Feels Like Home

Chapter 17

The next morning Adrienne watched the delicate rays of early morning light play along the features of her husband's face.

Her *husband*.

She grinned at the thought and gently brushed a stray bit of hair away from his eyes. He had defiantly changed since they were twenty but he was like a fine wine, he just got better with age.

They had only gone to sleep a few short hours ago, Adrienne barely slept. She was afraid that if she closed her eyes, this would all have been a dream when she woke up again, alone in Minneapolis, her alarm going off waking her for another monotonous day.

Adrienne leaned down and kissed the tiny lines that garnished the sides of his eyes. They were small and fine laugh lines; but they were a sign of age and what good times were to come. She
nuzzled her lips down towards his temple and then his ear where she nipped the lobe gently and tugged.

A small moan erupted deep from within Billie Joe's throat.

Adrienne grinned slightly and continued to kiss along his jawline, which was slightly rough with morning stubble, up his chin and finally to his lips where he responded eagerly. His hand crept up to her hair and tangled his fingers in it's dark curls while the other sauntered down her back under the linen sheet to her bare bottom.

"I thought it was a dream, I really did." Billie Joe confessed to her, his voice thick and husky. He looked at her through heavy lidded eyes before he moved his lips to the side of her neck.

"Then it was a good dream." Adrienne shifted her body on top of him more before she screamed when Billie Joe bit her neck in just the right spot. She hit him and giggled.

"Abusing me all ready. Shit, that has got to be a record." Billie Joe rubbed his chest where she had hit him before the wicked gleam in his eye intensified and he grabbed her firmly.

"I thought you liked your women a little wild." Adrienne teased as her hair tickled his chest.

"No," Billie Joe objected. "I like my *woman* a little wild." He flipped her over and held her arms up over her head, secured by his. She was his for ravishing. "Too bad you don't have that cowgirl hat with you."


"Mommy " Sydney flew past her Uncle Steve into her mother's arms.

"Hey baby " Adrienne hugged Sydney tightly as she picked her up and walked over to the table where everyone else was sitting. Billie Joe sat next to her and grinned a secret grin which Adrienne matched.

"Where were you?" Sydney asked in her innocent child's voice as she sat in her mother's lap.

"Billie Joe and I had to do some errands." She slid a glance over to him. "And we need to talk to you and Joey. Where's your brother?"

"He's over there with Frankito. They wouldn't let me play with them. They said I couldn't because I was a girl." She poked her lip out at Billie Joe who tugged on her ponytail in sympathy.

"We'll talk to him about that later." Adrienne promised her as Billie Joe went to retrieve Joey and they all headed back up to their original suite, the eyes of their entourage following them with identical maniacal grins.

Billie Joe opened the door and ushered them in. They sat the children down on the bed and they pulled two chairs next to it and sat down across from them. "Guys, your mom and I have something to tell you."

He took Adrienne's hand at this point, the smooth metal of the wedding band he had put on her finger only a short hour ago at a jewelers was cool against his fingers. He planned to get her an actual engagement ring soon, he just wanted to wait and surprise her.

"What?" Joey had a hint of worry in his dark eyes.

Adrienne leaned forward and put one hand on Joey's. "Well," She glanced at Billie Joe for support and her lips split into a smile. "Last night, Billie Joe and I got married."

"Yay " Sydney stood up on the bed and clapped her hands over her head in joy. "You're my Daddy now "

"Come here." Billie Joe scooped her up and sat her down in his lap. "What it means is, your mom and I are married and I'm your step-dad now. Remember how I explained this to you?"

"Your not my real daddy but your still mine." Sydney repeated from their talk back in November.

"That's right." Billie Joe praised. "It also means some other things."

"We get to move in with you? We get to live in California?" Joey guessed, his eyes more excited.

"Well, yeah." Adrienne said. "But we won't until school is out for the summer so you can finish with your class. Are you okay with that?"

"Yeah," Joey said a little glumly, some of the excitement dripped away from his face. "But I want to go to school with Frankito. And your house is cooler."

Billie Joe grinned at his new stepson. "I think we can arrange for you to go to school with Frankito next year. So I take it you two got along?"

"Yeah I think he may be my best friend since Tommy can be a jerk sometimes, he's my friend back home, and Frankito..." Joey paused and thought for a beat. "He's just cooler."

"Yeah, well, it runs in the family." Billie Joe agreed. "What do you think Sassafras?" He tickled Sydney.

"I'm happy." She said simply as she looked up at him with large eyes.

"Me too."


"How you doing Las Vegas?" Billie Joe shouted into the microphone and listened to the deafening roar of the crowd. "That's what I'm fucking talking about "

It was the New Year's Eve Green Day show. Green Day was ushering in the new year with a benefit concert for cancer research. The show was being broadcasted through pay-per-view channels live and uncut.

It was only a short bit before midnight and the crowd was pumped and ready to bring in the new year. Alcohol had been flowing freely at the concert and all audience members had a cup of something in their hands, waiting for the new year.

At the end of one of the songs, Billie Joe looked at Tre', Mike and Jason meaningfully and they wound the music down.

Billie Joe adjusted his guitar strap from cutting uncomfortably into his neck and brought his hand up to the microphone. "You know, there's been a lot of shit being said about my personal life recently." He said as he looked down and picked a random cord on his guitar.

He could feel the apprehension of the crowd hanging on his words. He looked back up. "And I think it's time I set the records straight and I want everyone to hear it and get it right. I got fucking married to the only woman I would ever love last night." He spread out his arms in surrender.

Tre' jumped up and down behind his drum set clicking his sticks in applause and Mike yelled out his support, both of which were drowned in the cheering of the crowd and the flash of cameras and lights.

"And you know what?" Billie Joe continued. "I got two great kids out of it and maybe, maybe one on the way, you never know." He laughed a bit. "I'm married." He said calmly before his voice became rough in a yell. "And I fucking love it."

"Yeah," Mike added. "And Tre' and I have annulled our marriage. Tre' just doesn't make me feel sexy."

"You're just impossible to please." Tre' shot back. "I can't be with a dictating prude."

"Match made in heaven." Billie Joe mused into the microphone, "But so hellishly wrong. Tre' is actually mine. Adie and I had a three way on our honeymoon. Tre' is our live in bitch."

Adrienne came out on stage followed by Jason's wife and Mike and Tre's girlfriends. Adrienne blushed at the welcoming shouts of the crowd as she came over to Billie Joe, it was almost time for midnight. She handed him a glass of champagne and hugged him.

"I could kill you for that." She laughed.

"What? I told you I wanted everyone to know that I loved you." He kissed her temple. "I love you Adie Armstrong."

"That wasn't the part I was referring to." Adrienne said as Tre' began to crash the cymbals behind them. Billie Joe looked at him as Tre' pointed to his watch.

"Is it time?" He voice was amplified by the microphone and echoed in the room. He glanced at the PR person who was trying to get his attention and was using his fingers to countdown the seconds until midnight. "Oh, shit. Uh, eight, seven, six, five, four, three, two, one. Happy Fucking New Year " He swept his new wife in a kiss.

The crowd had joined in for the countdown as a glittering ball dropped during the countdown. The cameras zoomed in on the band's lead man with his new wife. After they broke their kiss,

Billie Joe had said something to Adrienne that made her laugh. Their happy faces were blown up on the big screen behind them.

Billie Joe raised his glass in salute and honor to the crowd, the crowd followed suite, and took a drink of luck for the new year. He handed the empty glass to Adrienne and kissed her one more time just as the faint clicks of Tre's drumsticks met his ears. The band started their version of the New Years classic, Auld Lange Syne to bring in the new year properly.