Scandalous Scholastics

The Tweetians Are Coming

petewentz: gabe saporta, please report to the principals office
20 minutes ago from text

tarrab: @petewentz @gabesaporta DO NOT REPORT TO THE PRICINPAL'S OFFICE!
19 minutes ago from web in reply to petewentz

petewentz: @tarrab @gabesaporta no srsly, the ppals office
19 minutes ago from text

gabesaporta: @petewentz give me a minute
18 minutes ago from TweetDeck in reply to petewentz

tarrab: @petewentz @gabesaporta I WILL FUCK YOU UP!
18 minutes ago from web in reply to petewentz

frankieI: @tarrab that is not school appropriate, Ms Bratton
17 minutes ago from web in reply to tarrab

tarrab: @frankieI why are you on the internet at school?
17 minutes ago from web in reply to frankieI

petewentz: @tarrab @frankieI DONT TELL HER!
16 minutes ago from text

tarrab: @petewentz @frankieI get off twitter
14 minutes ago from web in reply to petewentz

heavenh: @tarrab YOU get off twitter
13 minutes ago from TweetDeck in reply to tarrab

tarrab: stay out of this @heavenh
13 minutes ago from web in reply to heavenh

heavenh: @tarrab damn it! I never get to have no fun!
12 minutes ago from TweetDeck in reply to tarrab

Jwalk: @heavenh i love it when you talk dirty
10 minutes ago from text

tarrab: @Jwalk don't hit on your counselor
10 minutes ago from web in reply to Jwalk

Jwalk: @tarrab but she's hott!
9 minutes ago from text

tarrab: I'm deleting this account
9 minutes ago from web

petewentz: @tarrab NO!!!!:(
8 minutes ago from text

gabesaporta: @tarrab but how will I talk to you?
8 minutes ago from TweetDeck in reply to tarrab

heavenh: @tarrab don't do it lyn!
8 minutes ago from TweetDeck in reply to tarrab

frankieI: @tarrab i've never felt closer to you
7 minutes ago from web in reply to tarrab

tarrab: @frankieI that is creepy
6 minutes ago from web in reply to frankieI

tarrab: @gabesaporta you're three floors under me
6 minutes ago from web in reply to gabesaporta

tarrab: @petewentz @heavenh shut the hell up. I hate you all.
6 minutes ago from web in reply to petewentz
heavenh: @tarrab but not me right?
2 minutes ago from TweetDeck in reply to tarrab


"My entire staff is playing on twitter," Tarra complains unhappily.

Sarah looks up from her computer with a dazed look, "Huh?"

"God damnit!" Tarra curses, "Not you too, Parker."

Sarah looks up at her guiltily, "I can't help it!" Tarra leans over her shoulder and glances at the screen.

"There's a rule against inter-office dating," Tarra says, "Jeeze Parker, there's two hundred posts of you hitting on Spencer."

Parker rolls her eyes, "Tell that to Beckett and Saporta. No, seriously, I wanna see Beckett tackle you. Besides, Spencer is sexy."

"I think he's married to Ryan," Heaven says from the doorway. Tarra makes a disgusted face and stands up.

"Stop hitting on each other over twitter," she commands, "The students read that shit."

"Hayley is looking for you," Heaven says, "She's sitting in my office. She needs your permission to sign up for choir instead of woodshop."

"How's she end up in woodshop?" Tarra frowns.

"I think I confused her with the really butch Hailee. They're both freshman this year."

"Okay okay," Tarra says, "I'm going."

"Great, thanks!" Heaven says, waving over her shoulder. Her and Sarah are already leaning over the computer, laughing at something Spencer had just wrote to Parker. Tarra shakes her head sadly.


gerardway: I love the smell of acrylic
1 hour ago from TweetDeck

frankieI: @gerardway dude, i love your class
48 minutes ago from text

gerardway: @frankieI you're really good kid
47 minutes ago from TweetDeck in reply to frankieI

frankieI: @gerardway thanks!
47 minutes ago from text

nellsays: @gerardway look at ya joining the human race
46 minutes ago from web in reply to gerardway

gerardway: @nellsays I know right? i can totally twitter from my ma's basement
45 minutes ago from TweetDeck in reply to nellsays

ryanross: @gerardway dude that is sad
44 minutes ago from TweetBerry in reply to gerardway

brendonsays: @gerardway step into the sun, gerard!
41 minutes ago from web in reply to gerardway

nellsays: @brendonsays stop copying me!
39 minutes ago from web in reply to brendonsays

brendonsays: @nellsays I'm not!
37 minutes ago from web in reply to nellsays

nellsays: @brendonsays you're name is totally original. change it
33 minutes ago from web in reply to brendonsays

brendonsays: @nellsays NO!
32 minutes ago from web in reply to nellsays

nellsays: @brendonsays YES!
30 minutes ago from web in reply to brendonsays

brendonsays: @nellsays NO!
29 minutes ago from web in reply to nellsays

ahitsnell: @brendonsays I hate you, asshole
29 minutes ago from web in reply to brendonsays
gerardway: I have coffee!
25 minutes ago from TweetDeck

"Please tell me you're not cyber stalking Gerard," Tarra pops over Heaven's shoulder.

"No!" Heaven denies, closing the window quickly, "He just, happens to be on my homepage."

"Uh-huh," Tarra says wisely. Heaven really wants to hit her.

"I really want to hit you," she says unhappily.

"Don't you have a meeting with Frank Iero soon?" Tarra asks, looking at her best friend.

"Yes, actually," Heaven says, glancing at the Monsters Inc clock on her desk, "He's six minutes late. Huh." She goes back to her twitter as soon as Tarra leaves.

bbecks: My hips are sexier than @spencersmith
28 minutes ago from web in reply to spencersmith

sarahparker: @bbecks i beg to differ
27 minutes ago from TweetDeck in reply to bbecks

spencersmith: @bbecks I have a nicer ass than you do, too
26 minutes ago from TweetDeck in reply to bbecks

ryanross: @spencersmith @bbecks too much information
26 minutes ago from web in reply to spencersmith

ashleesimpson: @ryanross no, mr smith is right
25 minutes ago from TwitterBerry in reply to ryanross

tarrab: @ashleesimpson there is no personal computer use at school
24 minutes ago from web in reply to ashleesimpson

ashleesimpson: @tarrab lighten up ms bratton
22 minutes ago from web in reply to tarrab

petewentz: @ashleesimpson have you been stretching before running, like I told you?
20 minutes ago from text

tarrab: @petewentz you realize I can see your posts too?
18 minutes ago from TweetDeck in reply to petewentz

petewentz: @tarrab what post?
18 minutes ago from text

ashleesimpson: @petewentz I have definately been stretching. thanks for the tip.
15 minutes ago from web in reply to petewentz

petewentz: @ashleesimpson youre welcome.i enjoy giving you the tip
14 minutes ago from text

tarrab: one more word @petewentz and I will fire you
13 minutes ago from TweetDeck in reply to petewentz

petewentz: hey @ryanross, need a tip?
12 minutes ago from text
frankieI: so, I'm stuck in a locker.
3 minutes ago from text

heavenh: @frankieI haha!
3 minutes ago from TweetDeck in reply to frankieI

frankieI: @heavenh yes real funny
2 minutes ago from text

frankieI: NM, Dirty just rescued me
one minute ago from text

Heaven is sitting at her desk when Frank storms in three minutes later, arms crossed, "Being short sucks fucking balls."

"I know," Heaven says easily, pointing one bare toe at him.

"And like, I really just want to grab people by the throat some times, you know. And fucking squeeze until they fucking die because they're assholes and they don't fucking deserve to fucking live. You know?" Frank asks, pacing angrily, and throwing his hands every where as he talks.

"You know," Heaven says, "I had alot of anger when I was in high school. I fantasized about killing my classmates. Destroying the school. You have to let it go. Move past it."

"I don't want to let it go," Frank says meanly, "I want to get in a fight."

"Do not," Heaven says, "I repeat do not get in a fight. The school board has already passed a special bond to pay for damages to the school. If you start messing kids up as well we'll be in trouble. I can't continuously protect you from the school board. Even if Vicky-T thinks you're cool as shit."

Frank stops pacing and looks up at her with wide eyes, "Vicky-T thinks I'm awesome?"

"Well," Heaven says, standing to pat him on his head, "Who wouldn't, seriously?"

The bell rings and he sighs, "I guess I better get to class then, huh?"

"You should," Heaven says, nodding, "I'll see you on friday, yeah?"

"Yes," Frank says, stealing a cookie from Heaven's desk and biting into it, "Wait, Travis the farmer didn't make these did he?"

"No," Heaven says with a smile, "He did not."

"Good," Frank says, "Then they're pot free."

Heaven shrugs and grins wider, "I guess, Joe made them."

Frank opens his mouth and lets his second bite fall to the floor. Spitting again for good measure he looks at her with wide eyes. "Are you trying to kill me?"

She laughs, "Chill kideroo, I've eaten, like, six of those and I'm fine. Also, you're cleaning that up before you go to class."

Frank sighs, shoves the rest of the cookie in his mouth and grabs a couple of kleenexes to wipe up her carpet. He stoops, wipes at it furiously, and then throws it in the trash, still chewing. Waving after himself he shuffles to class already three minutes late.

Heaven stretches and goes to walk the halls. Being a counselor in a high school is really boring, if she tells the truth. She decides to go visit Gabe down in the basement when she runs into Gerard in the hallway. He blushes red and plays with his hair.

"Uh, hi," he says, puffs his bangs out of his eyes and smiles, "How are you."

Oh god, she thinks, Gerard is talking to me. Heaven might faint in happiness. She settles for giving him a small smile, "Hi Gerard. I'm alright. How are you?"

"Fine," Gerard bounces on the balls of his heels, "So, we're working on season two of SG-1 now?"

"Yeah," Heaven says, smiling wider, wrapping her arms around Gerard's shoulders and pulling him along with her, "Come on, coffee run."
♠ ♠ ♠
Well, Congratulations to Gerard and Lyn-Z on baby Bandit!!!

Here's to hoping she doesn't get shoved in any lockers just because you guys are insane.

Also: Sorry for the tweet speak, but I couldn't help myself. I had this idea where no one was working at the school because they were all too busy gossiping over twitter to pay attention to the students.
This is what happened.