Status: Updated, and Revised!

The Unattainable

I Get Nervous

One Week Until The Tour

Ami’s POV

I’ve gone over this so many times in my head, and now, so many times with Joey, and we’ve both come to the conclusion that we have to tell Reagan.
There’s no other alternative if we want to get things sorted before the tour, plus it’d get worse the longer we leave it, and I don’t want to lose Reagan’s trust, even if I may possibly lose her friendship.
So now, Joey has just called her downstairs.
And I have to build up the courage to tell my best friend that I’m in love with her dad.
“What’s Going On?” Rea asks as Joey walks over to me and takes my hand. Rea notices this and her eyes widen slightly. Shit Shit Shit is all I can think.
“We have something to tell you, Reag,” I mumble nervously with a glance at Joey who nods at me encouragingly
“We, what I mean is, Ami and I, we’re, well,” Joey starts, looking at me, begging me with his eyes to say the word
“Dating,” I say, staring at the floor as Joey squeezes my hand. I can’t look up, not after I’ve said that. I’ve ruined it, haven’t I? She’s my best friend and I’ve fucked it up.
I feel a tear come to my eye, which Joey notices, and pulls my arm towards him slightly, which makes me feel slightly better. I’ve still got him, at least.
There’s a slight pause, a moment of silence, the calm before the storm if you will. I take a deep breath, and wait for the shouting to begin.
It doesn’t come.
I hear footsteps coming towards me, slowly, then I see feet stopping in front of me, and I want to cry. I don’t want to lose her, not after everything we’ve been through.
“You serious?” says Rea, “You’re not kidding, you’re actually going out, this isn’t a joke?” I hear her say, not wanting to look at her, and completely unsure of the look on her face.
“Yeah, Rea, I’m serious, more serious than I’ve ever been with you in your life,” Joey says, pulling me into him and wrapping his arms around my waist as I blush, still looking down while Joey kisses my head.
“Oh my fucking God!” Reagan screeches and throws herself at us both, wrapping us both in her arms, still squealing ‘Oh my God’ over and over again. I look up to see her huge smile and bright eyes as she jumps up and down, having just released us
“Oh my fucking Jesus Joseph and Mary, you’re actually going out, you’re actually dating! This is the best thing ever!” she squeaks, still grinning madly, as my jaw hangs down.
I’m in complete and utter shock, She’s kidding, right?
“Wh-what?” Joey asks as bemused as I am, our eyes fixated on the jumping ball of happiness that is now Reagan
“I’m seriously so fucking happy!” she screams, and stops jumping to give me a huge, bone crushing hug. “My best friend in the whole wide world, and my dad are dating, the two people who I love more than anything, and I seem happier than you guys do!” she announced, sitting down on the couch as I register what has just happened.
Right, so let me get this straight: I tell Rea that I’m dating her daydand she jumps around saying this is the best day ever?
This is definitely not what I’d been expecting.

Reagan’s POV

Oh my God! Ami and dad are dating! I smile again, so unbelievably happy that you would seriously not believe.
My plan has totally worked! Okay, so I didn’t really help that much, and well, I did get Corey to do most, if not all of the dirty work, but it worked!
But Ami looks really sad, is she not happy?
“Ami, what’s wrong?” I ask quietly, frowning slightly
“You’re just pretending to be happy, aren’t you?” she asks and my eyes widen in shock, “Oh God, I’ve fucked up everything, I’m so sorry, Rea,” she cries and moves towards me to give me a hug.
I embrace her tightly, and then move backwards slightly, still holding onto her,
“No, Ames, you’ve got it totally wrong! I wanted you to go out, I wanted you to go out so badly, because I knew that you’d make my dad happy, and he’d make you happy too,” I say with a smile, as dad comes up behind her and wraps his rams around us both. We stay in our little family huddle as we let what has just happened sink in.

Late on, Still Reagan’s POV

“Corey, come on over, please?” I whinge down the phone, wanting to let Corey knowmy our plan worked, but wanting to tell him in person so he could congratulate the happy couple.
Who actually are, as I’ve come to realize, extremely happy.
We spent a couple of hours together, just trying to get used to it. It was great, we just acted like a family, you know? Dads arm around Ami, watching films, playing games, talking.
I’ve never had that before, and I swear, it’s a better birthday present than anything anyone could ever give me, it’s fucking amazing, dude!
Corey eventually agreed after me giving him no hints as to why I want him here whatsoever. I told him to call me when he gets outside, and not to ring the doorbell.
I creep downstairs now, trying my hardest to be completely silent, and peek through the door into the room where Ami and Dad are sitting on the sofa. They look so sweet together. She’s laughing quietly and he’s smiling at her, like she’s the most wonderful thing he’s ever seen.
I smile. I’m so glad that they’re happy now, and can really be together.
I feel a soft buzzing coming from my pocket, and know it’s Corey calling up to tell me that he’s outside. I move to the door quickly, but quietly, and open it slowly.
Outside is a confused Corey. I whisper that he has to be quiet, and follow me.
I take him by the hand and lead him to the door that I was at a moment ago. My dad is now having a jokey argument with Ami. Oh God. Neither of them will ever win, unless something other than good debating skills is used. In which case, it’s a close call.
Ah, my dad just figured it out, after Ami, of course, who sat on his lap to win him over. He’s grabbed Ami’s arms, and is holding them above her head, grinning at her while she giggles and tries to wriggle out of his grasp, all while trying to prove whatever they’re arguing about.
“Give in,” I hear dad say, but she just shakes her head, and I smile again, turning to look at Corey who is grinning like a madman. He figured it out on his own, awh bless. The guy does have a brain after all!
I turn back to see my dad grin widely, and tell Ami to give in again. Once more she shakes her head, and he repeats the process 4 more times, each time she giggles more, and each time his face comes closer to hers, until now, their noses are touching.
They sit for a moment like that, my dad’s grip on Ami’s arms loosening.
She leans forward, just slightly, so her lips are almost on his, and I notice slowly that my dad is forgetting all about winning the argument. Oh, Ami knows him much too well already.
She leans in and kisses him softly on the lips until he lets go of her arms completely, then she pulls away
“I won!” she announces to a room filled with her and Joey (or so she thinks) as I try to stifle a giggle; and Corey’s grin just widens “Take note of that, kid, you may want to use that when you’re older,” he whispers in my ear, and winks at me, and I shake my head. Oh God, typical Corey, eh?
I watch as my dad wraps his arms around Ami’s waist, pulling her back towards him “Who said you won? And more importantly, who said that kiss was over?” she laughs and smiles at him, and the obvious happenes. They start kissing again. They’re getting quite into it, and I look away, knowing that they think they’re alone, and I’m embarrassed, because they wouldn’t do it if they knew we were here.
I think they’ve suffered long enough, even though Corey seems to be enjoying it.
“Corey, cough or something!” I hiss at him, not wanting to do it myself, as I attempt to look casual,
“Joey, dude!” Corey announces as he walks into the room.
Subtle, Corey, real subtle.
They spring away from each other nervously. They think Corey doesn’t know. At all. As If!
“Hi, Corey, uh, when did you get here?” My dad asked nervously, shifting away from Ami slightly, with a nervous smile hastily plastered onto his face
“Oh, you know, not long ago,” Corey says, lying with ease.
“Oh, okay, uhm so, how did you get in?” My dad asks, looking so confused I can’t stifle a giggle. He looks at me accusingly “Actually, don’t bother answering that,” he finishes off, making me laugh even more. I notice that Ami has slyly stretched herself across the sofa, making it seem as if she’d always been there, and not sitting on my dad at all.
We both watch and smile as the guys make small talk, and I sit on Ami’s legs, which she doesn’t seem to mind. I notice the expression of confusion still slightly noticeable across my dad’s face, and I know what he’s dying to ask - why the fuck are you here? But he knows he has to get the conversation flowing if he doesn’t want to seem rude. The expression clears, and I mouth the words to Ami as my dad says them, making her giggle “So, Corey, what the fuck are you actually doing here?” God, dad is so predictable!
Corey grins at me “Oh, you know, just checking you’re looking after Reag alright,” okay, now that was the worst lie ever. Seriously. I look at him and shake my head as my dad laughs, knowing what I mean
“Learn to lie, dude, learn to lie,” he laughs again, joining me with a shake of the head.
We sit in silence for a while, before I decide to say “Dad, he knows,” in a conspiratorial whisper, trying to act like a crappy spy
“He knows what?” my dad asks, eyes wide - he hasn’t told anyone else yet.
“You and Ami, duh!” I say, as if it’s the most obvious thing in the world, which it really, really is!
The said couple go bright red and look at the floor, while Corey doesn’t react. Why would he want to waste an opportunity to have a laugh at their expense?
There were a few more moments of silence, and I knew Corey was trying to create a silent, calm atmosphere
“And exactly what the fuck were you thinking, Ami?” he growls, trying to sound angry, and Ami’s eyes go wide, she’s actually scared. I’ll get Corey back for this one.
“I mean, Joey’s 12, nearly 13 years older than you!” he yells and she flinches back, looking like she’s about to cry, “If you wanted an older guy, you should’ve just asked me out any day, I’m better in bed than Joey!” he says with a wink at Ami and nudges Joey in the ribs. I shudder. I so did not want to hear that!
Ami grabs a pillow and throws it viciously against Corey’s head, “I was so scared you motherfuckingsonofacunt!” she screeches, flopping back on the sofa in relief. I whack Corey’s head too, with my hand.
“What the fuck was that for?” he asks mock-angrily
“Scaring my best friend, fuck face!” I grin, knowing he can’t do anything to get me back, or Ami will get him back even worse, hah!
The rest of the day carries on, but Corey gives Ami and my dad a small piece of advice: Whatever you do, do not, and I repeat do not tell the band that you are dating while we are on tour, or you’ll be in for hell.
♠ ♠ ♠
Updated and revised version!
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