Sixteen Beautiful Candles

I have to do what with him

I was sitting on my bed, looking at pictures on my camera, missing all my friends. I have to see them, some way I have to get out of here and find my own my back home. My backpack was in the closet, so I got up opened the doors. And oh my God there was so many dresses, Ryan wasn’t kidding about the dresses. If I leave I won’t get to see Pete, but if I stay I won’t see my family...
Just then my door opened and Brendon walked in and laid on my bed.
"So...what are you doing"
"looking at the dresses"
"oh, that’s cool; um Pete and you are going on a date."
"you like him don’t you, your all excited about it"
"no I said what in as oh great I have to be with that jerk" I said trying play it cool, I don’t want him finding out, my luck he would tell Pete and plus..I’m not even friends with him yet.
"he has a girlfriend, it’s not like he’s volunteering...the king made him take you on a date..It’s more a tour of the place and then dinner..."
"oh, why does he have to, why cant Ryan"
"I don’t know, look it’s not like he's anymore thrilled than you are, so just try to be nice to him"
"bye, I got to go"
Great, so now its I have to stay, because if I leave now they will know, all thanks to that "date" I have with Pete.

So, what do I wear, I end up wearing the dress that he wanted me to wear earlier. Yes I know, suck up. I mean I don’t want him to hate me, I’m not mean, we...just started off on the wrong path. That’s all, I’m sure after this "date", and everything will be all cleared up.

20 minutes later

knock, knock
"come in" I yelled from my bathroom
"where are you" Ryan asked
"I’m coming, I was putting my make-up on” I said coming out of the bathroom.
"so I heard you wanted to go on a date with me instead of Pete"
"no, and yeah, well Brendon came in and told me, then he guessed right, so i had to cover it up, I don’t want him knowing"
"what about your cousin, is he aloud to know"
"umm...I don’t know, I really need to spend more time with the rest of the guys before I can trust them"
"you trust me?"
"Of course, for some odd reason. And I don’t know, I guess because you saved me and well I don’t know"
"because I’m your best friend"

"yeah, probably so...Anyways how far is it from here to blooming rose"
"five hours, depending if you walk or drive, drive its about two and a half, and sorry but your car is being borrowed right now"
"by who?"
"Jon and Brendon"
"why do they have my car"
"they are kind of getting rid of it, so that you have no way to go back home, Brendon kind of guessed that you were thinking about leaving when he saw you putting clothes in your backpack, I’m sorry Meg, but you have to stay, especially if you want Pete."
Yeah sure, right, just get rid of my car.
"Come on, your "date" with Pete starts in two minutes" he took my hand and practically dragged me to the group hang out.