Status: Updated, and Revised!

The Unattainable

My Dhalia Bathed in Posession

So, last night went great, I think, and well, me and Joey?
We’re sort of… unofficially going out
The issue is, how do we hide this from Reagan?
Yeah, hide it, because there is no way I can tell her that I’m dating her dad… eww, even just thinking of It like that sounds so wrong!
But if she were to find out, and we haven’t told her, it’d be even worse, and to tell you the truth, I’m really worried.
I don’t want to lose her, and Joey
I wouldn’t be able to cope, and yet, I can’t help feeling that I’m going to lose one of them, either way.
The question is, which would I rather lose?

Joey’s POV

I’ve been avoiding everyone today.
Not because I’m unhappy or anything, but because, well, there’s something I haven’t told anyone, anyone at all. Well, Corey knows, of course, and I’ll have to tell Reagan soon, but well, Ami? I don’t want her to know, not yet, anyway.
I’m going on tour in 2 weeks.
All Hope Is Gone has just been released, and we need to start touring for it. I’d love Ami to come, and Reagan, too, but the problem is how do you explain to 8 guys that you want your daughter and her best friend to come along?
Daughter, I’m sure they’ll understand, but her best friend?
Doesn’t that just seem weird?
Especially since I can’t tell them that I asked Ami out last night.
This whole thing is SO fucked up, let me tell you.
I want everyone to know, I want to scream it out in the streets
I want to say ‘I’m in Love with Ami!’ and have everyone accept it
I want Reagan to know, I want…. But I want things I can’t have.
Just like Ami, if you think about it.
She’s made me happier in the while I’ve known her than I’ve been in a long time. Reagan makes me so happy of course, but she’s never been on tour with me, and I’m away a lot.
You know what? I should change that, let her come on tour with me - she’s old enough now!
And besides, each tour, one member is allowed to bring up to 3 people he cares about for at least one section of the tour, and it’s around my turn, and for once, I’m going to bring my daughter, and well… let her chose someone else, too? ‘cause the only other person I care enough about is Ami, but I haven’t even told her about the tour yet.
And I know she’ll take it badly, because I’ve known about the tour since we released the album. And she still doesn’t know I’m in Slipknot.
Oh Shit.
Things are gonna go downhill, and fast.
I need to have a talk with Reagan about the tour, and then tell Ami the truth about my job.
♠ ♠ ♠
Revised Edition, please let me know if you like!
Much love, Blitz X