
I Need The Bathroom NOW!

Tre's P.O.V.

Me and Billie are close, brother-like, and it was wrong to betray him like this, making him do such embarrasing things just because of his condition? This is bad, real bad, but hey I'll get a kick out of it... I hope.

""where are we going?" Billie yelled

"To a room." I said

"Does it have a toilet?" he asked

"No haha do you gots to pee, Billie?" I asked

"YES! I've been looking for the bathroom... with shit for luck... can you tale me to it?" he hopefully asked

"Yeah in an hour" I said laughing

"AN HOUR?! NO I HAVE TO GO NOW!" He screetched" I cant hold it man"

Feeling worse I brought him to the bathroom, and damn were we there for a looong time.. yes, WE, I had to hold his hand, I was laughing so hard, but he had to go, and I didn't want to to piss in my leopard man thong!

Mike's P.O.V.

Damn whats raking so so long, I need coffee.

"MIKE!" Tre yelled, "The guest of the moment is here!"

"It's about damn time" I said

"So Billie, you want to do somthing you love to do?" I asked

"Yeah sure, maybe it will help me remember" He said

"Yes!, remember haha yeah thats it..." I said SO sarcastically, but he didn't seem to notice *phew*

"WHOA, BILLIE! SO SEXAY!!' Tre yelled while jumping up and down