Beautiful Miracles

Roxy's POV

"Want to go shopping?" I asked and Shay agreed. We went back inside got the kids diaper bags, Shay grabbed keys and we put the kids in their car seats and strapped them in..

Shay and I got in the front. She drove to walmart. We need to stock up on food.. We each grabbed a bugg and I put Alex in. he smiled and I smiled back.. Shay did the same to Danielle.

We each went seperate ways to get our stuff.. Of course we had to get more diapers and baby food. I was going to get that last.. I handed the list to Alex so he could hold it. he did and he didn't put it in his mouth.. I got some oranges, apples, apple juice, grape juice, eggs, lettuce, onions, tamatoes, lemons, limes, banana's... then I went to the baby aisle. I looked at Alex. He had my hair color but Nick's curls. He was adorable!

"Alex. Don't throw or grab anything," I said and he nodded.. For a 1 year old. He's pretty smart.. So I guess those classes that Shay and I take them to are helping..

I grabbed a few jars of babyfood. The jars equaled in 200.. And I grabbed 10 packages of diapers.. I text Shay and she text back..

Im at the check out line- to Shay
Reply- Me 2!.

We were right next to each other on the lines. The cashier scanned everything and I paid with my credit card. Then I met Shay at her car..

"Hopefully The guys fixed everything," I said buckling Alex back into his seat..

"Me too," Shay replied buckling Danielle in. I put my bags in the floor board of the back seat and Shay put hers in the trunk. I took the carts back and then climbed into the car..

Shay drove us to her house. I took the kids in while she grabbed her things.. I put Dani and Alex in the play pen again and took my stuff home..

"And I sayy that it WASN'T WORTH IT!" I heard Kevin yell..

"And I say IT WAS!" Nick yelled back..

"BOYS! SHUT THE HELL UP!" I yelled and it got really quiet.. I carried the bags into the kitchen where they were and started unpacking everything...

"You went shopping? I didn't hear the truck start," Nick said helping me..

"I went with Shay.. because you guys were yelling at each other on the lawn. It's a good thing we don't have neighbors anymore. Or you'd all get arrested," I said harshly.. I saved the bags because we could always use them for something around here.

"I'm going back over and help Shay. You guys settle without yell or I swear to god I'm calling the police and giving them all of your names!" I snapped and they looked at me shocked..

I never snap at people. I put my purse on the bar and walked back over to Shay's. I closed the trunk and shut the doors on the car. I walked inside and shutthe door behind me.. I helped Shay unload her things and I didn't hear yelling..

"What did you do?' she asked smiling as we had coffee. The kids were asleep in the play pen..

"Threatened," I said as we started laughing..
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Ash;s turn! Comment! GO ROXY! I wonder if the boys are going to yell..