Beautiful Miracles

Shayla's POV

We put everything away, then put the bags in one of the drawers.

"Um um?" Danielle asked, crawling over to me. I sighed, wishing she would walk. I picked her up, and looked at her.

"Food?" I asked. She nodded, giving me a smile.

"Ood!" She exclaimed. Roxy laughed as I opened the fridge. I grabbed out some grapes, and walked back over to the counter. I set the grapes down, then opened the cabinet. I grabbed out a bowl, then closed the door with my elbow. I pulled off a bunch of grapes, and set them in the bowl.

"Alex, snack time." I called, setting the bowl on the table.

"How is this our fault?!" Nick shouted. I rolled my eyes, and set Danielle in her highchair. I got the booster seat from the hall closet, and set in on a chair. Roxy put Alex down on it, and sat down. I sat down beside her, and handed a few grapes to Dani.

"If you hadn't fucking slept with them, we wouldn't be in this mess!" Kevin shouted. I groaned, and stood up.

"I'll be back." I said. Roxy sighed, and nodded. I grabbed my purse, and dumped a bunch of small things inside of it. I stormed over across the street, and inside the house.

"Shut up!" I shouted, slapping Kevin with my purse. He jumped when it made contact with his arm.

"Ouch! Watch it!" He shouted back, rubbing his arm. Nick and Joe both laughed. I went over to Nick, and slapped him too.

"Ow!" He whined. Joe laughed harder, but stopped when I slapped him.

"I thought you loved me?" He pouted. I rolled my eyes.

"I do, but right now Alex and Dani are trying to sleep. So shut up. If you wanna yell at each other, go to the park!" I growled, glaring at Kevin. He rolled his eyes.

"You can't tell me what to-Ow!" Kevin yelled as my bag made contact with his arm again.

"Just get over it Kevin. It was almost two years ago." I hissed at him. He rolled his eyes.

"Fine, I'm out." He said, storming outside. I rolled my eyes, and walked outside too. I walked across the street, and back inside.

"Why did they keep saying ouch?" Roxy asked. I dropped my bag.

"I kept slapping them." I smirked. She giggled.
♠ ♠ ♠
Evil bag woman! o.0

Meg's turn!

-Echo [Ash]