Status: Updated, and Revised!

The Unattainable

So Fragile Yet So Devious

Reagan’s POV

After not hearing any shrieking coming from downstairs, I wonder if dad has actually gone and told Ami at all. It just didn’t seem right, has she not believed him or has she just taken it well?
When I hear squeals downstairs I frown slightly, what was going on?
Maybe he’s just trying to soften her up?
Or is there something else?
Then again, there was silence. I feel my frown deepen, and I decide to go downstairs to investigate, because well… I feel like it, and the lack of noise is killing me. When you live with my dad, no noise is …unhealthy.
So, I walk downstairs, trying to figure out where they’d be.
I find them, in the front room, and they’re kissing?
I had only looked her a second, so I must be wrong, right?
I mean, well all I really saw was her arms around him, and his head bent down a bit, and I’m just jumping to conclusions
I’m wrong.
Because that wouldn’t happen.
I’m broken out of my thoughts by laughter, and I peek through the door again to see dad’s head still bent down, and her arms still around his waist, but they’ve turned to the side slightly, and I can see the her head is just resting on his chest, so I was wrong, they weren’t kissing, they’re just hugging and my imagination ran away with me.
That’s it, I convince myself, shake my head and run back upstairs.
But what if I’m right?

Joey’s POV

Well, it went well, and now we’re watching a movie together, and she doesn’t seem at all affected by what I told her. So maybe I should have just been honest in the first place?
I mean it would have saved all of the trouble of shoving stuff in boxes, wardrobes and locking some of the doors in the house - a few of which she had walked into while drunk.
The doors, that is, not the rooms.
And she seems so happy now that she finally knows what I’ve been hiding.
We’re completely honest with each other now, and I’m not going to keep secrets from her again.
You shouldn’t keep secrets from someone you love, right?
But I am. I’m keeping a secret from Reagan, about Ami and I’s relationship.
But that’s something I have to keep secret. she’d freak out so much, and I don’t want to ruin things between her and Ami, and I don’t know how to tell her anyway
‘Hi Reagan, I’m in love with your best friend, and she loves me too. Hope I haven’t freaked you out and mentally scarred you for life or anything.’ doesn’t really sound too good.
What am I going to do?
I want to be with Ami. She’s the only girl I’ve ever seen myself in a serious relationship with, but I don’t want to jeopardize my relationship with my daughter, man.
This whole thing is just breaking me up, I tell you.
I can’t go on like this for much longer, it’s eating me up inside dude, and I can tell it’s hurting Ami, too.
We have to tell Reagan sometime.
But I can’t before the tour, right?
Then there’s be hostility on the bus, and no one wants that
But I have to, because she might find out on the tour, and that would be worse, like if she walked in on us kissing or something.
and I’d have to hide it from the guys, too if I hadn’t told Rea, because they might let it slip drunkenly, and finding out from them would be even worse than discovering us herself.
So I don’t know what to do.
I look at Ami and give her a small smile.
I can tell we’re thinking about the same thing, as her facial expression is reflecting how I’m feeling on the inside.

Reagan’s POV

Oh my God. I still can’t get this out of my head, you know. What if they really were kissing.
What if they like… started going out or something?
How would they think I’d feel about that?
Would they tell me? I hope they would, maybe not like… right away, but what if they didn’t?
Would it make me feel better or worse that they hadn’t told me because they didn’t want me to feel uncomfortable.
But what if they liked each other and said nothing because of me?
How would that make me feel?
I don’t know.
I don’t know how I’d feel anymore.
♠ ♠ ♠
Updayed version, I still love this part :)
I hope you enjoyed ;)
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