Beautiful Miracles

Shayla's POV

I sat on the couch, bouncing Dani on my knee. She giggled, and played with her doll.

"Dani, wanna go to the park?" Joe asked, coming into the living room. She smiled.

"Pawk! Pawk! Pawk!" She squealed. I laughed, and handed her to Joe. He set her in the stroller. I went and got her diaper bag, and filled it with some toys, food, and diapers and wipes.

"Ready?" I asked. She nodded, grinning widely. I grabbed a package of baby cookies, and shoved them in the bag.

"Come on Shay." Joe said, taking my hand. He pulled me through the house, then outside. He lifted the stroller outside, then started pushing it towards the park.

"Awix?" Dani asked, turning her head to look at us. I giggled.

"Alex is at home with his mommy and daddy." I said. She pouted, but looked ahead again.

"Wanna go on the swings?" Joe asked. She giggled and nodded.

"Sah-wings!" She gurgled.

We arrived at the park, so I picked her up, and placed her in one of the blue baby swings. She kicked her feet as I pushed her.

"Unew ducky!" She squealed. Joe smirked, and walked over to me. I didn't like giving her underducks. He grabbed her swing, and ran under it. He let go as she went high. She screeched with delight.

I sat on the other swing beside Dani. Joe walked over to me, and picked me up. He sat down, then pulled me onto his lap.
♠ ♠ ♠
Mm... =]

Meg's turn!

-Echo [Ash]