I Wanna Run, But Only Far Enough To Make You Miss Me

Ho Ho Hopefully

(Hanna’s POV)

“Come with me to Maryland”

I smiled in to my boyfriends beautiful eyes as we lay in bed, tangled in each other’s limbs. The past 2 months had been amazing; I’d fallen for John without a second thought. He made me feel special, like I was the only girl in the world. He fit in with my friends and was an amazing role model to Eric. With every passing day we fell more in love and couldn’t spend a minute alone. So now, as I stared in to the eyes of my breathtaking boyfriend I waited for an answer, would he or would he not brave the hash winds that were waiting for me tomorrow morning.

~The Next Day~

I stared out of the window, deep in thought, as we grabbed our luggage from the conveyor belt, Eric jumping around beside me. Outside the weather was beautiful; the ground was covered in a thick layer of pure white snow and the sky was a deep blue. I sighed and shook my head as I realized what and who was waiting for me this holidays, whether everything would run smoothly or the whole affair would end in disaster.

“Oi, wait up!”

I smiled warmly, the sound of his voice made it easier to bear and knowing John would be here to support me made everything just that little bit easier. I turned round to see him, all tall and gangly, tired from the six-hour flight. His hair was a mess and his white v-neck was crumpled but yet he still managed to look incredible, my knight in shining armor.

“Up!” Eric demanded to John, lifting his small arms to the sky. With ease John picked up my son and threw Eric over his shoulder, earning a yelp in delight.

“So you thought you’d just leave me here to live out the rest of my days in baggage reclaim?” John smirked raising an eyebrow.

“Sorry babe, I was miles away!” I sighed entwining my fingers with his as we walked towards the arrivals door. Just being a door there was nothing special about the ugly dirt brown plastic thing on a hinge but really it opened a gateway in to a past live and past memories.

The door automatically slid open, leaving no barrier to protect me for the storm about to begin. The three of us walked slowly down the long stretch of bright white floor, feeling hundreds of eyes upon me, the gazes of other people patiently waiting for their loved ones to also come through the door. I scanned the crowd of blurred faces, mentally kicking myself in the head for not putting my contacts in, looking for one face that I was ecstatic to see.

“Up ahead,” John whispered softly in my ear, sending a wave of shivers through my body. I glanced straight ahead making out a rather skinny boy, with brown hair, skinny jeans and colorful shoes, smiling giddily knowing is was my brother. As we approached I could make out his face, his eyes nearly popping out of their sockets in excitement as he smiled and waved his hands enthusiastically. I grinned in delight at the sight of my elder brother waving back furiously as I quickened my pace. Suddenly my heart stopped; there standing next to him was a figure that I hadn’t noticed. A tall lanky boy with a confused look upon his face barley cracking a smile, this smile quickly turned to a frown as his eyes trailed down to the pair of hands, John and mine. Why would he come to collect me from the airport?

(Jack’s POV)

I furrowed my eyebrows and screwed my eyes up as I noticed a familiar person gripping Hanna’s hand, carrying my son on his shoulders. What a fucking perfect family! I stared in shock at the sickening sight, John with my girl and my son, what a fucking prick. We’d been friends for over five years but now the sight of his silly grin made my stomach turn, why the fuck would he sink this low? The thought that had been plaguing my mind had finally become a reality, she’d moved on. It was no fucking use now, the plan Alex and I had been concocting in our heads for 8 weeks would not take place, and I wouldn’t get her back. I watched in anger as Hanna’s beautiful eyes located my best friend, the deep blue orbs lit up and she beamed at him showing her beautiful smile, the smile that would always have me on my knees. She lifted her hand up and waved eagerly at him but suddenly stop mid-wave, her eyes had fell on me and the perfect smile changed to a small O shape. I looked at her in confusion, willing myself to believe that she wasn’t dating John, that maybe there was a glimmer of hope that they were just friends, but my hopes were undoubtedly all in vain.

“Uncle Alex!” my son screamed as he struggled to get off John’s shoulder, who chuckled and whipped him down in an instant. Eric ran in to Alex’s waiting arms giggling in excitement, I looked on with a small smile; my unconditional love for that boy was burning inside me.

“I missed you little Eric,” Alex said ruffling my son’s hair before planting a small kiss on his head.

Eric suddenly turned towards me, looking up with a small smile playing on his lips. He stuck out his small hand, willing me to take it, which I did without a second thought. Pulling with all his might he bought me down to his level and I smiled warmly as I looked into those beautiful blue eyes.

“Daddy!” Eric screamed and flung his small body into me, wrapping his arms around my neck. I engulfed his tiny frame in my arms and breathed in his scent. He smelt like fresh roses, infusing my senses as I clung to him with all my might. A wave of pure joy and happiness washed over me as I hugged my son for the first sign, my eyes were brimming with tears but I managed to choke them back as I lifted Eric off the ground smiling in to his soft hair.

Hanna looked on at us with surprise and I swear there was a flash of elation in her eyes.
“What’s up bro,” Hanna’s said in a retarded gangster accent pulling Alex in for a hug, I smiled at their affection tightening my hold on Eric who was twiddling my blond highlight between his fingers.

“John, hey.” Alex said, surprised as I was at John’s appearance. “When you said you were bringing a friend Han, I didn’t think you meant ‘that’ kinda friend.”

I watched as she blushed profusely before blissfully smiling and turning to look at John, who too looked as if he’d just died and gone to heaven, anyone would looking in to her eyes. I watched with displeasure as he kissed her on the forehead.

“Hey Jack,” John said smiling at me, obviously not noticing the anger that was radiating off my body, but to avoid argument I smiled tightly back at him.

“Hey,” Hanna mumbled staring at the ground, shifting from side to side.

Oh joy, this was gonna be one awkward holiday.
♠ ♠ ♠
Christmas is a-coming and i just downloaded The Maine's holiday EP
you guys should all check it out!

This chapter is dedicated to
llamaXcore for commenting on the last chapter! they're awsome:)