Scandalous Scholastics

Bowie makes it better

Sarah was putting up another poster about mononucleosis on the wall. She was dancing, and singing along to ‘Rebel Rebel’ which blared from the small radio on her desk. She borrowed half of her CD’s from Patrick, the music teacher. Sarah hides them every time he stops by. She really just wants him to have a reason to come back.

"KNOCK, KNOCK!" Heaven yelled as she threw open the door to the nurses office.
Now half of Sarah’s body is struck under the chair she was once standing on.

"Nice," Heaven laughed, and helped get the chair off of Sarah. "I got to kidnap Spencer, and his class, and get to see you be a dork. My day gets better, and better."

"I've seen worse from you." Sarah pouted on the floor, crossing her arms over her chest.

"True," Heaven shuddered at the thought of last years Christmas staff party. That wasn’t the most pleasant memory. “Anyways, I’m taking Mr. Smith’s class on a little field trip. You’re our first stop.”

“Really?” Sarah scrunched up her nose, and looked towards the door. Twenty four pair of eyes were all fixated on her. She waved at them, and they all waved back.

“What am I supposed to do?” She whispered.

“Teach us something.” Heaven replied, grinning. The class groaned, and complained about the tour was for them not to learn anything.

“How about no…” Sarah grumbled. She liked the kids, she really did. She really just doesn’t like the idea of at them laughing at the fact that she sucks at teaching…anything.

“Aw, come on Nurse. Parker, please teach my class something.” Spencer smiled.

Spencer knew what his smile did to most of the female staff, and even some of the male staff. His smile, and his hips were deadly weapons. Sarah was about to give in, but the main office buzzed in over the intercom. The only thing they could hear was a few grunts, a crash, and someone cursing.

“William! You have to! Sit down, and do your job.” Tarra’s voice screeched over the intercom. A few more curses came from William was heard.

“Hey Cooch, your like needed in the Art building.” William announced in a very annoyed voice.

“Why?!” Sarah looked towards the ceiling like Buzz Lightyear was about to crash though it, and save her.

“Apparently, some kid cut open his hand while opening a can of paint. Gerard is being too much of a pansy to let the kid leave because it might get blood everywhere.”

“There are children in the room, Beckett.” Spencer stated after clearing his throat.

“You think I honestly care, Smith?” William snorted, beeped out. Tarra could be heard in the background yelling about how he better care if he wanted to keep his job. Tarra couldn’t fire William if she tried, and William knew that. She couldn’t really fire anyone, that’s why Pete was still around.

“Duty calls! Hopefully we will meet again...” Sarah sighed with relief, and grabbed a small bag full of the essentials to cleaning cuts. “Not.”

“Well, this is no fun.” Heaven pouted, looking at all the students.

“Where‘s the choir room?” Hayley asked, raising her hand. “I‘m in choir but I don‘t know where to go.”

“School has been in for almost a week, and you still haven‘t found it yet?” Heaven asked, her eyebrow climbing up her forehead.

“Yeah. Is that bad?” A deep blush spread across Hayley’s cheeks.

“Kind of, I‘ll fix your attendance later, but for now lets go find the music room.”
Heaven really didn’t want to think about the work that would come later. She needed to think up a plan on stealing Patrick’s hat. “Spence, would you like to help me fulfill my dream?”

“No.” Spencer shook his head, and led his class out into the hall.

When Sarah got to the art building, she wasn't surprised to see Frank sitting on the steps with his hand wrapped up in a bloody rag.

“Aw, Frankie…This isn’t good.” Sarah said, looking at his hand. “It‘s definitely going to need more then a band aid. ”

“I just wasn’t looking at what I was doing.” Frank sighed, looking at the needles Sarah was pulling out of her bag.

“Your not going to actually use those?” Gerard whimpered, poking his head out from behind the door.

“I wouldn’t be preparing them if I wasn‘t going to use them.” Sarah rolled her eyes, and stuck Frank’s hand. “What color of string do you want?”

“Orange!” Frank giggled, as Sarah got to work on stitching up his hand.

“That’s disgusting.” Gerard whined. He looked like he was about to cry. Sarah couldn't really decide if it was pathetic, or cute. Either way it was getting annoying.

“If you don‘t shut your trap, I‘ll stitch it shut for you.” Sarah barked, before she heard a loud thump.

“Oh my god!” Frank jumped, and ran over to Gerard’s unconscious body. “You scared to him to the point that he fainted!”

“Wow, he really is a pansy.” Sarah scrunched up her nose, and grabbed his legs. “Help me get him back to my room.”

“What do I get out of it?”

“A free hour, and a lollipop.”

“Cool.” Frank grinned, and grabbed Gerard’s neck.

“What the fuck!? Under his shoulders!” Sarah yelled in disbelief. “Shit! Do you want to kill him.”

Frank just giggled all the way back to her room.