Beautiful Miracles

Shayla's POV

Joe walked in the house right after Roxy left. I picked up Dani, and smiled at Joe. He sighed.

"Hey. Sorry about hitting you." I laughed. He smiled at me, and took Dani from me.

"It's fine. Kevin keeps whining how we ruined his career." He muttered, taking Dani into her room. I followed them, and sat on the bench by the windows while he changed her.

"Jeez. No offence to Kevin, but he kinda needs to grow up." I said, glancing at the sea green guitar beside me. Dani laughed, and played with one of her toys while Joe tossed the dirty diaper in the garbage.

"Yeah... Anyways, I think I'm going to go to bed." He said, handing Danielle off to me. I smiled down at her, but followed Joe. I grabbed his arm.

"It's 4 in the afternoon." I stated. He turned to me, and lightly smiled.

"I'm tired, and stressed." He said. I rolled my eyes, and led him into the living room. I set Dani down by her rocking horse. She crawled onto it, and giggled. I sat down beside Joe on the couch.

"Do you want a back rub?" I asked. He smirked at me.

"Or something else?" He asked. I laughed.

"Mm, no." I said. He playfully rolled his eyes.

"Fine." He said, facing his back to me. I smiled, and started to rub his back. I moved to his shoulders, feeling him tense up. Damn, he was ticklish.

"Quit it." He whined, moving out of my reach. I laughed, and placed my hands on my lap.

"Fine. Baby." I kidded. He playfully glared at me.

"Fine, I get to do you now." He said. I giggled.

"That sounded so bad." I said, turning around so my back was to him. He smirked, and lightly rubbed my back. We both glanced at Dani. She fell asleep on her horse, cuddling with her doll. I got up to put her in her crib, but Joe pulled me back down.

"She's fine." He whispered. I sighed, but nodded. He continued rubbing my back, but then started kissing my neck.

"Joey." I whined. He smirked again, then started sucking. He wrapped his arms around my waist, and pulled me closer to him. Somehow he managed to get me turned around, and on top of me. He slowly started to make his way up my shirt. I lightly pushed on his chest. He sighed, and pulled away a little. He looked down at me.

"Shay." He whined, holding onto the last syllable of my name. I giggled.

"Joe, we can't right now." I said. He pouted, still pressing his chest hard against mine.

"It's been almost two years." He whined. I smiled up at him.

"And you lasted 21 years before that. I'm sure you can wait a bit longer." I said, sliding out from under him, and standing up. He growled lightly, then followed me. He picked me up, and tossed me onto the couch. I laughed.

"I don't want to." He stated. I sighed, then pushed my lips against his. He smiled, and reached for my bra. I pulled his hands from my shirt, then kissed his neck.

"Sorry babe, but Dani's right there, and during the day she isn't a very deep sleeper." I whispered. He sighed, then kissed my neck again quickly.

"Fine, but don't think you'll be safe tonight." He smirked. I laughed, then pushed him up. He wrapped his arm around me, and flipped the television on. He turned down the volume before Dani woke up.
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Meg's turn!

-Echo [Ash]