Feels Like Home

Chapter 8

Billie Joe buckled his belt as Adrienne stirred lightly in the bed. The rays of morning were beginning to stream through the curtains of the suite and dance across the features of her face. He leaned down and gently brushed a piece of her hair away from her face and kissed her forehead softly.

Billie Joe straightened back up and looked for his room key.

"Mmmm, where are you going?" Adrienne mumbled groggily when she cracked her eyes open to find Billie Joe dressed and getting ready to leave. A prickle of fear inched into her heart at the fear of him leaving again.

"I have a meeting with the guys downstairs. It won't take half an hour and then I'll come back up here and do whatever you want." He kissed her and grinned as her hands ran seductively down his pants. "Whatever you want." He purred.

Adrienne gave a wicked giggle. "I'm going to go take a shower while you're downstairs. Tell the guys I said hey."

"Suck. I wanted to take a shower with you when I got back." Billie Joe whined as Adrienne crawled out of the bed, the sheet wrapped around her body.

"I can take another one." Adrienne gently touched his cheek before she kissed him. She couldn't get enough of his kisses and had no intention of running out of them again.

"Don't get too clean." Billie Joe pulled away and watched her go into the bathroom. She gave him a flirty wave and smirk before she closed the door behind her. Billie Joe jumped a little bit in excitement and couldn't wait to get the meeting over with Tre' and Mike.

"Will these do Billie?" Their stylist asked from the next room. Billie Joe had asked her to bring some clothes for Adrienne since she came in sleep clothes and no shoes.

Billie Joe looked at the jeans, shoes and tops on the furniture. "Yeah, they're great. Thanks Amy." He gave her a quick hug and peck on the cheek before they both went out the door.

When Billie Joe reached the restaurant of the hotel, he quickly saw Mike and Tre' and hurried to join them and get the meeting over with. "Hey, what's up." He sat down and made himself comfortable.
"You smell like sex. You got some." Tre' announced as an elderly couple looked over at them in shock.

"How do you always know that?" Billie Joe grinned and began to jingle his leg, wanting to get back upstairs for his shower with Adrienne.

"It's a gift." Tre' drank his coffee as he leaned back in his chair, proud of himself.

"Wait, I thought Caylyn went to some friends' house last night." Mike mused aloud, casting a glance at Billie Joe, who wore a goofy grin.

"She did." His grin grew.

"Then... Who?" Mike gave Billie Joe a piercing look.

"Shit Mike, can't a guy have a little quiet spank time without you trying to get in on it." Tre's voice was louder than necessary and the elderly couple quickly left their neighboring table.

"I was with Adrienne." Billie Joe told them, heading off an argument.

Both Tre' and Mike forgot the insult they were about to fling at the other and stared at Billie Joe, their mouths open.

"You mean the plan worked?" Tre' was the first to speak.


"What he means," Mike gave Tre' an evil look, "Is that we thought you were over Adrienne and she was over you."

Billie Joe nonchalantly picked at tablecloth. "Yeah, well, you thought wrong. Can we get this shit over with? Adrienne is still waiting upstairs you know. Oh, she said 'hey' by the way."

"Hey." Tre' responded.

"Well, it's not really a meeting, we just thought you might like another chat or something." Mike said around a laugh at Billie Joe's face that was mixed with anger, excitement, and frustration.

"You... Ohhhh, fuck this I'm going back upstairs." Billie Joe leaped out of his seat and hurried out of the restaurant, nearly knocking the manager of the restaurant down in his path.

"The plan worked, and we didn't have to work that hard at it." Tre' slapped Mike on the back. "We should go into business together. Forget this music shit, let's be, like, relationship counselors or something."

Mike laughed a bit. "Tempting but I think we still need to be in the band to make sure Billie Joe and Adrienne stay together this time."

"Excuse me sirs."

Mike and Tre' looked up to find the manager of the hotel. "I have received several complaints about you this morning."


Caylyn opened the door to her and Billie Joe's suite and saw an arrangement of clothing on the couch. "Aww," She said to herself. "He bought me clothes. Ew, they're too big." Caylyn, feeling offended, went into the bedroom to confront her boyfriend. She had expected to find him half-drunk in the bed but was surprised to see that the bed was empty, but the shower was running.

Feeling aroused at the thought of him in the shower alone, Caylyn quickly shed her clothes and padded over to the door of the bathroom. She quickly ran a toothbrush over her teeth and gurgled mouthwash to cover up any unpleasant smells before she slowly opened the door.

Steam met Caylyn's face and her hair began to droop in the humidity of the room. She crossed over to the frosted shower and opened the door, expecting to see Billie Joe in all his glory. However, she saw the back of a woman she did not recognize. Until the woman turned around that is.

"What the Hell?" Adrienne shrieked as she met Caylyn. Adrienne had felt a cool rush of air as the shower door opened and she had assumed it was Billie Joe. She had not been expecting to see the woman she had gotten into a fight with at the show two nights ago. Adrienne snatched one of the fluffy towels and quickly wrapped it around her body as Caylyn stormed out.

"What are you doing here?" Caylyn growled as Adrienne came out of the bathroom, the towel wrapped firmly around her body. "We don't like trash in fine places."

"Then you need to leave." Adrienne's tone was calm and she was not going to rise to Caylyn's petty insults and remarks. Billie Joe had sworn to her that Caylyn meant nothing to him and would tell her to leave in the morning. Caylyn, obviously, had not received the message.

"Uh, not happening. You see, I am with Billie Joe. He'll have you arrested for stalking when he finds out about this." Caylyn crossed her arms huffily and tapped her foot.

"I doubt that." Adrienne took one of the complimentary robes and wrapped it around her body, ensuring her more coverage than the towel with less risks. "He was the one who brought me here and once he sees you, he'll send you back out to the whorehouse where you belong."

"Adie." Billie Joe opened the suite door to find Caylyn and Adrienne squaring off in the middle of the room. "Fuck." He muttered to himself. He had not expected Caylyn back this early. He didn't expect her before that afternoon and was going to call her to break it off around noon.
"Kick her out." Caylyn pointed a long nailed finger at Adrienne as she glared at Billie Joe.

Billie Joe looked between Caylyn, with her low-cut tops and heeled feet to Adrienne, who stood in natural beauty with her wet hair and naked face. "No, you leave."

"Wha.. What?" Caylyn sputtered, not believing the answer. "You can't mean that?"

"Yes, I do." Billie Joe crossed over to Adrienne and slipped his hand around her waist. "Leave. Your things have all ready been sent to the lobby."

Caylyn rushed forward toward the couple. Billie Joe pulled Adrienne behind him just in case Caylyn was coming in for the attack. "Billie Joe," She sobbed. "I thought you loved me. Why can't we be together?"

Seeing through her facade of distress, Billie Joe held onto Adrienne's hands, which were clasped at his waist. "I never loved you. I haven't loved anything since I lost Adrienne and now that she's back, I'm not going to loose her again. I'm telling you for the last time, leave."

Caylyn, looking horrible and heartbroken, left the room but not before she made a remark about making them miserable. Billie Joe rolled his eyes and locked the door behind her.

"Now," He made his way back to Adrienne, who was still dripping water on the floor slightly, "How about that shower?"