?” I asked weakly.

Dani laughed. “Once Ria's got an idea, you can't stop her. Anyway, if my cousin can get you to talk in like two hours, so can I!”

Before I could utter a single word of protest, I was dragged off to the nearest table. I tried to ignore the whispers and stares that were shot my way. I sighed in annoyance. I suppose this would make great gossip I thought gloomily.

There was awkward silence for a moment after we sat down. Zak put his arm around Dani's waist and whispered sweet nothings into her ear. She giggled and kissed his cheek, staring into his eyes. I looked away, blushing. I had always disliked public displays of affection, as it always made me painfully aware that I never had that.

Frankie looked at his plate in disgust. “Why did I even buy this?”

Surprisingly, I found myself speaking up. “Because you eat anything you're given, no matter how disgusting it looks.”

Frankie shook his head. “The rudeness of some people.”

Ria clapped her hands excitedly. “Wow. Frankie darling, I have to congratulate you on making Liana speak.”

Behind us, we heard a nasty high pitched giggle. Looking up, I found myself looking into the face of Kayla, Cass's best friend. Let me explain. The groups in our school are pretty much mix and match. There is only one rule – Don't get on the Whores bad side. Of course, we don't call them 'The Whores' to their face, unless you want to miserable for the rest of your lovely school life.

However, anyone can spot a Whorefrom a mile off. The hair colour doesn't matter, as long as you wear a ton of makeup, having big tits and a big bum. You have to dress sluttish too and bitch non stop. Unfortunately, I'm on the wrong side of Jamie, the nastiest girl in my school but my lucky sister isn't.

As she's best friends with Kayla who's good friends with Claire, one of the biggest and meanest Whores there is, she's fine. Kayla's looks are average. She has freckles, long straight mousy hair and not much makeup. However, she's a bitch and can't stand me. I still never really understood how Cass and Kayla were such good friends in the first place. I guess going to the same primary school helps.

Kayla faked a gasp. “Oh wow Liana! I didn't realise you had friends.”

Another incredibly irritating thing about the Whores and close friends of them, is that they all try and act like those blonde girls in the film Mean Girls. They obviously fail. Their American accents suck. I think that Kayla secretly wants to be a Whore, but obviously she doesn't have the right looks.

I said nothing, continually stuffing that disgusting food into my mouth. I was used to all this, and the best thing to do was just say nothing. Although it still hurt when they said cruel things like that to me.

Ria glared at her, giving Kayla the finger. “Bitch please. Move on, Liana is my friend.”

Kayla walked off in a huff in annoyance.

Frankie looked at me in concern. “You shouldn't let them push you around like that.”

I shrugged. “I'm used to it.”

“Oh lets forget about that stupid cow.” Ria said impatiently. “I know what! To break the ice, lets Truth or Dare! Right, Frankie you start first! Who you gonna ask?”

Frankie grinned, taking his time. I looked at my food nervously. I sincerely hoped he wasn't going to ask me. I knew these games, and they were way too personal for my liking.

“Ria.” He continued. “What's the furthest you've gone with a girl?”

The rest of us giggled but Ria looked thoughtful, tapping her finger on the table. “Oh...a drunken kiss. Right my turn! Hmmm....”

I felt my stomach lurch as her eyes fell on me. Shit. Please don't...

“Liana!” She smiled. “What's the furthest you've gone with a boy?”

Before I could answer, Dani giggled. “Ria please! Everyone asks that! That's so old.”

Ria tutted. “Fine, fine. Who was your last kiss?”

Who was your last kiss?

That question echoed in my head, swirling around and around. I knew who was my last kiss, that question was obvious. Jonny. I could still remember the taste of his lips against mine, pressing softly and sweetly, so beautiful that it made my heart ache. You're beautiful baby...

I thought frantically. What the hell do I say?

♠ ♠ ♠
Ok I know that is a crap name of a chapter but I couldn't think of anything else!
Also, I'll put this story on hiatus unless I get a ton of comments or something :)
Yeahh banners, layouts, criticisms, nice things?
I'd be eternally grateful.
