Scandalous Scholastics

One, Three, FIVE

Heaven knows, logically speaking, that she can't drive by dodge ball every one who pisses her off within the walls of the school. She's not too worried about it, because as of right now there haven't been any witnesses. She also knows that she can't dodge ball Parker because she's like a ninja and would make it her mission to find out who the culprit was.

Heaven does not want to have to face pissed off Spencer Smith. And Parker is the sort of girl who would feed you to the wolves in the name of retaliation.

Right now she's trolling the hallway with Dirty, keeping an eye on the basement door and making sure that Zach hasn't snuck off to smoke up with Joe behind the garden shed. She really doesn't want to have to do another psych analysis on Bob, the big burly gardner.

He glares alot, and mutters about his Petunias getting crushed under his breath. The first time she'd been too scared to call him crazy. The second time she'd let it slide because she'd gotten drunk at a staff meeting and Bob walked her home. And okay, Bob is really awesome.

Heaven runs into Gabe, William and Vicky as they head down into the basement, and she's grateful that all the students are in class right now. "Hey guys," Heaven says, "What's up?"

"William," Gabe snickers, and they all look down at William's crotch in a very synchronized look.

"Wanna come?" Vicky asks, raising an eyebrow, "Travis is going to stop by later."

Heaven considers it, head tilted to the side. "Travis?" she asks interestedly, and follows them down in to the janitor's office. She feels a little like she's following the spider into the parlor.


When Heaven stumbles out of the basement for her ten o'clock with Jon Walker she runs smack dab into Gerard. She flails a little and grabs the door jamb with her hand to steady herself. Gerard looks at her with wide eyes.

"What are you-?" he starts to ask, wide eyes fading to confused and slightly accusing.

"Um--" Heaven says, and feels completely guilty about the whole situation, which is stupid, because Gerard is the idiot in this not relationship.

"Never mind!" Travis barges through the door half shouting, "I found your panties!"

"Yes," Heaven says tightly, "Thank you." She takes the balled up wad of silk and shoves it into the front pocket of her pants.

Travis pats her on the back, "Atleast you were wearing underwear today. Some where your mother is very proud of you." He gives her a dopey grin and exits back into the basement.

Gerard stares at her incredulously and she blushes scarlet, "Heh heh," she says. Turns tail and runs.


The red rubber ball bounces off the wall hard enough to knock her flat on her back. She thumps her head on the floor, and just lays there, a red mark on the middle of her forehead, a goose egg already forming in her hair. She closes her eyes and lies there. The ball rolls to a stop next to her head.

Jon Walker screams like a girl when he finds her. It is probably the most excited she's seen him. Jon Walker is pretty chill for a high school kid.

He sucks in a deep breath, sticks his head out her door and yells, "Never mind, it's fine!" to the gathering crowd. Whispering of the dodge balling has already started, and Heaven would laugh but Tarra is giving her the mean eye.

She follows Tarra's line of sight and sees that part of her underwear all lacy and black, is sticking out of her pocket, and she groans and rolls over onto her stomach to hide the scrap of material. Tarra taps her foot from above Heaven's head and Heaven cranes her neck up to look at her.

"Out in the hall Walker," Tarra says pointedly. Jon runs, closing the door after him. What a coward.

"Why are your underwear in your pocket?" Tarra's eyebrows look angry.

"I couldn't find them in the basement?" Heaven asks guiltily.

"You had sex with Gabe!" Tarra hisses.

"Yeah. Not quite."

"A threesome?" Tarra's eyes widen, "What, with Gabe and William?"

"Um," Heaven says with a flinch.

"Four. I'm only going up to four," Tarra crosses her arms over her chest.

Heaven coughs, "What's it called when there's five?"

"You had a fucking--orgy--in the basement of my school?!" Tarra shouts incredulously. She pauses, shakes her head, turns and walks away.


Sarah does not take sympathy on Heaven's poor head. Sarah doesn't take sympathy on her bumps or bruises. She does, however, punch Heaven in the arm and pick on her for being mean to Gerard.

"Wait," Heaven says, "How am I the bad guy?"

"You made hot hot sex in the basement with Travis," Parker rolls her eyes, "Gerard is not to blame. Besides, Mikey is like, glued to Pete. And Pete is glued to me, and I have to listen to Gerard whining via telephone."

"It happened, like, half an hour ago," Heaven complains.

"Honey," Parker says like she holds the answers to all of life's questions, "This is high school."

Heaven groans, grabs an ice pack and slams out of the door. Sarah rolls her eyes after her. Heaven stops, puts her head back in the room and says, "Wait, wait. Was Gerard jealous?"

"Get out of my office!" Sarah points at the door. Heaven can hear the unspoken loser in her voice.

Heaven hopes she's really fucking happy with Pete Wentz's penis.
♠ ♠ ♠
Heaven did, indeed, dodge ball herself. It's okay, because now she's alleviated all suspicion. Even if that's not why she did it.