Beautiful Miracles

Shayla's POV

I heard Danielle crying, which made me groan. Joe sighed.

"Do you want me to get her?" He asked. I smiled and nodded. He got up, and quickly put some boxers on. He walked out of the room, and down the hall to Dani's room. I yawned, and stood up. I quickly got dress. Joe yawned, and walked into the room holding Dani.

"Muning." She smiled. I smiled back at her, and accepted her from Joe.

"Morning sweetie." I said, sitting on the bed. Joe leaned against the headboard, and pulled me back with him. Dani giggled, and crawled over to us.

"Aww, you got her dressed." I cooed, picking her up. I inspected her dress, and held her on my lap. She smiled at me.

"Yum yum?" She asked. Joe chuckled, and got up. He helped me up, and led us to the kitchen.

"What do you want?" He asked. I set her in the high chair.

"Appwe an' cackers." She giggled. He went over to the fridge, and got out an apple. He cut it up, and set it on a plate. Next he poured some crackers beside it, then brought it out to her. I got her some orange juice, and grabbed a water bottle for Joe. He smirked, and took them both from me.

"Thanks babe." He murmured, pushing his lips lightly to my cheek. I smiled, and sat beside him.

"Tanks da an ma." Dani giggled again. Joe reached over to the counter, and pulled a banana. He opened it, and handed it to me. I smiled, and ate a bit of it.

"Thanks." I grinned. He smirked, and held my hand across the table.
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This took forever to write cause I've been sick. D=

Meg's turn! =D

-Echo [Ash]