Scandalous Scholastics

Lover Boy

“He‘s been hit! I repeat, Ross has been hit! The Dodger has struck again!” Pete yelled, running down the hallway. Sarah jumped as Pete busted through her door. “Parker! Parker! He needs your help!”

“Dear god, I don‘t even want to know what happened,” Sarah said, not looking up from her paperwork. “And don‘t call me Parker.”

“It‘s not my fault that you last name is cuter then your first. Anyways, Heaven wants you in her office.”

“Ugh! Fine.” She sighed, walking out the door. Ryan was lying face down on the ground, holding his head. It sounded like he was crying. “What the fuck are you doing?”

“I wasn‘t lying when I said he got hit.” Pete grinned, shaking his head. “No one ever believes me.”


“Is there a reason you had to send Pete for me?” Sarah asked, sitting down on the couch.

“Sarah, lets get to the point. I‘m going to need your help.” Heaven smiled, sliding a unicorn shaped lollipop across her desk to her. “I think this will cover it.”

“Oh my god, yes!” Sarah giggled, unwrapping the lollipop, and shoving it in her mouth. “I’ll do whatever the hell you want. Where the crap did you find this?! It‘s amazing.”

“Where I got it doesn’t matter.” Heaven rolled her eyes, and propped her feet up, leaning back in her chair. “I need you, and Nicole to complete a task for me.”

Sarah nodded along, as Heaven told her the plan. She was beyond pouting when she left Heaven’s office to find Nicole. She spent the next twenty minutes trying to find the Photography room, before she gave up, and called Mikey on her cell.

“Where‘s the Photography room?”

“Hello to you too.” Mikey said moodily.

“Answer my question, Mikey.” Sarah responded, stopping her foot. “Or else!”

“Why would you think I know that?”

“You’re the librarian, it’s your job to know things. Duh!”

“It‘s in the basement of the art building.”

“Sometimes I wish I could marry your brain.” Sarah smiled, and hung up the phone.


“Smile!” Jon said, taking a picture of Sarah as she walked through the door. “You look nice today, Ms. Parker.”

“I don’t think I could ever smile again, Jon. Ever again.” Sarah stated woefully, dropping her head on Nicole’s shoulder.


“It‘s too much for your little ears, Walker.” Nicole laughed, shrugging Sarah off. “Come on, I want to get this over with.”

“Oh please, your not getting anything over with!”


“Good job, guys!” Pete called after the soccer team, slapping their butts as they went into the locker room. “Way to really hustle out there today.”

“Hey, Pete…” Sarah smiled, leaning against wall. “I kind of need to discuss something really important with you.”

“Okay, what is it?”

“No, I mean, in private.” She said, not making eye contact. Pete grinned, and led her to his office.

“Pee Wee has left the building.” Nicole said into her walkie talkie. She crouched next to the locker room door, opening it slightly.

“Good job, soldier.” Heaven’s voice rang out from the speaker. “Now onto phase two. Remember, don‘t let the kiddies get to hot, and bothered, because a chick is in there.”

“Sure thing boss. Over, and out.” She laughed, and jumped through the door, holding the walkie talkie like a gun. “Everybody put your hands up! NOW!”

Twenty hands went to the sky, and a few of the boys even screamed. Cash’s towel dropped to the floor in the process. Nicole glared at him till he decided he was exposed for long enough.

“Wow…I really don‘t get paid for this shit.” Nicole sighed, shaking her head.

“What exactly are you doing in here?” Cash asked, grinning. “And why are you wearing a wig? Is this some weird initiation into the soccer team?”

“No questions! That‘s my job! Everybody sit.” She grumbled out, leaning against the lockers. Nicole glared at him once more. She was starting to think that he didn’t drop his towel by accident. “Now, What do you guys think of Coach Wentz?”

“He‘s really nice!” Nate said, raising his hand slightly.

“Like creepy nice?”

“I don‘t know about that. He can be creepy at times, but that‘s just how Pete is.”

“Wait, do you all call him Pete?” Nicole asked, raising any eyebrow.

“Yeah…” The team nodded their heads.



“I got nothing.” Nicole mumbled, lying down on Heaven’s couch. “I couldn‘t get any dirt on the guy.”

“Great. Just great.” Heaven sighed, dropping her head onto her desk. “Wait! Where‘s Sarah!?”

“Shit! I left her with Pete. I forgot to get her.” Nicole chuckled slightly, getting off the couch. Heaven started to giggle. The two girls glanced over to each other, and busted out laughing. Heaven literally fell out of her chair from laughing to hard. Sarah walked into the doorway a few minutes later.

“The team caught us in his office, and Pete thinks we’re dating now.” Sarah said simply, bowing her head down. “I hate you both.”

Nicole tried to bite her lip to keep from giggling, but it was just too good. Sarah shot them one last glare, and left to go home.


Over the next week Pete spent as much time with Sarah as he could, even though she ran away when she saw him. He even went to her house once, but she refused to let him in. Brendon stopped letting her hide in his room. He told her it was because he was tired of having to lie to Pete, but she knows it’s really because Brendon actually believes Pete when he tells him that she’s in love with him. Ashlee had been glaring at her as she walked down the hallway. She actually threatened her once if she didn’t give up ‘her man’.

“Hey guys,” Sarah smiled, sitting down in one of the desks in Spencer’s room. Brendon was glaring at her from behind his pudding. “What‘s wrong with you, Brenny Bear?”

“Why aren‘t you having lunch with your lover boy?” Brendon grumbled, not looking at her. “And don‘t call me that.”

“Okay, seriously, Pete’s not my lover boy. Me liking him is the sickest thought ever."

“If you don’t like him, then why did he come to our house the other night?” Brendon said, exasperated. Ryan, and Spencer watched with much interest.

“You think I know why!” Sarah yelled, throwing her hands up. “Pete‘s a weird guy.”

“Wait, you two live together?” Ryan asked raising an eyebrow.

“Yes! Is there a problem with that?!” Sarah, and Brendon yelled at the same time. They were both glaring at Ryan. He shot Spencer a knowing grin, who just rolled his eyes.

“Do you know what, fuck this!” Brendon shouted, getting out of his chair, and picking up his food. “Fuck you guys! I‘ll go have lunch somewhere else.”

“Whatever! We don‘t want to have lunch with a big fat baby.”

“Big fat baby was your best insult?” Ryan asked, shaking his head. Spencer chuckled to himself. “That‘s really sad.”