Status: Updated, and Revised!

The Unattainable

I Don't Know What To Do

Joey’s POV

Since I saw Ami, yesterday, I keep thinking about her.
I don’t know why, I reckon that maybe it’s because I finally met my daughter’s best friend, after a delay of about 5 years, but I really don’t know.
Perhaps it’s because she’s 20, and Reagan’s only 14, well, shit, she’s gonna be 15 in about 2 weeks (which scares me a bit, she‘s my baby and she‘s growing up).
That’ll be it! I mean it’s fuckin weird, you know?
Well, maybe not, I suppose. She’s only what, five or six years older than Reagan, and, well, that’s not that much.
I twirl my new drumsticks around, looking at my drum kit, and I start to blast out a beat.
I know what it is [drumming helps me think more clearly, I swear] it’s most likely cause I owe her for these! I’ll take her and Reagan to dinner or something, whatever they want.
But still, she’s really quite pretty.
That’s probably got something to do with it, too.
But shit, she’s my daughter’s best friend, I can’t think of her like that.
I push my thoughts to the side, and concentrate on the beat.
Maybe I should ask Corey to come and stay. I’m sure Reagan would like that, and it would keep me occupied, and it’s Reagan’s birthday, soon, and I promised her everyone would be there.

I drop the sticks onto the drums, and go and see Reagan,
She’s on the phone, I notice, and she’s laughing her self stupid.
I’ll give you two guesses who she’s talking to.
I signal to her, watching as she finally notices. “Mind if Corey comes to stay, soon?” I ask, once I have her attention. She nods violently and shrieks, running over to hug me, before turning around to talk to Ami again, while I go and find another phone to call Corey.

Reagan’s POV

“Ami, Corey’s coming over, soon” I squealed down the phone at her “you should totally meet him” I finished off with a slight scream as I heard her laugh at me.
“Sure, sure, sweetie” she replied, not sharing my enthusiasm
“He’s one of my dad’s best friends,” I say down the phone to her “He’s amazing, and well, It’s Corey Taylor, you know?” I try and explain, knowing she doesn’t know the names of Slipknot, or even that my dad’s in that band, but I know she likes Stone Sour
“Corey fucking Taylor? From Stone Sour?” she shouts at me down the phone, and I burst out giggling, while affirming that it’s true.
I sigh, “Ami, what did you think of my dad?” I ask nervously, not really having a clue as to what was going on before I walked into the shop,
“Uh, he seemed really nice, and um….” she gives me as my answer - not the one I wanted. I wanted her to say that he was really awesome, and that she’d love to hang out with us both sometime. I frown, thinking that if she came over tonight, I could get them to talk some more, since my dad seemed a bit strange about her, and she sounds nervous.
“Hey, Ames, want to come around tonight? And stay over, too? Since I owe you. We stayed at your place last, and you could probably meet Corey, too if dad gets him over here” I reason, wanting her to come over badly, she hadn’t been over in months.
She agreed, and we said goodbye, so I could arrange everything.

Joey’s POV

Corey agreed to come over later - I was relieved, since I’d already told Reagan he was coming.
Regan had also just announced that Ami was coming over later - to stay.
So I figure it’d be a good time to have Corey over, since we can leave the girls to their own shit, and get pissed.
That was a couple of hours ago, and I’d spent that time cleaning the house with Rea, and hopefully, someone would be turning up soon.
The doorbell rang, and I jumped up happily - Corey must be here!
I jumped over the sofa and ran to the door, slamming it open, only to be confronted, not with Corey’s face, but Ami’s. “Oh, hi Ami” I mumble “Come in” I usher her in, and tell her to sit down while I go to get Reagan, and I can’t help noticing that she looks even more beautiful than she had yesterday, but I clear my head before that though can progress.
But the doorbell rings again, and this time I know it’s Corey. “Hang on a sec,” I call to Ami, running again to the door. I pull it open, and sure enough, it’s Cor. He walks in, and pulls me into a hug before I tell him to go and sit down.
Meanwhile, I run up the stairs to Reagan’s room, to let her know who’s here
She immediately runs ahead of me, and I walk behind just a little more calmly.

Ami’s POV

Joey opens the door and stares at me, as if he was expecting someone else, then I remember, he is.
He tells me to come in, looking a little nervous, and I can’t help noticing just how nice he looks today - his baggy Bourbon Crow t-shirt, black leather trousers and new rocks really make him look good, along with all of the chains and accessories he has on. I blush, and try not to look at him. While he may be stunning, he’s my best friend’s dad…
He walks out of the room to get Reagan, but the doorbell rings, and he yells at me to hold on.
I nod and smile, still noticing the beautiful blue eyes I noticed yesterday outlined with black kohl.
He pushes someone into the room, and I quickly glance up as he runs up the stairs.
I notice Corey Taylor is standing in the doorway, watching me “Hi,” I venture, smiling - his stare is starting to freak me out just a tad.
“Er, hi? What’s your name, and what are you doing here?” he asks, not quite demanding, but rather more gently, as if he knows I’mterrified nervous.
“Oh, uh, I’m Ami, with an ‘I’ and I’m staying the night here, because I was asked…” I reply, realising too late that I might worded that quite wrongly.
Corey lets out a laugh, looking at me strangely, then notices my kit bag with my change of clothes, et c. and sleeping bag, “Yeah, it’s not that kind of staying the night, Mr Taylor,” I respond with a smile, shaking my head as I do so. Jesus Christ, guys are all perverts, I think. Prove me wrong, please.
“Oh, see, I was wondering, because you’re a pretty young girl, and I was wondering what you’d be doing with Joey” Corey says with a laugh, as I can feel myself blushing.
At this moment [thank goodness, it was getting awkward!] Joey and Reagan make their way in and I hurl myself at her, with an ear-splitting yell as she runs towards me and Corey.
I scoop her up, hugging her and lifting her off the ground, even though she’s taller than me.
I spin around for a few moments, then drop her on the couch so she can harass Corey, who looks mildly alarmed by this point. Reagan tackles him, and he hugs her back while trying to tickle her.
While this is going on, I watch Joey, who’s looking at me, watching me, but not in an uncomfortable way. I look back at him and smile, and to my surprise, he grins back at me, and comes to sit by me.
I hide my surprise, and the evening goes on from there…
♠ ♠ ♠
Updated Chapter two, I hope you enjoy it.
Rewritten/Revised for 2010, and more updates to come!
Blitz X