My Hate For You Never Died

Batman Butterflies.

“ Dun na na na na na na na na BATMAN!” Danny screamed.

I let out a shocked gasp and fell off the stool I was currently perched on, my binder landed next to me sending pictures flying, while my butt felt like it had been broken. All of the guys were in laughter, even Quinn who was currently tattooing Seth at the moment, aww my little babe was growing up and getting his first ink.

“ DANIEL RAYNE WINKENS!!!” I screamed rubbing my sore butt, “ you better run before I get up and murder you!”

There was silence as Danny stared at me, trying to see if I was lying or not, he finally gulped and darted out of the storing screaming something about lunch. I sat there for a few seconds letting the pain in my spine slowly disappear, finally it got to the point I could stand it.

I stood up and began to pick up all the pictures from the floor, my mom had sent a binder and begged me to take pictures of all of us and mail it back to her. I began to wonder what she’d say when she noticed Quinn had tattoos all over his arms now, it was funny to see how lanky he looked before he got her, when now he had built up and had tattoos, and his bottom lip adorned with snake bites.

“ How goes the album?” Sam asked walking over to smile.

“ Almost done, I just need to get those pictures from the pharmacy later, they should be developed by now.” I smiled up at him.

“ Me and Travis could get them, we were going surfing.”

I raised an eyebrow and tried to picture them surfing, all I could see was them attempting to stand on the board, and then getting frustrated to the point they started to yell at each other. “ I better not get another call to the hospital…”

He laughed, “ don’t worry we’ll be safe Mommy.” He said in a high pitched voice as he started to walk away.

I laughed quietly and started to put all the pictures back in their places, all that Seth had from his incident was a little scar, it would run my fingers along the line when we laid in bed. Whenever we wouldn’t have anything to say to each other, or when we were just to tired to talk.

I smiled softly as I started to play with the ring around my finger, it had a small little sapphire in the middle of the silver band, but otherwise it looked completely normal, something I liked. No we weren’t engaged, he said he wanted to let my anticipation build up before he asked. Which honestly made me laugh so hard I almost cried.

“ Missing me?”

I looked up and smiled, Seth was leaning against the glass counter with a smirk across his face. “ Of course, now let me see your ink.” I demanded pointing to the white bandage over his arm.

He shook his head, “ not until you get one.”

I pouted, “I’m broke babe.”

He leaned over until his mouth was inches from mine, “ I already paid for it, and Quinn gave you a discount, now go get your butt in my chair and pick out what you want.”

I sighed in defeat, after the incident Seth really didn’t get pushed around to much, he began to work out with Quinn until he wasn’t lankly. But hell I couldn’t complain, if anything, I felt a lot more safer with him. Like he was a loyal guard dog resting his head on my lap like nothing. I giggled at the thought as I plopped down into the leather chair. Seth let out an evil chuckle and plopped his binder down onto my lap, filled with every tattoo he’s done, and every sketch of tattoos he had collected.

“ Pick anything…I’ll put it anywhere.”

I rolled my eyes, “ perv.”

He laughed, “you love it.”

I smiled faintly as he walked away to get his things ready. I sighed and started to flip through the binder, fish on a girl’s arm, Jack And Sally killing each other, a game of hangman on some guys back, someone’s initials, death bat sketch, smiley face with fangs, I sighed again and continued to look through.

“ Find anything?” Seth asked hugging me from behind, his latex gloves resting on my hands.

I rested my head on his shoulder smiling, “ I can’t decide, what do you think I should get?” I asked kissing his jaw.

He smiled and started to flip through the pages, he laughed and pointed to a small sketch. I studied it for a few seconds, it was a little butterfly, followed by five bigger ones, I frowned and looked at him.

“ Think,” he tapped my forehead, I shrugged, “ the little one is you, and the rest are the guys and I.”

I laughed and looked at it, “ I like it, cute yet an inside joke.” I teased kissing his chin now, “ let’s do it, how about on my forearm to my wrist?”

He nodded and let go of me almost reluctantly, he turned me around and sat down on the stool pulling my wrist towards him. I bit my lower lip as he held the point towards my skin, and then the annoying buzz filled my ears.

“ Aaww, my little sister looks scared shitless.” Quinn smiled before kissing my forehead. “ Don’t worry it’s not that bad.”

I nodded and bit my lower lip as Seth started to work, I had to admit it wasn’t the greatest feeling ever, but I’ve had piercings before, and been in enough pain to think nothing of this. I watched Seth with amazement as he worked without a stencil, being talented enough to do free hand was one thing he was proud of.

“ You okay there babe?” He asked briefly looking up at me, “ I don’t want to fainting on me.”

I scoffed, “ I’m not that weak,” He smiled weakly, “ except when your hurt, then I’m weak.” I faked a dramatic sigh and slumped my head against Quinn’s stomach.

“ Oh my god please stop with this mushy words!” Quinn whined poking my forehead.

I giggled, “ fine, but only if you make sure Danny does not start singing the Batman song around me,” He laughed, “ or I will kill him.”

Quinn laughed and ruffled my hair, “ okay then, did you finish our album?” He asked looking for the red binder I was always working in.

“ No, we still need the pictures from the week Sethy here was hospitalized.” I teased.

He let out a low growl and pinched my thigh with his free hand, I was slightly concerned that he was only using one hand, but I trusted him. “ Can’t you keep my hand off me for five seconds?” I whined.

He laughed again, “ sorry, I forgot Quinn was here.”

Quinn looked at me, “ please stop talking all sexual..”

I giggled, “ no problem bro.” He smiled and took a seat next to me, watching the work unfold, he liked watching everyone work. I guess it made him happy to see all the stalls with people in them, the feedback, now all he needed was a girlfriend…

“ I don’t need a girlfriend.” Quinn said breaking the quick silence.

I frowned, “ how did you?”

“ Whenever you think about that, you get this glint in your eye that spells trouble.” He answered.

I pouted, “ don’t make me talk sexual to Seth.”

Seth looked up with hopeful eyes, “ not while I’m working…I’d probably mess up.”

I giggled, oh how I love days like this.
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Sorry it took me awhile, I tried updating last night but it wouldn't go through! I was panicking thinking it was banned or something...spazz i know.