Feels Like Home

Chapter 4

"So she's coming?" Tre' asked for the tenth time that hour. He nervously twirled his drumsticks in his hands and looked from side to side to make sure Billie Joe wasn't around.

"Yes Tre', she's here and sitting in the VIP section. We didn't need a plan, she just called and I got her on the list. Will you just chill out?" Mike hissed as he saw Billie Joe round the corner. "Shut up." He mouthed to Tre' to remind him to keep his mouth shut just in case he felt the urge to blow the plan.

"Let's do this." Without stopping, Billie Joe put his guitar on and led them on stage.

The lights weren't on yet so it was completely dark except for the small track lights to help them get to their spots. However, Mike and Tre' could barely make the silhouette of Adrienne in the VIP section sitting next to another one of their old friends from Minneapolis, Wayne chatting.

Mike inwardly groaned when he saw Caylyn sitting a few feet down from Adrienne. That could get messy if words started to fly.

Billie Joe gave the signal, it was time for the show to begin.


"And she looked up at me and said 'No dad, I'm going to whistle it.' Man, who would have thought of us as parents." Wayne said as he and Adrienne laughed before the show began. It had been years since they had seen one another and it was good to catch up.

"She sounds like my youngest, Sydney." Adrienne said when her laughter died down. "She is painfully shy around strangers. We're having problems with her at daycare socially but when she's home around her family, she's a pistol. It's her way or no way " Adrienne sighed, she was anxious for the show to begin. "But you're right. I would have never imagined us to be parents back in the day. No way."

"I know," Wayne agreed. "We were so full of ourselves and so absorbed into everything but the real world. It was all about punk, sex, and beer. You and Billie Joe were the worst. God, we couldn't pry you two apart whenever we were all together." Wayne didn't see the droop in Adrienne's grin. "But now, I have kids, you have kids, Mike has a daughter, and Tre' has one of each. Poor kids. Imagine Tre' Cool as a dad."
Adrienne laughed at the thought of Tre' changing diapers or doing homework. "Poor kids." She repeated.

"You know," Wayne continued, not noticing the slight change of Adrienne's demeanor from when he last mentioned Billie Joe. "It's a shame Billie Joe doesn't have any. He really doesn't know what he's missing. I always thought you two would have a whole house full."

"He would have made a great dad." Adrienne said softly as the lights went out, it was time for the show to begin. She could see four little figures making their way to their spots on stage. Jason White arrived only an hour ago to play the show.

Adrienne and Wayne enjoyed the first half of the show. They jumped on their seats and felt like they were back in their twenties in someone's basement at a show. Wayne had a beer in his hand and Adrienne's was on the floor empty and they were both yelling and singing along. Adrienne waved to Misty sarcastically, who was being jostled in the crowd, not enjoying herself. They were so absorbed in the show that they didn't notice someone push their way to the seat next to them.

"Excuse me " Caylyn yelled several times to get their attention over the music. "Excuse me "

Adrienne gave the woman a look. She did not understand why this woman with bleached hair and large breast implants would want to talk to her. She had never seen this woman before in her life. "What?"

"Why were you talking about Billie Joe?" Caylyn informed her, putting her hands on her small waist.

"Because we've known Billie Joe for years." Adrienne said rudely. She wanted to enjoy the show, not talk to a complete stranger. "Why should it matter to you?"

"Uh, because I'm his girlfriend and I have a right to know who is talking about my man." Caylyn sneered, giving Adrienne a lookover.

Adrienne suddenly felt self conscious about her plain jeans, black top and boots. She did not like the way this woman was looking at her and she did not like the information that she was with Billie Joe. "On, well you are welcome to him." Adrienne lied and turned back to the show.

Caylyn grabbed her arm and turned her around. "What is that supposed to mean?"

Adrienne yanked her arm away. "It means that Billie Joe and I used to date and we talked about getting married but he ran with cold feet when it got serious and you are welcome to my sloppy seconds and if you touch me again I will knock the shit out of your plastic ass." Adrienne snapped, putting more bravado in her voice than what was actually there.

"Oooooh," Caylyn reached back when Adrienne turned back to watch the show and hit her as hard as she could with large rings on her fingers.
The forced knocked Adrienne into Wayne, who kept her from falling. Her cheek was throbbing and there was only one thing she knew to do, and that was to fight back.

"Fight " Someone yelled in the VIP section as two beefy security guards yanked the two women apart. Caylyn's hair was a mess and her eye was bruising. Adrienne tasted the metallic taste of blood in her mouth and knew her lip was swelling and bleeding. They were pulled forcibly out of the booth and into separate rooms.


"Shit, shit, shit, shit, shit, shit, shit." Mike repeated over and over again. He couldn't believe that Caylyn and Adrienne had gotten into a fight. He really hoped Adrienne hit Caylyn where it hurt, but this could hurt the plan. He was headed towards the room where they had detained Adrienne, Tre' was right behind him. They both saw Wayne leave the room.

"Hey Wayne " Tre' shouted as they jogged up to meet their old friend. "What happened?"

"That chick just came up and started talking shit and she hit Adrienne and you guys know Adie, she's not going to just stand there and take it. She hit her back and it was..... awesome." Wayne said as he ran his hand behind his neck.

"What was she saying?" Mike asked seriously, overriding Tre's curious questions about the fight.

"The chick? She was saying stuff like she was Billie Joe's girlfriend and that we had no right to be talking about him and Adrienne said she was welcome to her sloppy seconds and the claws just came out." Wayne explained as crew members and security brushed past them.

Both Mike and Tre's eyebrows shot up. "Adrienne said that? Damn." Tre' gave a little laugh of surprise.

"Wait, wait. Where's Adie now?" Mike asked, more worried about her than he was Caylyn.

"She left." Wayne said simply. "She said she shouldn't have came, she needed to be with her kids, and she wasn't ready. I don't know what the not ready part means, but it must have really meant something to her for her to just run out like that. She left about twenty minutes ago. Look, I gotta go, my daughter called and she's sick so you know...."

After bidding goodbyes, Wayne left the two musicians. "This is going to ruin everything." Tre' whined as he threw his hands down to his side and then put them on his hips as they walked to the dressing room area.

Mike stopped him. "You know, we are sounding more like little girls everyday. This is not healthy."

"Aren't you going to ask me about how I am?" Caylyn shrieked at Billie Joe when he calmly took his guitar off and put it in it's case with care, not concerned with her.

After he snapped the locks shut and took a deep breath, he looked at her. "Okay, what happened?"

"Some bitch said she was your ex-girlfriend and you were going to marry her and you got cold feet and she and that other guy were just really talking smack about you because you don't have kids, like you would want kids, and..."

"Wait, wait. Just shut up." Billie Joe held up one hand to stop her and the other to pinch the bridge of his nose, he felt a migraine coming on. "How do you know I don't want kids? Who was she?"

"Uh, I didn't stop to get her name. All I know is that she's a bitch and since when did you want kids?" Caylyn talked so widely with her mouth, that Billie Joe could see her chewed up gum with every syllable she spoke. It was beginning to gross him out.

Billie Joe took off his tie and threw it to the side and started to unbutton his shirt to change. "What did she look like." His back was to Caylyn and his imagination was running wild. There was only one woman in Minneapolis, the world, who could say things like that.

"Short. Dark hair." Caylyn paused to chew her gum more. "Uh, short. She wasn't that pretty. Looked a little chunky."

"Brown eyes? Curly hair?" Billie Joe asked, placing each piece into an intricate puzzle. The 'chunky' comment irked him because Caylyn thought that every curvy woman, especially one with kids, was fat. Of course, Caylyn had no fat on her so that may be why.

"I guess." Caylyn was really getting bored with this conversation and was having more fun watching Billie Joe change his clothes. "Baby, you know what you're doing to me?" She purred as she seductively crossed her legs.

"Adrienne." Billie Joe whispered as he half tucked his shirt in, not paying any attention to Caylyn. "Adie."