Sixteen Beautiful Candles


I know I shouldn’t be feeling sorry for what I said, he was a jerk to me, but I am. The last time I felt this way was when I was a nobody, trying to run in a crowd i wasn’t. Trying to get a sophomore guy to notice me. But he wasn’t just any guy. He was the basically the prince of all the emo kids at our school. He was hot, wore guy eyeliner, practically wore black clothes every single day, had an awesome smile, and well everything was always how he wanted it. I tried to impress him but he never seemed to notice me, so i went back to my old ways dressing preppy again...but with a little of emo/goth to outfits. A week later he asked me out and I was still a nobody...but a somebody, i was working my way up the ladder to becoming popular. Of course I said yes to him, but a week later i saw him talking to this girl and she was one of those plastic Barbie dolls, so you see i became jealous and started hanging out with his guy friends, which made him mad. He came over to me one day and started yelling at me but see the thing is I didn’t really care what he said because earlier that day he was talking to the biggest -itch in the school, laughing with her, talking to her, and even touching her hand. So I ended up yelling at him, which my sister told everyone the next day about are fight..and I was becoming from one of the one of the hottest people at our school. The thing is if we didn’t have our fight I would of never broken up with him...and girls never break up with him, he breaks up with he wasn’t the coolest emo guy anymore, and it was my fault and I felt so sorry, but I didn’t go back and say I was sorry, I just watched him get depressed and more depressed. He died five months later, according to his letters he wrote to himself...which was given to me in his will, yes he had a will sadly to say, ..I ended his life, if it wasn’t for me he could still be breathing and his heart pumping blood, but it’s not...but the strange thing is..He disappeared, his body was nowhere..he said he was going to kill himself at the lake and blood was found but never any body. So needless to say, i was going to screw this up, I will tell Pete I’m sorry..Just not around the rest of the guys. Wait a second, did i say that last time i felt this way was when i was crazy for this emo dude. Crap..I’m falling for Pete Wentz.....

****Pete Wentz POV****

She walked away from me with the rest of the guys. The last time I felt this bent down was when I let the king turn a girl into a vampire and well she ended up wanting him and not me. Okay so I liked Megan, big deal, I have a girlfriend, I don’t need her she's just nothing to me. So her skin makes her eyes stand out, those beautiful green eyes, green like emeralds..ok wait no, I cant fall for her. Ah, I better catch up to them, or the king is going to wander why I’m not with them, and I can’t explain why...I just can’t.
in the palace room
"Sir, the girl we saved is just outside the doors would you like me to bring her in now." I asked
"Yes, Yes, and after I get talking to her you must take her to the princesses room..she is busy right now, and couldn’t come down at this moment."
What could she possibly be doing, I mean I’m her boyfriend...she wouldn’t cheat on me...I... "Doing what, if I might ask"
"Going through dresses"
"oh" I couldn’t believe what I just thought..she would never think I would be doing something with some else besides her.

****Megans POV****

Pete came out and told the others to go in before me, so after they left I decided I would tell him I’m sorry.
"come on, go in"
So I didn’t get to tell him, well at some point I’m going to have to.
"Welcome, young lady" some dude said, he wasn’t old but he wasn’t young, id say early thirties.
"I have a name you know"
"that’s the king" Pete whispered to me.
"I don’t care if he is the king, you greet someone with their name because they have a name, at my school I was the most popular girl and I still greet the lower people with their name, and if I didn’t know it then I asked what their name is, so I could greet them respectively, that’s how you get friends and plus you get respect back, you don’t give me respect then I don’t give you respect, it’s like one of my mottos." I said loudly making sure this so called king could hear me.
"Forgive me, Megan, I didn’t know you were so up there with the whole respect.'
"Im very up there and your apology is excepted. Just don’t do it again or I won’t be very nice to you, since you are the king and should be setting examples for other people."
"But this is not high school"
"I don’t give, doesn’t matter, people who are higher than others set examples for others, just remember that."
"So Pete you bring me a girl with such high standards..Where did you pick her up"
"Blooming Rose, its twenty minutes from those Gated Communities."
"Well very well, I don’t think the other vampires are really going to
want her in their group, and since you rescued her, she's in your group, show her around and do whatever..Just don’t let her hunt..But of course your group..Doesn’t really hunt..Now go back to what you were doing. Ryan show Megan to the princess's room"
"okay, umm why isn’t there a queen" I asked.
The king looked down and his eyes saddened, and turned gray. So if I’m sad they will turn gray...weird..
As me and Ryan walked to this so called princess room, we talked about like everything. Ryan could tell i missed my sister. I mean she was always there for me and now she wasn’t.



"Are we allowed to go to parties?"

"Um vampire parties, some human ones..But you’re not aloud yet..You
might attack someone..We have to train you...well Pete does"

"What’s Pete's problem with me"

"He probably thinks you’re a waste of time, and I could tell he doesn’t want a girl in our group, so he's going to be mean to you for a while."

"Oh that’s lovely.."

"Here we are"

I walked up to the door...and heard moaning..Uh okay very disgusting and disturbing.

"Ryan" I whispered. He came over to me, I told him to put his ear against the door.

"Oh man, Pete’s not going to be happy about this" he whispered.


"that’s his girlfriend in there...with some other guy.."

"His what!!" I yelled.

"Yeah, his pants fell down in front of everyone, he was embarrassed for weeks" Ryan said loudly, saving us..Well so the princess wouldn’t know we heard her.
The door opened and a blonde came out.
"hello, I’m Megan"
"yeah uh hi, um I’m Lynn and let’s get this straight, don’t mess with me or my guy and i wont mess with you. Understood, now leave, I’m busy going through my clothes."
"whatever...yeah uh see ya around"
"yeah, right, whatever"
Once me and Ryan were halfway down the stairs we started talking again.
"yeah she's busy alright" I said
"yeah, busy getting laid by someone other than her boyfriend"
"she doesn’t like me"
"’s because your prettier than her, she feel threatened."
I smiled up at Ryan and he smiled back at me.
"I’m glad I picked you as my best friend."
"So should we tell Pete?"
"Hmm...I got a plan.. .’
"Does this involve you and Pete...Doing stuff to get back at her."
"Kind of...but not just to get back to her for what she is doing to him, but to get Pete for myself"
"you like Pete. Oh my God, ha Brendon is so going to be sad"
"why, and this is our little secret by the way."
"Because he likes you...and okay."
"Well I’m off to my room"
"okay I’ll meet you in twenty..get a really pretty dress on, last night i put some in your closet."
"Thanks" I gave him a kiss on the cheek and skipped off to my room
hopefully after today, Pete will be all mine.