Green Day's Photographer

GreenDay'sPhotographer - 14 - TalkToHim

That morning you woke up feeling really down and just confused, but Mike and Tre came running in insisting that you go to town with them to cheer you up.They also said they'd buy you anything you wanted.You tried saying you were tired but they wouldn't take no for an answer,they practically dragged you out of bed,got you dressed and pulled you into the kitchen.
Billie Joe was sitting at the table,looking just as depressed as you,and eating cereal.
"Right we're off to town,so I'm gonna ask you one last time do you wanna co..."Mike started but Billie interupted.
"No!"he replied glumly.
He looked up and saw that you were there and he tried as best possible to avoid eye contact with you.Mike had your hand in his and he carried on dragging you to the door.
"Aren't we gonna have any breakfast?"you asked.
"No,we'll get something in town!"Tre said as he ran out to the car,Mike did too.He tried pulling you but you made an excuse to get a drink of water and he ran out to the car leaving you there alone with Billie.

You slowly walked over behind Billie to the sink.You stared at him the whole way.
When you started for the door you stopped.
"Look,Billie about last night..."you started.
"Look...I'm sorry ok.I shouldn't have done doesn't matter forget,about it and have a nice time in town!"he said very quickly with no enthusiasm present in his voice at all.
"You sure you don't wanna come!?"you asked to try and cheer him up a little.
"No,its fine I gotta go and sort out my guitar at a store anyway!"he lied,as you both heard Mike shout 'Hurry Up' to you from the car.
"Well,see ya later then..."you said as you began to walk out the door.
You decided you wanted to have a good time,and not feel miserable all day,so you smiled and ran up to the car.
"Thanks you guys,y'know for taking me out,making me feel a little better!"you said as they both gave you a hug and Tre gave you a soft kiss on the lips but you both saw Mike was watching and stopped.
Tre started driving off.
"So where we gonna go...?"you asked.
When you got to town they took you to every shop imaginable and bought you anything you wanted.
When you all got back later that evening at around 8 ish Billie was on the sofa sleeping.
Tre and Mike went to take the bags over to a spare room of the tour bus and you quietly walked over to Billie and knelt down stroking his hair.
He murmered something and opened his eyes,he saw you and looked a little shocked.
"Shh,are you tired?"you asked him.
"A little,why?"he asked back,trying not to show that he was enjoying your presence,in his voice.
"Well,we were all gonna go out for a meal and check into the hotel afterwards...are you gonna come?"you told him.
"I don't kn..."he started.
"Oh and I won't take no for an answer so your choices are yes or....yes!"you said firmly.
"Ok,fine I'll come!"he said getting up acting a little annoyed.
You flung your arms around him and gave him a hug,he didn't really expect it as you could feel a smile grow on his face,on the side of you cheek.
"Thanks,I'll go and get ready,you go too!"you said as you ran to your room and got dreesed.
About half and hour later you all were ready and you got the tour bus driver to take you to the restaurant.
Luckily when you got there it wasn't packed so there weren't alot of people there to cause a disturbance.
You each ordered your food and then began to chat.
"So maybe like in a month or so we are gonna go back to our house since the tour is over for this year!"Mike told you all.
"And can stay in my room!"Tre added while winking at you.You blushed.
You all ate your meals and had dessert.
When you all had finished you got the tour bus driver to take you all to the hotel and you all got checked in.