Status: Updated, and Revised!

The Unattainable

Hard To Say What Caught My Attention

Ami’s POV

I woke up this morning, surprisingly, without a headache, but I must admit, that even if I did have one, it would have been well worth it!
Last night was possibly one of the best in my whole life!
First of all, Joey had offered me a drink after we cautiously began talking - both of our companions talking, so it left us with each other.
We had a great conversation about music, and then we started talking about our lives. Not like, a day to day kind of thing, just what we thought were the best moments, that kind of stuff.
But after a few drinks, and a while of talking, we both started getting a bit tipsy.
We noticed, though, that Reagan was trying to persuade Corey to let her have a beer. At this, Joey burst out laughing, and we’d all turned to face him, as he handed a beer to Reagan - that’s how pissed he was getting. I tried to stop him, but Reagan glared at me, and Joey just told me to stop being a misery guts, or stop drinking myself.
I hit him over the head, but decided that since he was Reagan’s father, I should let him decide.
After a while, we’d ended up playing Twister. I won, of course, after Corey fell over almost straight away, Reagan slipped, and Joey fell on top of me - thank god he’s not heavy!
We drank more and more [I’m surprised I can even remember that far! I‘d drunk a lot and when I say a lot, I really mean it. I reckon it was more than I‘ve ever drunk in all of my 20 years of life!] and Reagan passed out. I remember shouting at the guys for giving her 14 year old self enough beer to make her pass out, then stumbled up the stairs and put her to bed. I also remember that when I walked down the stairs to announce my decision to go to sleep, since Reagan was now officially out of it, and I was her guest after all, but when I tried to leave, I was pulled back by both Joey and Corey combined. Needless to say, I’d stayed, and drunk even more, talking and laughing, and also playing a game of truth or dare, which had resulted in…
Well, one of my dares had been to kiss Joey.
Yeah, that’s right, Joey. Reagan’s dad whom I appear to have a ‘thing’ for.
I’d drunkenly complied straight away, and he’d kissed back, hard, wrapping his arms around my waist, as I had wrapped mine around his neck. After a while, we’d stopped, to notice that Corey was now unconscious on the floor.
We had both blushed and apologised, but I was [and *cough* still am] secretly over the moon about the kiss, even if it had been a dare… although I really shouldn’t have done it, since Reagan’s my best friend, and I feel like I’ve betrayed her by making out with her fucking dad!
I feel guilty, big time.
After that, I talked to Joey for a while before we watched some random TV film, but we were both too drunk to figure out how to use the TV remote, so while we were curled up on the sofa together we almost kissed again, but I had passed out (or fallen asleep, I’m not sure which,) before Joey’s lips touched mine, and I awoke this morning to find myself entangled in Joey’s arms, curled on his lap.
I’d scrambled up, trying not to let myself enjoy the moment, because no matter how awesome I think he is, how lovely, and how damn good looking he is, it doesn’t change the fact that he’s Reagan’s dad. So nothing at all can happen. I can’t get involved!
Not that anything actually would, that is.
So they’re the events that led to me standing here singing the words “and I’ve got an addiction to ammunition!” whilst rushing around trying to make breakfast for everyone before they get up.
I must admit that I probably look like a freakin’ headless chicken.
The house is so quiet it’s scary, which is why I put on Wednesday 13’s ‘Skeletons’ [which is such a great album, by the way!], to which I’m currently singing along. I’m so engrossed in the sway of the music, and making some pancakes to go along with all the rest of the food I’ve made, that I don’t notice the person standing behind me, until they place their hands on my hips, and whisper “Pull the trigger bang, bang now you’re dead” in time with the music.
I let out a slight shriek and jump, much to the amusement of the amusement of the person currently breathing down my neck - literally!
I turn to see who it is - Joey.
I push his hands off my hips, as, much as I want them to stay there, my best friend, and his daughter could some in any moment.
As I do this, a look of hurt and confusion comes across his face- damn he’s cute when he’s confused and only half-sober I think to myslef. “I’m sorry” I whisper “But Reagan could come down soon, and, well, do you really think she’s going to want to see her dad holding her best friend like that? No, I didn’t think so either.” I finish, hearing a banging noise from upstairs, signalling that Reagan has just ‘got out of bed’.
He still looks so cute that I give him a hug, but then turn away as Corey comes into the room, running a hand through his hair, and the other one across his face.
I point to the mounting pile of food, and the plates stacked beside it, and tell them to help themselves, continuing to cook - and think about Joey.

Joey’s POV - Later in the day.

I startled Ami this morning, she was just so lost in the song. But she pushed me away, and it’s been confusing me since then. I mean, dude, I know that she’s Reagan’s friend, but does that really make too much of a difference?
To me it doesn’t, not one fucking bit. I mean, I got to know Ami really well last night, and I’d like to get to know more… she’s just amazing! And I mean, okay, there’s almost a 13 year age gap, but I really don’t think that would matter.
And I can see myself with her for a long time, not just a few weeks. I mean, that shit just never happens!
The only thing is, is how close she is to Reagan. They’re so close it’s unreal. Ami’s been like her parent while I’ve been away, and the only female influence she’s ever really had.
And I know that should be a good thing, right?
Well, it is a good thing, but I just don’t know how Reagan would feel if she knew that I thought of Ami as, well… potential girlfriend material!
Obviously, not until I’ve got to know her a lot better, but I just don’t know whether or not Ami’s willingness in getting to know me will be hindered by Reagan.
It’s so fucked up right now!
I don’t want to talk to Ami right now, not when I’m confused about how I feel, and I can’t bring myself to talk to Reagan, just in case she suspects something, even though there’s fucking nothing going on! That girl has an overactive and sometimes very odd imagination.
But I can’t help thinking about the kiss last night.
I know we were both fucked up, and it was a dare, but it’s the only thing last night that I was actually sure of. And I know that the dare was just an excuse, really.
I need to get my head sorted, I can’ think straight.
But there is one thing I can do - I still owe Ami for the sticks. Maybe I could take her and Reagan out to dinner or something, maybe in a few weeks - that way, I can still learn more about here, and she won’t feel odd, since Reag’ll be there too…
♠ ♠ ♠
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Updated, Part Three, more to come!
Revised/Rewritten, hope it's better to read!