Feels Like Home

Chapter 16

"Joey, don't go in the hall " Adrienne said to her son as she unpacked their bags at the Mirage Hotel where they were staying. Joey had been bouncing off the walls since they got off the plane, his first time to ever fly on an airplane.

"I gotta go." Billie Joe breezed into the bedroom area and kissed Adrienne and Sydney on the cheek. "I'll see you guys later. You're sure you don't mind watching Frankito and Stella?"

"No, I don't mind. Plus, Steve and Ava will be here, right? It won't be bad. Don't worry." Adrienne ushered him towards the door.

"Yeah, but you know Steve can be a bit dense so just watch him. Why are you pushing me? I can't go yet because they guys aren't here. They're dropping the kids off and then we're going to go. Are you waiting on someone else?" He looked down at her, a small grin tugging at his lips.

"You caught me," Adrienne threw up her hands in surrender. "I'm waiting on Jose the cabana boy. He's going to clean my filter once you're gone."

"Really?" Billie Joe purred as he nuzzled along her neck. "I'll deport his alien ass back to Mexico if he even tries."

There were a set of short knocks on the door and Billie Joe and Adrienne broke their embrace to open the door. Mike and Tre' stood there with their kids and stepped inside the room.
"You're sure you're okay with this Adie?" Mike asked cautiously. Stella was a little nervous spending the evening with people she didn't know, even if Mike assured her she would have fun.

"Yeah, we're going to have fun aren't we Stella?" Adrienne smiled brightly at the little girl.

Stella gave a small nod and said goodbye to her father. Frankito, on the other hand, was all ready playing with Joey, not even concerned about Tre'. This was the first time they had met and considering they were the same age, it was predicted that they would click well together.
"They grow up so fast." Tre' wiped a pretend tear away from his eye as he watched Frankito ignore him. "Bye Frankito."

"Bye Dad " Frankito yelled over his shoulder.

"He'll be fine." Adrienne assured him as the three band mates started out the door.

"Yeah, I know." Tre' said. "They should all be asleep by time we get back so let's go out later tonight. Get drunk or do something stupid before morning comes and we have to be parents again."

"Maybe." Adrienne said as she left the door cracked behind her so she could say goodbye to Billie Joe. She kissed him sweetly. "We may not do something stupid, but we'll do something fun when you get back from your little junket."

"Mmm hmmm." Billie Joe murmured as he took in her face, a train of thought steaming through his mind. He grinned and gave her another quick kiss. "I'll see you later."

Several hours later Billie Joe opened the door and led Tre' and Mike inside to find all children sleeping and their chaperones napping. Billie Joe gently shook Adrienne awake. "Adie, I'm back. You okay?"
Adrienne yawned and wiped her eyes. "Yeah, I just fell asleep a minute ago.

"Oh, do you want to go to sleep or what?" Billie Joe gently sat down on the bed, careful not to wake any sleeping child .

"I don't want to sleep." Adrienne assured him. "I want to go out. I'm in Las Vegas and I want to have fun. What?" She noticed the odd grin Billie Joe had smeared across his features.

"Nothing." His grin grew wider as he moved to sit on the arm of her chair. "Uh, let me change and we'll go out. Mike and Tre' just want to hit the strip and decide later on what to do."
"Yeah, that's what Steve and Ava want to do." Adrienne said as she followed Billie Joe to the bathroom for a quick touch up before they left.


"Okay, what do you guys want to do?" Tre' rubbed his hands together excitedly as they stood outside their hotel, the glittering lights of Vegas setting the night ablaze. "We can hit the slots, the tables, the bars, the whores, the chapels, whatever. Billie Joe, what do you want to hit?"

"That." Billie Joe grinned at Adrienne as he held her hand. That same grin he had been wearing all day.

"What? The whores?" Tre' asked confused. "With Adrienne right there? You're sick man. Oh wait, are you into that Adie? If so, you and I need to hook up some without Billie Joe, or with, I don't really have a preference at the moment."

"No." Billie Joe took both Adrienne's hands and faced her fully, ignoring Tre's comment. "The chapel."

Amid all the 'whats' and gasps, Adrienne managed a faint "What?" of her own. "Billie Joe, are you sure?"

"Yeah. Adie, I lost you once because I hesitated. I won't do it again. We can get married right here and now or we can wait and you can plan whatever event you want. I just want to marry you one way or the other." He held onto her hands as people walked by them, not noticing the famous group or actions.

Adrienne looked at her brother who gave her a wide grin and a thumbs up and back at Billie Joe. She laughed a bit. "Okay. Let's do it. Right now, let's go."

"Are you serious?" Billie Joe's grin dropped as he looked at her nervously. "Right now, you want to get married."

"Yeah." Adrienne insisted. "We're in Vegas and I'm not getting any younger and I had the full out wedding and it sucks. I just want to be with you. We can get married in a dumpster and I wouldn't care. Let's go. Right now."

"Aww This is so sweet Oh, wait, let me go get my camera " Ava shrieked as she hurried back into the hotel.

"She's a photographer." Steve shrugged when everyone gave him a curious look about his girlfriend's odd behavior. "She's really good too."


"Are you sure you want to do this?" Billie Joe asked Adrienne again as she put on the standard bride's veil at the 'Little White Chapel.'

Adrienne gave him a small smile and kissed his cheek. "Yes. Billie Joe Armstrong, I want to be your wife. I want us to be a family with the kids. I love you." She kissed him. "And if you ask me if I'm sure one more time, I'm leaving you for good."

"Just making sure." Billie Joe murmured as an attendant got their attention.

"You're next." The small woman said before she hurried over to the white organ in the corner.

"This is it." Adrienne smiled as she shoved Billie Joe towards the front of the chapel where he needed to be. She hooked arms with her brother Steve, who would give her away. "I can't believe I'm doing this." She breathed.

"Yeah, but I think it's awesome." Steve told her as they walked down the aisle. "Plus, Mom's gonna kill you."

"Yeah, well, we all got to die somehow." Adrienne told him as they came to their destination. She grinned at Billie Joe who winked at her around his smirk.

"Who gives this woman?" The minister asked.

"Me." Steve answered simply. He gave Adrienne's hand to Billie Joe and sat down in the pew with Tre' and Mike. Ava was taking pictures of the couple.

"Marriage," The minister began. "Is a serious commitment. Two people must come together in love and dedication and commitment to one another and proclaim it for all those who don't believe it. Billie Joe, do you take this woman to be your lawfully married wife, to have and to hold, in sickness and in health, for richer or poorer, as long as you both shall live?"

"I do." Billie Joe said softly, noticing the small tears in Adrienne's eyes, but her smile was steadfast and strong.

"Adrienne Michelle, do you take this man to be your lawfully married wife, to have and to hold, in sickness and in health, for richer or poorer, as long as you both shall live?"

"I do." Adrienne squeezed Billie Joe's hands in hers.

"Then by the powers invested in me by the state of Nevada and the city of Las Vegas, I announce you man and wife. You may kiss your bride."

Billie Joe kissed Adrienne firmly on the lips amid the whoops of their witnesses and the flashes of Ava's camera. "I love you."

"I love you too." Adrienne replied, kissing him again.

The couple was jostled by Mike and Tre' throwing them into a rough hug between them. "Our plans always work." Tre' muttered.

"What the Hell is up with this grand master 'plan' of yours?" Billie Joe demanded as his hand remained firmly intertwined with Adrienne's.

"Nothing, Tre' is just confused. You know how he gets when he drinks." Mike whispered to Billie Joe as he gave Tre' a secret murderous look.

"Uh, guys, we have a problem." Steve said as he looked nervously towards the doors of the chapel.

"What?" Adrienne's swell of happiness decreased.

"There's cameras and shit all outside. I think the couple who's after you called the local TV stations and it went from there." Steve nodded his head to a couple who dared to poke their heads around the threshold of the foyer.

"Fuck." Billie Joe swore as he rubbed his eyes. "Shit. Well, since you're so great with grand master plans, what do you have?" He looked at Mike and Tre'.

Mike and Tre' stuttered a bit, not having the slightest clue on what to do.

"Tre', you make a beautiful bride." Adrienne cooed as she put her veil on Tre's head and her bouquet of fake flowers in his hands. "I'm tearing up it's so sweet. And Mike, you must be so happy." She batted her eyelashes at Mike, who's mouth was open in shock.

"Fuck." Mike said under his breath. He knew what he had been dragged into.

"I'm confused." Tre' complained as he looked at the flowers in his hands. "What's going on?"

"Sweet." Steve slapped Mike on the back. "Now, I'll distract the next couple, Ava can go outside and act like you don't know what's going on but you do, Mike and Tre' do their thing, and you two," He indicated to Billie Joe and Adrienne. "Can go back to the Mirage and ask for the Honeymoon Suite. Congratulations."

Adrienne grinned widely as she hugged her brother tightly. "Thanks Stevie. I love you."

Billie Joe followed suit. "Thanks man."

"Yeah, no problem. Just don't hurt my sister or I'll kill you." He said in a no-nonsense tone to Billie Joe who raised his hands in surrender and left with Adrienne out the back door.

Ava rushed outside to the other photographers who eagerly began asking her if the marriage rumors were true about the Green Day front man. Ava didn't say anything but had her camera poised and ready for when the doors opened.

The doors opened dramatically slow to reveal a shower of stale rice showering over the bassist and drummer of Green Day holding hands, one of them dressed like a bride. The cameras began to click like mad.