Chicago Is So Two Years Ago, Its All About Vegas Baby

Maybe We Could Start Again

She stood there, eyes slightly ajar. Everything about her made my senses go crazy. She smelled beautiful, just the way I remembered, but she looked sad and tired. It hurt to know I was the one that made her feel that way.

Working in auto-pilot mode, I stepped out of her way and let her enter the apartment. I closed the door behind her and made my way back into the lounge.

Harry, Patrick and I all stood awkwardly in opposite sides of the room before Patrick excused himself and left the apartment.


Trying my hardest not to make eye contact, I looked out of the window on the far side of the room. The clouds floated effortlessly and gracefully across the azure sky. It was a beautiful sight. It enveloped me, and for a few precious seconds, I forgot where I was.
The feel of a hand on mine, yanked me from my happy thoughts.

‘Pete…’ I said slowly, still in shock that he was sitting in front of me. After not being seeing him or hearing his voice for near enough two months, it felt like a magnificent dream for him to even be in the same room as me.

He stared deep into my eyes, as though he was searching. What he was searching for? I couldn’t tell, but the softness that resided in my eyes calmed me greatly.

‘I’m so sorry for what I did; I can’t begin to tell you how much I regret it. If you never want to see me again, I totally understand.’ I said all in one breath, partly so he couldn’t interrupt me, but also because I knew if I stopped I wouldn’t have been able to continue.

His hand slowly moved upwards and caressed my cheek, I leaned my head into his touch. ‘I know you’re sorry, and I just want you to know…I forgive you, for everything.’

Breathing a sigh of relief, I looked directly at him for the first time. Before I could stop myself, I launched at him and hugged him. Slowly, I realised what I’d done. I was just about to unwrap my arms from around his neck, but he tentatively brought his arms around my waist and hugged me back.

The hug was slightly awkward and forced, but I didn’t care. I’d missed the warmth and safety that his embrace gave me.

We pulled away and looked at each other, I smiled shyly at him. It was like going back to when we first went out, although, I could tell he wasn’t completely comfortable – but it was a start.

My phone’s shrill ring pierced through the air like a knife cutting a cake.

‘Excuse me,’ I muttered before getting up and answering the call.

Hello? Miss Miller?’ my doctor’s now recognisable voice sounded through the receiver.

Wondering why she was calling, I unsurely answered, ‘Speaking.’

I walked into my room and closed the door behind me.

I forgot to confirm with you how far along you are.’

‘Oh, how far along am I?’ I asked slowly, this could tell me whose child it was… and to be honest, I was scared shitless.

You’re four and a half months pregnant.’ She confirmed.

My breath caught in my throat. The baby wasn’t Brendon’s…it was Pete’s.

The doctor and I went on to arrange an ultrasound for the following day, just to make sure everything was going to plan. I was a lot further along than she had first suspected, probably due to the fact my stomach was still as flat as it ever was.

‘Thanks doctor…’ I slid my phone shut. Leaning on the wall for support, I tried to regulate my breathing, I slid down the wall.

I heard shuffling around outside the room, not taking it in, I just sat on the floor, focusing on the wall across from me in a staring match that I was certain to lose.

‘Harriett?’ Pete said worriedly, crouching down next to me, running his hand down my dark hair.

‘I’m pregnant…’ I spoke slowly, not looking at him to gage his reaction.

He didn’t speak for a long time, which only made my unease double, if not triple.

‘…And the baby’s Brendon’s.’ he finished for me, as more of a statement than a query.

‘No, no, no,’ I reassured him. ‘It’s yours.

He looked down at me, trying to decipher if I was telling the truth. It hurt, but I couldn’t expect anything less. I was almost close to tears at the fact he didn’t believe me, it pained me so much to know I’d given him so much reason to distrust me.

‘I can understand if you don’t want anything to do with me or the baby-’

He stopped my rambling abruptly by placing his lips to my own.

‘I want to make this work, Harry.’ I grinned at him using my nickname again.

‘This might be too soon, but I don’t care. I love you Pete.’

He was silent for a moment before he said, ‘I love you too Harry…’
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Sorry it's taken so long, but I hope this is the happiness you've all been looking for! I'm hoping for a lot of comments!!



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