Beautiful Miracles

Roxy's POV

My alarm clock went off so I hit the button but it didn't go off.. I realized it was Alex.. I got dressed quickly then ran into his nursery.

I pulled the crib wall down and grabbed Alex.. I went over and changed his diaper but he still wailed.. I surprised it didn't wake Nick up.. Then Again.. He's a heavy sleeper like Joe..

I sat in the rocking chair and rocked him back and fourth. His little eyes dried and he started laughing..

"I think you're a bipolar baby," I stated and he continued laughing.. I started giggling to..

"ungy!" Alex said and I smiled. I got up grabbing his teddy bear along the way. I walked downstairs and put Alex in his high chair..

"What do you want?" I asked as I handed him his bear.. He smiled a crooked smile and it looked a cross between my smile and Nick's.

"Ese od." he squeaked and I laughed..

"Chinese food?" I asked and his smile grew. Okay.. He got that from me..

I took out his plate and put a little bit of rice, seasme chicken, a little part of an egg roll, and some noodles. I put it in the microwave to heat up..

"Mama.. ano!" Alex said and i smiled.

"You want me to play something?" I asked and he smiled that cute crooked smile..

"After breakfast," I said and his eyes lit up like Joe's. I had to giggle at that. I wonder what he got from Shay..

I put some toast in the toaster and pushed it down.. The microwaved dinged and I got out his food.. I fed him. He ate fast and I gave him some warm milk.. I washed his dish a put it up.. He was next to the toaster and the toast popped up. He jumped and shrieked. I laughed... There's Shay..

He realized that it was just toast and start giggling... I grabbed his bottle and him and walked to the den we had.

He sat on my lap, drinking his milk, while I play When you look me in the eye melody. He closed his eyes then giggled. He opened them and they went from Nick's color to mine..

"Whoa!" I said and he continued to laugh.. I had to wake up Nick.
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