Green Day's Photographer


I kept my eyes closed as I yoarned and stretched.

"Mornin' beautiful!" a voice whispered.

I opened your eyes in shock and saw that it was Tre watching me and stroking my hair.

"You scared me...!" I told him.

"Sorry," he whispered as he pecked me on the lips.

"What are you doing here anyway...?" I asked as flashbacks from last night came flooding back.

"Oh yeah..."


We both got dressed and went down stairs to find Mike and Billie eating cereal in the kitchen.

"Mornin' " Mike and Billie said together with their mouths full of cereal.

Tre gave you a last quick kiss on the lips and ran to the fridge to get something.You looked at Billie who just stared at you,you could tell he had jeleousy in his eyes.
You sat down opposite him and Tre put cereal infront of you and he sat next to you and started eating his.
Mike sat next to Billie and winked at you,you smiled back.
"Mike,what time is it?"you asked.
"SHIT!We gotta be at a photo shoot at 11:00!"you shouted.
"We'll get ready then!"all three of them said as they shot upstairs in a flash.
About 45 minutes later they came down.
"You took your time didn't you!?"you shouted at them.
You looked at them all and smiled. They were wearing this:


" all look you always do!"you told them as you grabbed them all and dragged them to the car.
You all drove of to the photo studio place and when you got there you got your camera out and you all walked in and started as soon as possible.
They all did their funny poses - especially Tre.
After several photos Tre grabbed your hand and pulled you to him.
"You shouldn't be taking our photos..."Tre told you.
"But its my job, thats what you hired me for...!"you answered sarcastically.
"No...I meant you shouldn't be taking should be in them!"he told you as he gave you a peck on the cheek.
"What do you mean?"
"I're going out with me you deserve to be in some photos with us!"he said smiling at you.
"Is this your suprise?"you asked him.
"Yep...why is it dissapointing?"
"No...its really nice!...thanks Tre!"you told him as you gave him a peck on the cheek back.
Tre grabbed the camera out of your hand.
"Here Mike...take some pictures of me and Ali!"Tre shouted to him as he threw him the camera.
You both started posing as Mike took pictures.Billie just stared.
Suddenly Tre wrapped his arms around your waist and pulled you really close to him and he started kissing you deeply while Mike still took pictures.You could see out of the corner of your eye that Billie was just stood there,mouth open in shock,gawping at you both.


"Right,we're setting off for England tonight...well in a bit!"Billie told you all as you all watched a movie in the lounge.
"We might aswell go now,get a head start so we can have a rest on the bus before the concert tomorrow!"Tre said as he looked at you laying on his shoulder.
He felt your forhead.
"God,you're hot Ali...are you okay?"he asked looking worried.
"I just don't feel that well"you answered.
Mike walked up to you and put his hand on your forhead too,and so did Billie.
"She probably caught something from kissing you, Tre!"Billie announced and then smirked.
"Shut up Billie!"you said as you threw a cushion in his face.
"Sorry!"he said.
Tre picked you up - bridal style - as they all packed there stuff,checked out of the hotel and walked into the tour bus.
Tre took you to his room and placed you gently into his bed.He kissed your forhead lightly and said goodnight.You soon fell to sleep thinking about all that had gone on the past week.