Status: Updated, and Revised!

The Unattainable

She Is Everything And More

Ami’s POV - One Month later.

Fuck! Joey’s just asked me and Rea to dinner tonight, and I really want to go, it’ll be a chance to spend more time with him, but I can’t. I know I can’t! Nothing can develop, no matter what! No matter how much I really want it to. I promised myself.
Well, nothing beyond friendship. Because well, he’s an amazing guy! And if I can’t be in a relationship, I still want him in my life.
But I still feel like I need to spend more time with him, before I can decided whether or not I can be friends with him or something else.
If I can handle friend’s then it’s fine, but if I can’t then I’m pretty sure that from now on I won’t be going around to his house when he’s there.
The past four weeks have been amazing.
Since Joey’s been back, and Rea wants to spend time with us both, and Corey, too. Me and Corey have been practically living at their house, which is fine by me!
It’s given me time to get to know Joey, and Corey too of course. But I can’t help feeling something more than just friendliness towards Joey. No matter how much I just try to think of him as a good friend, or Reagan’s dad.
Every time Joey walks in the room, I feel my heart skip a beat, and I have to fight the urge to hug him every time he comes in from band practise, to kiss his cheek when I see him in the morning, to do, well anything.
Okay, over the past few weeks, we have kissed more than once. But it was mostly when we were drunk, and Reagan wasn’t there. We’ve gotten to know each other really well, and he and I are now pretty close, but I find that I’m still longing to find more about him. I want to know everything about him. literally everything. I know the basics, everything that I really need to know, but I still want to know more. I want to make up for all of the time in Reagan and his life that I’ve missed, how it was growing up with her, everything! And so far, he’s pretty much told me it all.
Well, he’s been very vague about his job, other than that he’s a drummer. He just switches the subject, and I know it’s got something to do with Reagan! But I won’t ask anymore - he’ll tell me in time.

FF to later that night

I actually agreed to go, and once Reagan found out that I’d agreed she ‘mysteriously’ got ill, so that it’s just going to be me and Joey. I wonder what she’s up to?
Anyway, it’s not like a date or anything, It’s just because Joey said that he still owes me for the drumsticks [But he really doesn’t, because I gave them to him, and a meal is SO much more expensive, and he’s been letting me stay in his house, drink his beer and eat his food!] I tried telling him he didn’t have to take me out, but he insisted, and, well, secretly, I wanted him to.
He did those ‘Puppy Dog’ Eyes, too, so I couldn’t have said no, even if I wanted to - he makes me go weak - I’d do anything for him.
So now I find myself sitting in what must be the poshest restaurants in Iowa, and wondering why Joey is spending all of this money over some drumsticks,
And I haven’t even opened the menu yet.
“Joey, this place is too expensive, can we go somewhere else?” I whisper, looking around me nervously at all of the couples happily dining in their finery.
“What? It’s not, honestly, it’s fine, we’re staying here,” he said firmly, watching me as I shifted around nervously, tugging at my skirt, watching the staff worriedly
“Ami, calm down, seriously, dude, you look fine, and if they didn’t think what you were wearing was alright, we wouldn’t be in here!” Joey says quietly, trying to reassure me, so I decide to calm down, and try and relax a bit.
Well, if my emotions can handle this…
But a dinner can’t hurt, can it?
♠ ♠ ♠
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Rewritten and revised edition!
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