No Need For Introductions

They Have No Reflections


First day of school.. Woo who!! Haha no.
Well I guess you could say the first time isn't a big deal anymore when you've done it about twenty something times.
I woke up this morning at 6:30, straightened my hair, teased it and put a headband over it. I put on my black lacey bra and underwear. Threw on a pair of skinny jeans and layered a pink and black tank top. I grabbed my Drop Dead hoodie and put it on. As for accessories, I put my usual heart and key necklace and a big pink and black matching bow. Also the ring my brother gave me when I used to live with him. Did my makeup which consisted of really dark eyeliner, lots of mascara and pink eye shadow. Put on my pink and black polka dotted flats, grabbed my tote and got in my car.

Today was my first day at Dulaney high school. This was my senior year and I was starting this new school in the middle of the year. My previous school was in Nevada and it was pretty awesome. But hey mummy always had to be moving around, because of her job.

Mum is a hair stylist. She cuts scene/emo/punk/hardcore hair. Basically any type of rocker type hair. She decided to open up her own salon in Baltimore, Maryland. I know what you're thinking, Baltimore, Maryland?? Yea that's what I said. Funny thing about that was that I didn't know why until two days ago..


Today was moving day.

Mum and I packed all our stuff and put it away in a u-haul truck. Mum wanted to drive all the way from Vegas, Nevada to Baltimore, Maryland, claiming she wanted some bonding time. That could never mean anything good.

We got into my mums car and had one of those u-haul people drive the truck with my car attached to the back of it. I basically had to threaten to rip off the drivers balls if he got one scratch on my car. That car was my baby and honestly if it wasn't for my mothers 'bonding time' I would drive to Maryland in my car, by myself.

Mum and I got into the car and she started to drive. For the first two hours the only sound heard was that of the GPS system. I decided to turn on the radio and as soon as I turned it on, mum turned it back off.

"We need to talk," mum said looking real nervous. She was gripping the wheel with both hands and wouldn't turn to look at me.

"Kay mum what's on your mind?" I said while turning to look at her. She looked as if she were contemplating on what to say.

"Well you know how your father has been dead for about 15 years now and I haven't dated or talked to men since?" she spoke up after about 2 minutes of silence. She didn't wait for me to answer, she just kept on talking. "And I know how you are probably wondering why I chose Maryland of all the places to start a business. Well you see when we were in Nevada I came across a client who I honestly fell in love with at first sight. Please don't get mad at me and don't judge me. Anyway we went out a couple of times and we had a great time together. He was so sweet and yea I couldn't help myself. He told me he had to go back home and he asked if he would ever see me again. I told him I didn't know. He asked me to move in with him-"I cut her off.

"Mum, how long ago was this?"

"About three months ago," she said guiltily.

"Since you met him or since he asked you to move in with him?"

"Since he asked me to move in with him. We met two months prior the proposal."

"Wait, he asked you to marry him!! And you just now decided to inform me?!"

"Sorry honey but I wanted to wait till the proper time to tell you. We had been talking ever since he moved back and he told me how much he missed me, and I told him that I was starting a business and I guess through all of that he asked me to marry him. Please don't get mad. He really is a sweet guy, and I promise you'll love him as much as I do."

"Okay mum I trust you. Okay now I need the scoop on this guy. Is he cute? Does he have any kids? How about pets? Will he let me keep Willie? Wait what if he has a dog, I don't think Willie would-" she cut me off.

"Slow down Hun, one question at a time. Okay so yea he is really cute, he looks young for his age but he is really good looking. Oh and I cut his hair and yea he looks like his son. He has a son named jack. No he doesn't have any pets and he doesn't care that you are bringing Willie," she said referring to my fat, lazy cat.

"Okay that's good. He seems like a good enough guy, and if he let you cut his hair then he probably isn't that bad looking."

"Yea he has black hair, with like a red undertone. It's real cute, Hayley you'll love it!"

"Haha okay mum. I think I am gonna sleep now. Wake me up when we get there," and with that I climbed into the back of the car and went to sleep.
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