Scandalous Scholastics

A little lawn sport, anyone?

“Pete refused to come to work yesterday…Not that I’m complaining.” Tarra smiled over her coffee at Heaven, and Sarah. “I could hear The Cure being played in the background when he called in ‘sick’. He’s actually taking this break up seriously.”

“You two dated for like a month?!” Heaven laughed, shaking her head. Sarah frowned at them, but remained silent.

“I’m a little sad he’s back though.” Tarra said to Sarah, becoming serious. “Now I have to put up with you two fighting in the halls. I swear, if I have to get another call from a student’s parent complaining about cursing, I’m going to murder you both.”

“It’s not my fault.” Sarah gasped, dropping her sandwich. “He keeps starting it!”

“One of the students said that they saw you kick his ass, even though he didn’t provoke you.”

“Who said that?”

“I can’t say.” Tarra said, as Heaven blurted out, “Ashlee.”

“Damn, I really want to give that whore a shot with an infected needle.”

“You can’t call a student a ‘whore’,” Tarra corrected her with a smile. “Even if it’s suiting.”


“Alex is feeling horrible.” Deleon said, trying to look concerned.

“Sit.” Sarah raised her eyebrow at the two freshmen. It was obvious he was lying, but she was bored, and decided to let them stay. “What’s wrong?”

“My chest hurts.” Gaskarth complained, taking his shirt off. Sarah wrinkled her nose at him. It was his fourth time visiting her that day. Since Pete and she broke up, it seemed that The Alex Club’s main goal was to sexually harass Sarah. She had to admit that they were very persistent freshmen.

“Cold.” He commented as she put her stethoscope on his back. Deleon smirked when she rolled her eyes.

“Just breathe…and you,” She said, turning to Deleon. “Leave.”

“There’s nothing wrong with you, Alex.”

“I’m not lying. I really am coming down with something.” Alex coughed deeply, staring up at Sarah.

“I never said you were,” She replied faintly, glancing at the window in the door. Pete was staring at her through it with big pleading eyes. “Could you excuse me for a moment?”

Alex nodded, faking another cough for good measure, as she went to the door.

“What the hell are you doing here?” Sarah whispered angrily, shutting the door behind her. “I thought we made it clear that we weren’t going to be awkward about this!”

“Near, far, wherever you are…I believe that the heart does go on.” Pete started, trying to grab her hand. Sarah shook her head in disbelief, her mouth opened slightly. “Once more you open the door, and you’re here in my heart.”

“I hate you.” She breathed out before Pete kissed her hastily, which soon turned into much more.


“I can’t believe you actually left a sick student alone.” Tarra said, shaking her head in disappointment. Sarah stared back at her uncomfortably. “Or left school in the middle of the day.”

“Alex was faking it.”

“That’s not the point.”

“Well…You should be happy. Pete and I are on much better terms now.” She smiled back at her boss. “Plus he sang my favorite song from Titanic, I couldn’t resist.”

“I would cut off my balls if it meant I could see Pete sing that.” Heaven laughed. She wasn’t technically supposed to be in Tarra’s office while Sarah was being ‘punished’, but she didn’t acknowledge Tarra’s protests.

“You don’t have any.”

“That’s not the point.”

“I blame you!” Sarah pouted back Heaven. “Ever since you made Alex join the semi-Alex club, I’ve been getting hell from all of them. I have about eight hormonal freshmen boys in my office every day.”

“Hey! Blame Gaskarth, and Cash…You know they were the ones behind it. They’re the only two evil enough to recognize that you’re too nice to say no.”

“That’s not true!”

“No, actually it is. I win, you lose.” Heaven said simply, a grin stretching across her face.


“I’d like to announce that the school will be establishing a new sport.” Tarra proclaimed loudly at the staff meeting. “The school board has found out that apparently teenagers do drugs sometimes, and they’re worried about our students. So they came up with a new activity, and a new spirit week to help kids gets excited for school, instead of drugs.”

“Oh, yay.” Heaven yawned, “We just need to cram even more crap into the school year.”

“Our two coaches will be Gerard, and Sarah.” Tarra announced as half the staff’s mouths dropped.

“What do you even play?!” Heaven asked, her mouth still open wide. “Both of you suck at sports, and can barely walk without falling.”

“Croquet.” Gerard replied with a small smile.

“Croquet is not a sport!” Pete yelled angrily as he left the meeting.

"It's a lawn sport!" Sarah shouted from behind him.

“This is completely ridicules.”

“Why couldn’t I have been the Principal of a normal school?” Tarra sighed. Heaven shrugged indifferently beside her.

“At least you’ll never get bored.”