Scandalous Scholastics

What the Mesopotamia?

Heaven strolls through the hallways on a mission. She'd be singing along to the mission impossible ringtone on her sidekick, but William disappeared with her phone at 8:13 that morning.

Slacker, Heaven thought in disgust. She was the only person allowed to not do her job. Seriously.

She stops at the basement door and stares at it. She really hates it down there; it's moist, dark, and creepy. Just like Gabe. Heaven is fairly certain that this is where she's going to find Gabe; and where Gabe is, William is.

"Gabe!" Heaven calls, stepping down the first few steps.

She hears a loud thump and a muttered, "shit". She jumps the last two stairs and turns right down the hallway that leads to the janitor's office. William, Gabe, and Vicky, one of the school board members, are leaning casually on the desk. Heaven rolls her eyes.

"Give me my phone," she says, glaring at William.

William tosses the phone to her and she slides it in her back pocket. Grinning she turns to leave, "You've got lipstick all over."

William and Gabe both wipe at their mouths simultaneously. Vicky grins at them sadistically. She is completely unashamed.

"I'll see you guys at home," she says, sashaying out of the room.

"If you guys ever want to talk about your unhealthy relationship," Heaven says, "You know where to find me. Oh, and Bill? You'd better get upstairs before Tarra kicks your scrawny ass."

"Okay okay," William mock huffs, "Come on, I'll walk you back."

"You're gonna walk me all the way to the third floor?" Heaven grins.

" But I'll walk you to the first. That's as far as I'll go."

"It's funny," Heaven says, "But that's exactly what my prom date said too. He turned out to be gay."

"Tough break for you," Gabe crows, his legs kicked up on his desk. He was leaning back in his leather chair. Heaven pushes him off and he falls to the floor.

"Justin Timberlake is gay," she says snidely and stalks off, William laughing while Gabe splutters from the cement floor.

"Okay," Heaven says when they reach the main office, "Now, go save Tarra."

The phone starts ringing and Heaven laughs and stalks away. The bell rings and the classes let out for lunch. Heaven kicks her office door open and runs into Gerard and Joe. Joe is sitting on the ledge of the window, smoking a joint. Heaven wants to push him out of it. Its going to smell like skunk in her office if he doesn't leave soon.

"Put that out," Heaven wrinkles her nose, "Sarah and Tarra will be here soon. God help you if either of them catches you."

Joe stubs it out and slides it behind his ear. His hair falls forward and you can't even see it anymore. Gerard is setting out the boxes of chinese food. The white cartons stark against her desk. They cue up the dvd player. Last year they started a tradition of watching tv shows in Heaven's office. This semester they're watching Stargate SG-1.

"Okay, let's get this started," Tarra says, flopping down on the couch, "Why does it smell like weed in here, Joseph?"

"I don't answer to my slave name," Joe huffs, and Heaven rolls her eyes. They're getting kicked out of the office if they think they're going to argue through Stargate. She will kick ass.

Gerard hands her a plate of food and his fingers brush her wrists when he pulls away. Heaven smiles at him. This is the first time she's seen him since the last day of school last year. She was stupidly fond Gerard, but he seemed to feel guilty about age difference. Heaven is twenty three and Gerard is twenty-seven and every time they start to get close he pulls away.
Gerard smiles back and Tarra makes an annoyed noise in the back of her throat.

"You can fix that problem with sex," Sarah sing songs, and Frank sticks his head in the door to say, "Why don't you ever give me that advice?"

"Did you need something?" Heaven asks, and Frank holds up the cd he borrowed earlier that day, "I ripped it in computer lab."

"Iero," Tarra says, "That is a misuse of school technology. I'm going to pretend that I didn't hear that. This is your one."

"My one what?" Frank asks cheekily.

Tarra sighs, puts a hand to her forehead, "Your one get out of jail free card."

"Are you threatening to handcuff me, Ms. Bratton, cause I might--"

"Don't push your luck, kid," Heaven cuts him off, "Go to lunch."

"I'm going, I'm going," Frank holds his hands up and skips out the door, "Hey Jamia, wait up, I have something cool to show you."

There's loud laughter and they hear Jamia yell, "Oh my god Frank, put that away!"

"Some one else look," Tarra moans, "Because I don't want to know!"

Heaven just hits play on the dvd player. Her and Gerard hum along with the opening sequence.


Later Heaven shuffles down to Spencer's freshman class to introduce herself to the class. She loves picking on the younger students. She pushes the door open with her foot, not bothering to knock. Spencer is her whore. Also, the Principal is her best friend, she's got clout.

"Hello students," Heaven announces as if she were speaking into a bullhorn, "I'm Ms. Hayward, the guidance counselor. I'm here to guide you."

"What sort of guidance are you offering?" a girl with red hair asks, her arm raised in the air.

"Oh, you know," Heaven says airly, "College, home life, after school jobs. How to sneak off campus for lunch. The usual."

"Aren't we allowed to leave campus for lunch?" another kid calls out.

"You, my young Padawan, are not. However, the seniors and the juniors may," Heaven supplies helpfully, "I have many things to teach you, and not much time."

"We have four years," the red headed girl supplies helpfully, but Heaven shakes her head sadly, "Tomorrow is not definate. I might retire early, what with the beau coup bucks I make working here. You, my little red head, what is your name?"

"Hayley?" the girl says with a frown.

"You think your name is Hayley, or it is Hayley?"

"My name is Hayley, and I'm fourteen years old."

"Awesome," Heaven grins, "I am Heaven, but you may not call me that, and I am too young to start lying about my age."

"How old are you, then?" someone calls out from the back and Heaven points at the blonde boy.

"Who are you?"

"Alex Gaskarth, and I think you're avoiding the subject."

"I think you're very intuitive," Heaven nods, "So, who wants to go on a tour of the school?"

"We've already had a tour of the school," Hayley says, "At registration."

"Okay," Heaven says, "We can wander the school, or Mr. Smith can start talking about Mesopotamia."


"That is so sad, Spencer Smith," Heaven shakes her head with a mock frowny face, "I used to love Mesopotamia. Oh, you've got chalk just here."

She swats at the chalk, smiling at Spencer. He gives her his best bitch face and falls in line with the students. It's really better to not question her, anyway.

"Alright!" Heaven says, "Let's start with the nurses office!"
♠ ♠ ♠
For those of you who wanted William and Gabe to hurry up and make an appearance. Also, to Tarra, who wanted some Joe Cool. Or you know, just some Joe.