Sixteen Beautiful Candles

Secrets Revealed

One Month Later...
"MeggyAnn" Lynn yelled searching for me.
"What LynnAnn" I yelled back, kind of yelling into Ryan's ear.
"ouch, could you please not yell in my ear"
"sorry babe," I kissed his cheek and pranced over to Lynn.
"Do you know where Patrick is?" she asked innocently.
"Oh you mean you little F buddy. Yeah, turns out he is looking for you. So I would check the kitchen because he did say something about wanting ice cream."
"Thanks meggy" she said giving me a hug, then she turned around and skipped out of the room.
To fill you in, me and Lynn are best friends now, well that’s what she thinks...I’m kind of not her friend since I’m only using her, trying to find the perfect time to finally get Pete to see his girlfriend is a whore, and then see him heartbroken...just like he broke my heart. I am also going out with Ryan, but its only show, until Pete and Lynn break up, because Lynn still thinks that I like Pete, but I don’t...right? Anyways, me and Pete don’t really talk, and we never talked about what happened between us that day. It’s going to take least that’s what I thought.
One day later
"Megan, where is your partner in crime?" Pete asked.
"My girlfriend"
"Somewhere around here."
"I've looked everywhere"
"Fine, I'll help you, but only because I don’t think you searched everywhere." I took his arm and dragged him over to Patrick’s room.
I put my finger over his mouth, and motioned for him to put his ear against the door. And I know what he heard wasn’t pretty....
**Petes POV**
"Patrick" she moaned.
She is not doing what i think she is she?

I opened Patrick’s door and sure enough she was in bed with him, but they didn’t hear the door and since Patrick’s bed was a couch and it was facing away from me and Megan, they didn’t know we were there.
How could she do this to me, she loved me, I loved her, or at least that was what she told me and that was what I was telling myself, I should of never doubted Megan, but did and now I probably screwed everything up.
"Told you Pete" Megan said
Lynn shot up, frightened, and Patrick looked up and cursed under his breath.
"Petey, honey, it’s not what you think, I... uh just fell asleep here." Lynn said stumbling to find the right words.
"Oh really, so you just fall asleep in bed with pat, also with no clothes on, and you expect me to fall for that. I should have listened to Megan when she first told me, but I didn’t, and I am an idiot for not believing her. "
"I'd say" Megan said as she walked away, smirking.
"Pete, dude, I’m sorry, I really am...I don’t know what got tome or why I did what I did, dude uh I don’t know what to say except for that I am really sorry." Pat said, looking down at the blanket.
"Just leave me alone...both of you, I don’t want to see either of you...Pat you’re out of the clan...your band, as well as you Lynn, your no Princess, you’re just another useless vampire, sizing others up and using them to your extent." I said and walked away, leaving them both stunned and lost for words.
Later that day
"Pete let me explain, please" Lynn pleaded.
"No, never again will I trust you, how do I know that you won’t be lying to me."
"I'll bring in Megan, she will explain it all."
"Whatever, fine bring her, lets hear if she will back you up or if she has any input on this."
God, i can't believe I am going to let her have this conservation will me, its suppose to be dead on arrival... and it will be, because I know Megan wont back her up...I hope.

**Lynn’s POV**
I found Megan and Ryan in her room. Megan was sitting on her bed while Ryan paced back and forth, pathetic, they never kiss or anything, I feel so bad for Ryan, Megan never gives him anything.
" Megan I need you to come here."
"Because I need your help"
"If it hast o do with your dilemma with Pete then it can wait"
"but... why does it have to wait"
"because me and Ryan are trying to figure out how in the world my sister ended up around here."
"Huh, anyways please please help me."
"Fine I’ll go"
**Megan’s POV**
I followed Lynn to Pete's room, the only reason I was coming was because I wasn’t really going to help her, I was going to tell the truth, and nothing but the truth.
"Hey Pete, okay, so can we get done with this fast, I kind of have my own dilemma right now."
"okay, just tell me everything you know"
Alright but you’re not going to like it

"Okay, uh, umm.. Guess I’ll start off with day one. I went to go meet Lynn and--"
"and I was picking out dresses so I didn’t really get to meet her--"
"yeah "picking out dresses" is what she was doing"
"okay" Pete said.
"You know what there was something else she was doing, she was making out with Pat."
"ha-ha real funny Megan, stop trying to add fake--"
"I believe her" Pete said, disappointed to find out that this was going on for a while.
"yeah, and um well I only became her friend so that you would eventually find out, all I needed was perfect planning and um me and Ryan aren’t going out, that was fake too, now I need to go, bye, see ya, adios amigos." I said
I was heading out the door, when Lynn rushed by me crying her head off, and Pete put his hands around my waist and turned me around.
Hmm, i could get use to this

"Thanks Meg, I’m sorry for how I treated you in the past, and I’m glad that you came forward and told me the truth, even though I didn’t deserve to be told the truth by you"
"Your welcome, but I kind of need to go, I got this problem and me and Ryan our trying to figure out what happened."
"oh, okay" I could hear disappointment in his voice.
"but you could come, I could use the extra help" I said smiling. He looked up and smiled.
"Sure, so what’s the problem,” he asked.
"My sister, she's uh, umm... She’s here"
"oh no...”
He just looked at me, his eyes staring into mine. When he didn’t answer me I asked him again.
"What is it Pete?????"