Sixteen Beautiful Candles

The New Beginning

“God, everyday mom makes us go shopping for her" Brittany said annoyed.
"I know, what’s the point of getting our licenses if we can't even do
what we want....what’s the point of driving" I said
"Yeah, I have peeps and she needs to let me hang out with them so I can girl time with them"
"Most of your friends are guys...and they only really like you because they know you are easy and you friends that are girls stab you in the back, what’s the point of being popular if you don’t really have any friends, you only became popular because you went out with my ex after we broke up and because he is quarter back for the team."
"Well it’s not my fault girls feel threatened by me"
"its because your mean and try to be at the top above everyone, well except for me"
"I guess you are right, I am mean, your nice and you have loads of friends"
"so aren’t you glad we had this talk, because now you will become nice"
"yeah yeah, but not too nice...I can’t pass you, even though I am older than you and I should have the right to be above you."
"right, anyways, just work on your people skills"
"so, where do we have to go today"
"mall, well mom gave us two hundred dollars each for the mall, Wal-mart and Movie stop"
"Movie Stop!, doesn’t mom know all the others are closed for the holidays, the only one open is on Blooming Rose, and that is the area where a lot of people have been disappearing."
"Fine if you’re such a chicken to go there, then I will go by myself and you can go to Wal-Mart...And we both can go to the mall first."
"First stop, Dress Haven"

Me and Brittany always had to buy new dress for every special occasion or party and well we were lucky our mom gave us each two hundred dollars....or we wouldn’t been able to buy anything new and I wouldn’t have to go shopping later this week, so it meant I could spend the week at my best friend’s house. It may sound like we are pampered, but we aren’t, well not a lot, I’m mean sometimes our mom will give us money but not always...we usually had to do work, like running around and doing her errands or get a real job. I mean I could live with getting a real job...but my sister wouldn’t she is the preppy trophy wife type person, and she also expects to get away with stuff because she looks like Haley Williams from Paramore, which we are related to, but I have an emo gothic prep style...and I’m no trophy wife...but I’m a prom queen.
"Kay. see ya later sis, I’m off to wallyworld (Wal-Mart)"
"byeya, I’m off to Movie Stop"
"hope you don’t get raped and end up missing"
"oh yeah thanks"
"sorry, I’m mean be safe"
"Kay. byeya"
Since when does she start using my words? See the thing is, my sister likes to be like me and then again she likes to not be like me, it’s crazy, usually she trys to come up with different words for stuff but it never catches on, all my words do but never hers I guess she finally gave up.
Leaving Movie Stop 10:30PM
I was walking to my car when I heard a notice in the alley.
"Hello is anyone there?" I said at the edge of the sidewalk. I heard moaning...oh my God is someone hurt or is it something totally opposite from that. "Hello is anyone there" I walked halfway down that alley. No cars drived by and it was really dark. I started to turn back around and head to my car but something stroked from behind me. I fell to the ground. Whoever was attacking me started ripping my shirt and was trying to get to my neck but I kept hitting his face away. He scratched my stomach, trying to get me to move my hands and stop fighting but I kept fighting. He picked me up and threw me against the brick wall, my head burst into pain, but I kept fighting. He punched me in the stomach and I could feel my ribs breaking. I started to feel faint and as I started giving up I heard more notices...great more people to come beat me. OUCH my head hurts so badly and every second that goes by I feel more and more faint. Finally the other people who were coming came but instead of helping my attacker, they attacked him. One guy ran straight at him, while my attacker still had a grip on me, so when he pulled him away he scratched me something, leaving cuts all over my chest and left arm. Two other guys went over and helped the other guy attack my attacker, while three other guys came over to me. One guy with orangishredish hair looked at the back of my head. I could feel the blood trickling down the back of my neck. The guy with light brown hair came over to me and held me up so I wouldn’t fall over and the other dude looked around, I’m guessing to make sure no one else was around besides us. The other three started walking over. I looked over where my attacker laid, he was limp, and he was dead. They killed him! I mean I am thankful but still just the sight of the dead body.
"How’s the girl doing Ryan" the guy that first pulled my attacker off of me asked
The guy who was holding me answered "She doesn’t look to good Pete"
I didn’t feel too good, the pain hurt so bad, I just wanted to die on the spot.
"She's lost to much blood, she has broken ribs, and has cuts on her arm and on her chest, she's going to die" the guy with orange/red hair said.
"Pete, there is only way to keep her from dying" Ryan said.
"No Ryan, I’m not going to put a burden like that on I did to you guys." Pete replied
"What if she was willing to find a way out of dying" A guy with dark brown hair said.
"Then that would be different Brendon"
"Ask her Ryan" Brendon said.
He turned his face to her. "Do you want to die or live"
"I want the pain to go away...please just take the pain away if dying is the only way then kill me"
"What if there was a way to save you an alternative from dying and living, it’s like halfway from living and dying."
"Then I would say does it, just as long as the pain leaves."
Ryan looked over at Pete. "Who should do it?"
"Whoever she wants to" Pete replied.
"Who do you want to save you"
I looked at Pete but he was walking away and the other guy that helped him earlier. Obviously it was between Ryan, Brendon and the other two guys. I could feel myself fading fast, I couldn’t hold on much longer. I pulled myself closer to Ryan, clutching onto him for dear life, hoping that if I held onto him I could hold onto life. I brought my head closer to his.
"You Ryan, I want you to help me"
He brought his mouth close to my neck, I closed my eyes, I couldn’t keep them open I was fading like I was going into deep sleep. I felt two pinches on my next, then the next thing I knew everything went black.
I woke up on a very soft bed, in a very dark room. This wasn’t my room. Where am I? My neck was sore, so I rubbed it and I felt two little holes. I shot up off the bed and went over to the mirror that was on a dresser. Yup there were two holes. What the heck happened to me? Then I remembered last night, I got attacked, six guys came to my rescue, I was dying, and they said they could save me. I got angry, my attacker is lucky those guys killed him or he would have to deal with me. I looked into my mirror, my green eyes where turning red. My skin was pale, not that I was really tan before. But I looked like a ghost, or one of those full blown out emo/gothic girls that put white powder all over their face. Something was poking the inside of my bottom lip. I opened my mouth, and oh my God it looked like I grew fangs or something... I heard a notice at my door. Ryan was standing there looking at me...looked like he was checking me out but that’s beside the point. The point is that something weird has happened to me.