Scandalous Scholastics

Pumpkin Patch Fun

Heaven is feeling restless in her office waiting for Frank to show up for his appointment so she goes to patrol the hallways. She's walking along, not really minding her own business, when she's pulled into a closet. She squeaks and flails a little when her back hits a shelf stocked with cleaner.

"Uhm?" she says confused, blinking in the dark. There's a click and light floods into the room. "What? Gerar--mmph!" she protests as he surges forward and presses his lips to hers. She falls back into the shelf again and then presses forward into him.

"Oh hell yes, fucking finally," she says when she pulls away. She pushes back on his chest until he hits the door, stands on her toes and shifts into his space. They're both panting, and he slips his leg inbetween hers and presses and she groans.

"I fucking love you," Gerard says with a groan. Heaven jerks away and stares at him.

"What?" she asks, and her heart kind of thumps really hard in her chest.

"I--uhm, oh. Oh," He says. His face flushes and he tightens his hold on her hip. "I love you?"

"That's good," Heaven says, "Because I love you, and you've been all kinds of douche about the subject."

"You had an orgy with Saporta," Gerard says with a sad face and sighs.

"Yeah," Heaven admits, "I was also the Drive-by Dodge Baller." She runs her hands through his hair.

"What?" Gerard gasps looking at her. And then he starts laughing, "We're a fucking mess."

"Yeah, we really really are," Heaven says, and then they're both laughing in a dark closet. It's perfect.

And then she remembers about Frank. "Oh shit," she says and then runs out the door. Gerard stops laughing and stares after her.


Frank is lounging in her chair, his feet on her desk when she runs into her office panting. She points at him and commands, "You--feet--down!"

"You--lipstick--smeared," he mocks and she turns and looks at her reflection in the window and winces.

"That's embarassing," she mutters unhappily and wipes her lips red trying to fix it.

"Were you and Mr. Way doing it?" Frank asks with a mischevious grin. Heaven chokes and sputters, "I--I no, what?!"

"Doing the dirty, the horizontal mambo, the big it, porkin'," Frank starts listing off on his fingers and Heaven smacks at his hands and mutters to herself.

"Knock it off, Frank, that's really inappropriate," she tells him.

"Oh come on," Frank is still grinning, "We're friends aren't we."

"We are, yes," Heaven says. She starts to say something else but stops, licks the inside of her teeth before chewing on her lip. "Frank, is there anything you want to talk about?"

"Not really, no," Frank says with a sigh. He's completely bummed that she's changing the subject right now. "But, wait, when is the results to the school poll coming out?"

"Oh, you haven't heard yet?" Heaven asks, "Amazingly enough, Jack Skellington some how won the role as school mascot."

"I don't see a problem with that," Frank says with a gleam in his eye.

"You mean other than the bitches at Disney won't option the rights?" Heaven asks with a sigh, "Or that the school board has already had a hissy fit over the new school colors."

"Black, orange and white?" Frank says, "It's an awesome choice."

"You'll think that when the Great Pumpkin ends up as our mascot."

"No fucking way, that would be awesome. Mikey Way would shit himself!" Frank says excitedly.

"Language!" Tarra calls shuffling by the open doorway.

"Wait--Mikey Way has a Great Pumpkin obsession?" Heaven asks interestedly, "Tell me more." She leans forward and rests her chin on her hand.

"Oh yeah," Frank nods, "He told me that he used to make Mr. Way sit in the pumpkin patch with him for hours. They'd stay all night long until their mom came and drug them away and Mikey Way would cry."

"Oh god," Heaven says happily, "This is too good."

Later she's sitting in the library staring at Mikey. He keeps looking over at her with faux disinterest and then back down at a comic book. Heaven isn't fooled. She knows she's totally making him nervous. Finally he snaps his book closed and walks over to her table.

"What do you want?" Mikey says, sitting down in front of her and crossing his arms.

"Nothing, nothing," Heaven says grinning. They stare each other down for a few minutes.

"Okay, seriously, what?" Mikey huffs finally, blinking first.

"I'm just imagining you crying because you didn't see the Great Pumpkin," Heaven says with a shrug.

"Fucking hell," Mikey mutters, "Who told you about that? Was it Gerard? Stop laughing."

She doesn't and Mikey mopes while she continues to chuckle. She proceeds to tell six students, Ray, and Dirty. Mikey shoots her glares while she spreads the insanity. The best thing about high school is how fast rumors spread.

"Thank you for ruining my day," Mikey says when she gets up to leave after half an hour of incessant teasing.

"You're welcome," she says with a grin and flouncing out the door. She sticks her head back in and calls, "Oh, and by the way, me and Gerard made out in a supply closet earlier."

"I fucking hate you," Mikey says, throwing a copy of the Encyclopedia at her. She ducks and skips away with a feeling of accomplishment.
♠ ♠ ♠
Sorry it took so long to get the next chapter out. I kind of forgot that it was my turn to update. So, here's a little bit of light hearted fun.
Leave comments, because comments are love!