I Wanna Run, But Only Far Enough To Make You Miss Me

How Could You Be So Heartless?

(Jack’s POV)

The wind sent chills down my warm body, laid out in the sand. It was midday and I’d come here to think about everything, promising to be back by 5 for sound check, luckily it was now only 2.

Today was the last show we had in Los Angeles before we headed back east, finishing off our tour in our home state, Maryland. I hadn’t seen Hanna since that night at the restaurant, Alex, Zack and Ryan seen her everyday, when we weren’t practising, but I always stayed in the safety of the bus. The only time I got out of my bunk was to use the toilet, eat and play shows and now being in the fresh air, it felt good. But today I’d wanted a change so I went with Zack to the beach so I could clear my thoughts

I watched pleasantly as surfers rode waves, doing tight turns and flowed, so naturally, with the barrel. They all looked so content, as if nothing was on their minds, just them and their board at one with the ocean. I wish I could feel like that, nothing going through my head, but as usual it was a mess with thoughts. I think I understood now why Zack loved surfing so much, seeing hip paddle ferociously to catch a wave, standing up gracefully, pumping his board up and down to gain speed. Zack had always been the most athletic out of all of us, we all had a lack of hand eye co-ordination which Zack seemed to posses in large amounts.

I watched intently as Zack pulled back and began paddling back out, being closely followed by two other surfers. They seemed to shout something to him because he turned round suddenly and sat on his board, as did they, bobbing up and down with the waves. I saw Zack crack a smile while the other two laughed; I wish I knew what they were talking about.

I noticed as another person headed for their group, her long blonde hair blowing in the wind, as she glided across the waves, kneeling on the bright green board whilst paddling.

It still amazed me that even after two nights ago and after what she’d put me through, my heart still seemed to thump twice as fast when she was within viewing distance. I tried to stop it but no matter how hard I tried, I couldn’t shake the fact that I was undoubtedly and irrevocably still in love with Hanna Elizabeth Rainey, and I couldn’t do nothing in my power to stop this feeling.

(Hanna’s POV)

I let my hands swim through the chilly water, as I paddled out, on my knees, to Johnny, Stephen and what looked a lot like Zack. I hadn’t been on a board in 5 years; it was something too close to Colin’s heart. I’d forgotten how good it felt to be floating in the calm water, letting the waves direct you.

As I made my way closer I saw that the third person was in fact Zack, it didn’t surprise me though, that he was out in the water, he loved to surf and used to go with Colin, when I visited five years ago.

I used surfing to vent my emotions, years ago when I used to come to LA each summer. I’d always take to the waves if Colin was out with one of his a-hole girlfriends, and the pain was too much to bear.

Zack suddenly noticed me and waved enthusiastically, causing Johnny and Stephen to turn.

“Hanna, what are you doing out here?” Johnny asked in surprise, he knew how I felt about surfing.

“I needed to vent,” I replied

They both nodded solemnly, knowing what I meant before Stephen asked,

“Do you remember how to, you know surf and shit,” he said smiling wickedly.

“It’s like riding a bike,” I answered, “gotta go, my ride’s here.” I shouted before splashing them, turning and paddling with all my might, to keep up with the crest of the wave.

Suddenly I was on the crest, nearly forgetting to pop up and stared with wide eyes at the mass of churning water below. At the last moment I quickly stood up, before the barrel took me. I glided quickly across the waves, taking sharp turns letting my hand trail through the wave. I remembered this feeling, letting the wave take you, feeling it’s force behind you as you shot through the water, I felt on top of the world. My worries faded away, I was in heaven again as a wide smile grew across my face.

(Zack’s POV)

I watched Hanna dominate the wave and caught a glimpse of her face as she did a cutback; it was a look of pure pleasure. I’d never knew she could surf because whenever I’d gone out with Colin she’d stay, sunbathing, on the beach with the rest of them. She surfed the wave as if it was second nature, doing turns like a pro, and I knew she’s learnt from the master. Colin was one of the best surfers I’d ever seen, and he’d helped me out a lot.

I wondered if Jack had seen Hanna yet, he was lying on the beach somewhere, probably lost in though so I doubted that

(Jack’s POV)

I watched silently as Hanna took to the wave like a duck took to water, she was simply breathtaking. Her, now wet, blonde hair was being whipped around by the wind and she moved her body in time with the wave. It reminded me of the night we’d made love, all those years ago. How we’d moved in sync with each other and made us one, if only for a few minutes.

I watched as the others, Zack included, caught a wave and made their wave back to the beach, following Hanna. As the two other mystery surfers got closer I realised that they were the same two from a few nights ago, my face set in a deep frown as I stared down the taller of the two remembering the way he’d held Hanna.

The got back on to the beach, but were a bit farther down that were I was sitting. I watched as Zack pointed in my general direction before they all nodded happily and started walking closer, each with their boards under their arms. Hanna’s, of coarse, stuck out the most, it’s bright green strips were hard to miss, and I noticed as she turned it a bit that on the underside the word ‘fuck’ was spray painted in black. I sighed as I recalled that that was Colin’s old board, his favourite, Hanna had graffitied on it one summer long ago before she left to go back to England, before I had any knowledge of her existence.

As the group grew closer I lay back down and closed my eyes, pretending to be asleep, I didn’t think I could face her straight out.

(Hanna’s POV)

I smiled with ease as we all exited the water, remembering how wonderful the feeling of surfing was, and why these boys enjoyed it so much.

“Hey guys, I’ve got a plan,” Zack said excitedly, “why don’t you come to our show tonight, it’s the last one in LA before we leave and it’s mean so much to everyone if you were there.”

He directed the last part to me, I sighed and reluctantly nodded.

“You two coming?” Zack asked Johnny and Stephen

“Can we bring Tess and Eric?” Johnny asked

“Well if it’s ok with momma bear than it’s fine with me!” Zack smirked at me

“Fine, gawd you people sure do know how to gang up!” I pouted.

“Aww it’ll be fun, you know you’re longing to come to a show, you’ve missed them haven’t you?” Zack smiled, knowing my answer

“Maybe a tinsy little bit,” I indicated with my fingers

“Good, now come over to were I left my stuff so I can give you the backstage passes” He smiled enthusiastically before grabbing my hand and dragging me up the beach.

“How did you know to bring the passes?” Stephen queried

“Well, I knew I’d get Hanna to cave in, she always does for me, I’m her saviour” he winked while I smacked his arm, knowing that he meant the night we caught Jack cheating and how much he’d been there for me after that.

As we got close to were Zack had left his towel I noticed a pale body lying in the sand, the sun reflecting off him causing me to shield my eyes. His brown, highlighted hair was being casually blown around by the calm wind as his chest rose and fell to a steady beat. I let my eyes linger on his perfect mouth, those soft full lips that I longed to reconnect with my own, but then my eyes strayed down his smooth neck and to his chest, still at 25, with not one hair on it. His torso looked as if angels had carved it, so skinny yet the definition was apparent, my eyes wondered down the trail of hair that began at his belly button my then disappeared under his bathing suit. I had to stop there and close my eyes, not wanting to imagine what lay underneath, knowing that I wouldn’t be able to control myself.

“Oh yer about that,” Zack whispered in my ear indicating towards the godlike man sleeping in the sand, “sorry I forgot to tell you he was here, it just slipped my mind.”

“Don’t worry about it,” I managed to squeak out, my voice quivering with every word.

Zack made his way quietly towards his bag and rummaged around before producing four pink laminates.

“Dude,” Johnny shout-whispered attempting not to wake the sleeping Jack, “there are five of us,”

“I know, don’t worry, Eric’ll be able to get in. I tell the security that there’s one extra with you,” Zack replied with ease handing Johnny the passes.

We all smiled and nodded in thanks,

“We better get going, I need to pick up Eric from school, see you tonight yer?” I smiled at Zack

“Yer ok, can’t wait,”

I let my eyes fall of Jack once more and I swore I saw his eyes flicker, as if he was awake but I shrugged it off and turned with Johnny and Stephen, heading back to the car.
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thanks for all the comment ...they made me happy
unfortunately i am ill, got some weird tummy bug which is gaaaaayy but i'll still try to do an update for friday

comments will make me feel better :)