
You ***er

TRE! LOOK OUT! I yelled because we were still outsdide on the sidewalk and a car swirved to miss a damn squerrel and well...

Tre P.O.V.

OH SHIT MAN! AHHH Mike pushed me out of the way of the speeding car and all you heard was screeching tires... I was laying n the ground in PAIN LIKE DAMN! Mike and Billie.. nowhere in sight... Oh wait there they are... everything is blurry but ther driver I can just make out driving a crazy Green 72 Barracuda, he had brown hair and glasses damn I wanted to jack that car so bad! I get u and i slowly walked over to the car all dizzy and it musta looked like i was drunk.. I wish.

"Why are you driving so fucking fast down the damn street, just because your young means jack shit" Yelled Mike

"HAHA shut up pops your old and your music SUCKS!" said the kid

"What the hells your name anyways you punk?" asked Mike "I mean you could have killed us"

"The names Mikey."

"Fancy that, mines Mike."

"Thats cool pops now let me on my way I don't want to be around you sucky ass music" said Mikey

Slowly walking to the car... still I manage to say...

"HEY YOU! you made me cut my finger I want 20,000 Dollars"

"HAHA Bitch please" and he drove away... That kid seemed to piss off mike a lot but he didnt seem to notice Billie looking very suprised and talking to air...?