Scandalous Scholastics

Faux Romantics

“You two are horrible. Setting the science building on fire…” Sarah shook her head at Joe, then passed Heaven a bucket of water. “And making Dirty attack students. That’s just cruel....Now that I think about it, I should probably suggest those students to take a HIV test.”

Tarra made them stay after school to clean, it was supposed to be punishment for them, but it would give her hell later.

”Shuddup!” Heaven barked, scrubbing harder on the lockers. "Its not my fault he couldn't remember what the freaking kids looked like."

"Right..." Sarah grinned, and crossed her arms over her chest. Joe light up a joint, and watched the two bickering girls, "You could have at least let Dirty have the pictures."

"Ew, no! there’s no telling what he would have done with those pictures later." Heaven reasoned, throwing down her brush, and fixing a glare on Sarah. “Anyways, your not one to talk. Your in trouble too, you skipped the rally.”

”Today, I overheard Ashlee talking about Pete’s dick.” Sarah said, trying to change the subject.

”WHAT?!” Heaven sputtered.

”Yeah, she was telling Jac that she could see it though his pants.”

”Oh god, why is my job so complicated.”

”And that it was huge.” Sarah grinned, as both Heaven, and Joe busted out laughing.

”That is too good.” Joe chuckled to himself.

"What's that smell?" Sarah asked, turning towards Joe. He tried to hide his joint, but she had already seen it. "What the fuck Joe?! What have I told you about smoking that around me?"

"Hey, it's not my fault you were a druggie in high school." Joe called over his shoulder, and left them to finish up alone.

“I don’t want to do this anymore.” Heaven complained, looking at her raw hands. Sarah nodded.

They decided to leave the cleaning supplies for someone else to find, and made their way down the hall. Heaven pointed to Ryan, whom was trying to lock the door to his room, with both arms full of homework that needed to be graded. The girls nodded silently to each other with huge grins, and snuck up behind him. Ryan squawked as the two girls attacked him. His papers went flying. Ryan turned quickly to curse them, but slipped on one of his papers, and fell into Sarah. Once Ryan realized what his hand was on, his back become rigid, and his mouth dropped into an ‘O’. Sarah stared back at him awkwardly before pushing him off, and running away.


The next morning there was a staff meeting on sexual harassment, and the school’s dating policy. Sarah glared at Heaven the whole time, who had a shit eating grin on her face. Ryan had his head bowed down in embarrassment, Spencer’s face was unreadable. She couldn’t really tell if he was amused.

Brendon came into Sarah’s office during third hour looking very disappointed.

“What‘s wrong with you?” Sarah asked, looking up from her tabloid.

“You let Ryan touch your breast.” Brendon pouted, and sat next to her on the couch.

“I didn‘t let him. It just happened.” She snorted, rolling her eyes. “Anyways why should it matter?”

“It doesn‘t matter, beside the fact that you‘ve never let me do that…I‘m the best friend. Therefore I should have dibs.”

“Dear god,” Sarah sighed, closing her eyes. She weighed her options, and nodded her head. “Fine, but don’t be creepy about it.”

“SWEET!” Bredon did a fist pump, and threw himself at her, going for her chest. After a few moments he looked up at Sarah. Her nose was scrunched up, and she looked like she tasted something nasty. “Your not enjoying this at all?”

“No, its not that…” She rolled her eyes. “It just…Your looking at me like a weirdo.”

“I am not!” Brendon whined. Sarah nods smiling, and mouths ‘Are too‘. His hands are still resting on her chest as the two start to bicker. Sarah’s life decided to get worse, by having Ryan, and Heave walk in. Heaven started laughing, and a deep blush crept up Ryan’s face.

“Wow, first Gabe, and William, then Ryan, now Brendon. Your really getting around Sarah.” Heaven got out between bursts of laughter. Sarah glares at Heaven, and pushes Brendon off of her when her phone started to ring.

“Hello?…oh, hey Mom,” Sarah pouted, looking over at Heaven, who was now wiping her eyes. Her eyes widened as she listened to her mother. “Who told you that?!”

“Your going to pay for this Ryan, one of these days!” Sarah murderously, shaking her fist at him. She muttered to herself as she stalked out of the room. “But first I need to kill Gabe.”

Sarah felt as if she was going to scream as she pounded once more on the basement door. Some of male students nodded, and smiled suggestively at her when she walked past them. She didn’t necessarily want high school boys gawking at her. She already felt awkward around students, because she was the youngest staff member, next to Brendon who only had a few months on her. Sarah grumbled considering leaving when Gabe opened the door. He had a lazy grin on his face, so he wasn’t expecting Sarah to start choking him.

“What the fuck is wrong with you?” Gabe asked gruffly, rubbing at his neck. He had to pin her against the wall to stop her from trying to attack him again.

“Why in the hell would you call my mother?!” Sarah shouted, Gabe chuckled darkly, and buried his face into her neck. Sarah becoming angrier as the seconds pasted, kicked him in the crotch. She huffed, and muttered to herself as she went up the stairs. It was almost lunch, and the last thing she wanted was to be around people.

Sarah spent the next few days, staying clear of the staff, and most of the students. She only had two students come in today so far. Alex Gaskarth, to try to get on in the ‘action’ and Frank, to tell her that apparently Gerard has been ranting about women not being made for pleasure for the past week. Heaven was in the room during one of these lectures; She's not talking to him now.