Scandalous Scholastics

Served Cold or Over Easy

“Frank Iero,” Heaven snaps from the door of the gymnasium, “You missed our appointment.”

When Frank looks up at Heaven her heart breaks a little when she sees the black eye. It’s no wonder he skipped their meeting. He wouldn’t want to talk about what happened, being a 15 year old boy and all. He sighs and looks over at Pete to be let out and then shuffles out the door. Heaven puts a hand on his shoulder to steer him up the stairs but he shrugs her off and she sighs inwardly.

After the door is closed firmly behind them she sits on the edge of her desk and shoots him a look. “Okay Iero,” she says, “Lay it on me.”

“I don’t want to talk about it,” he says stiffly, and she cocks her head to the side, trying to catch his gaze when he avoids looking her in the eyes.

“Frank, did someone hurt you?”

He makes a noise in his throat,” Of course someone hurt me. I didn’t walk into a doorknob.”

“I meant an adult someone,” Heaven says just as sincerely.

“Like…you mean my mom’s boyfriend?” Frank frowns, “No. It was this kid.”

“What were you fighting about?” Heaven frowns at the “just a kid” .

“I don’t want to talk about it,” Frank says for the second time in three minutes and Heaven sighs.

“So what are you going to do about it?” she asks after a moment of silence.



“I don’t know,” Frank says, and she nods.

“No worries, just this once, I got you.” Heaven says, leans forward and starts at the beginning of her very very illustrious prank career. When Frank finally leaves the office he’s smiling.


In the teacher’s lounge she pours a cup of horrible coffee and takes a swig of it. She chokes and wrinkles her nose in disgust. It’s horrific. “This doesn’t even count as coffee,” she complains to Bob, “What happened to getting a Starbucks put in here?”

“The district denied the funding,” Tarra says from behind her, “Now drink your coffee and shut up. Some of us like to pretend it tastes good..”

“Whatever,” Heaven says, dumping it down the sink. She’s going to go find Gerard instead. It’s his plan period so the class is empty when she peeks into it. He’s got a steaming Starbucks cup sitting next to him, just like she thought he would. She hadn’t seen him since the dance that weekend.

“Hey Gerard,” she says, and his head shoots up and he smiles. “Heaven.” He picks up his coffee and walks around the desk to come stand next to her. She crowds him into the desk and whispers in his ear, “Trade you your coffee for a blowjob.”

Gerard makes a noises in the back of his throat and promptly drops the coveted cup of joe. She looks down at the puddle and sighs. “Damn,” she says, “I don’t suppose Mikeyway’s got a cup does he?”

“I—I what?” Gerard asks incredulously, still looking at the spilling coffee.

“Well,” she says sagely, “ You spilled it, so that deals off the table. Want to sneak out for Starbucks with me? Gabe Showed me where all the blind spots on the security system.”

“That sounds promising,” Gerard says and smiles at her with his little teeth. Her heart flutters and she smiles back.

“Let’s do this,” she says and wraps her hand around his. She leads him out into the deserted hallway. They slide along the wall giggling like kids, take three steps into the center of the hallway at the corner, one step toward the wall to the left and out the door. They run for Gerard’s car, duck in and collapse into laughter. Tarra climbs out of her car next to Gerard’s and taps on the window.

“If you aren’t back for your next class you’re fired,” she says with a smirk.

“Yeah yeah,” Heaven says, “Punch it Gee!” They peel away squealing with laughter. Heaven has this feeling that things are going to be all right after this.

And then she gets back to school and has to explain why she told Frank it was okay to "set a kid's locker on fire". And then she has a feeling she's going to get fucked up by Tarra.
♠ ♠ ♠
So, there was a bit of a misunderstanding about whose turn it was to update. I thought it was Parker's. Parker thought I was an idiot.

Its a wee bit short, but there you go.