Green Day's Photographer

GreenDay'sPhotographer - 15 - HowDareHe

Later that night Tre decided that he was hungry again and he tried persuading everybody to go and get a Chinese Takeway.In the end only Tre and Mike ended up going because Billie refused,he said he was working on a new song and so did you because,one:It was freezing outside,and two:you had only just got better from your illness and you didn't want to catch anything again.
Tre still pleaded for you to go but he eventually gave in and told you all they'd be back in a bit.

You stayed in your's and Tre's room for a bit,looking over the balcony.(Yes,you were on the top floor).
You thought the view was incredible!All the city lights and the stars,then you realised that you had started humming 'Are We The Waiting' to yourself.
After a while your stomach grumbled so you decided to go and get a snack from the kitchen,you didn't understand what was taking Mike and Tre so long - probably getting canoodled (Funny word...hehe!) by fans.
You walked past Billie's room and you could here him playing his guitar silently.He seemed to have heard you walking by because,he paused for a second then carried on again strumming again.
You walked into the kitchen and grabbed an apple and a few biscuits and sat at the table and started eating them.You noticed a CD player on the side and a few Green Day albums so you got up and rummaged through them till you found the album 'Warning' and placed the CD inside the CD player.You put track 8 on which is called 'Hold On' ( If you haven't heard that song,or have that album...then GO GET IT NOW!!! Or forever regret that you never and you put it on at almost full blast,it was one of your favourite Green Day songs.
Billie seemed to have heard,you didn't really know how he couldn't have heard it because of how high you had turned to volume,as he came out of his room and into the kitchen to grab a snack too.You were singing along to the song.
"I'm guessing you like that song!?"Billie asked curiously.
"Yeah...It's one of my favourites!!!!"you replied smiling at him.He smiled back and grabbed an apple and went back into his room.You listened to a few more tracks and then switched it off and decided to go back to your room.As you walked passed Billie's room once again, the door flung open and a hand reached out and pulled you in.

It was,obviously Billie.When he pulled you in he placed his arms,tightly around your waist and kissed you vigurously like if he didn't kiss you he would die.(Which he won't,don't fret I was just making an example.)
At first you just stood there in shock then you realised what he was doing and you squirmed and pulled away.
"Billie what the fuck do you think you are doing?You can't go around kissing people...especially people with boyfriends!"you screamed at him.
"Well you seemed to enjoy it....!"he replied keeping calm and not looking ashamed for what he had done.
"Enjoyed it...I know what your up to!Your just trying to make me like you so I'll go out with you instead of Tre....!"you snapped pushing him back a little.
"Well maybe I am,or maybe I just like kissing you!"he answered as he tried to kiss you again but you jumped back.
"You fucking idiot!You just have to ruin everything don't you!"you shouted again as you stomped out the room in outrage.
"Well makes a difference from 'American Idiot'!"he replied.