Green Day's Photographer

GreenDay'sPhotographer - 21 - Frank'sParty


"Billie? What in the hell is that?!" you screamed, seeing him hold up a crown and a cape. You both were in his bedroom.
"...nothing...just my costume for the party..."
"Huh? What party?"
"Oh, Tre didn't tell you? The guys from MCR invited us to Frank Iero's surprise birthday/Halloween party!"
"Yup...remember we toured with them...they're cool..."
"Oh's birthday party...when is it?"
"WHAT?! You JUST tell me this?"
"I thought you knew..."
"*sigh*...well, I need a costume..."
"Go as're scary enough..." Mike said, walking into the bedroom unannounced.
"I'm offended!" you joked, throwing a pillow at him. He avoided it and ran behind Billie.
"Help me, oh glorious King! This beast has gone mental!" he said in a maiden voice. You laughed.
"Do not worry, m'lady! I will save you from this hideous creature we call a woman!" he said with a low voice, placing the crown on his head. You shook your head and ran out the room. Billie screamed the word "CHARGE!" and ran after you. You squeaked and almost tripped down the steps. You quickly ran out the front door and tried as desperately as you could to get away from him, but it was no use. He toppled you to the ground and kept you from getting out.
"BILLIE! I SURRENDER! AHHH!" you yelled, smiling as he was starting to tickle you. He didn't stop.
"Gee, you put up a wimpy're so easy to kill..." he said, getting up and brushing off some dirt from his pants.
"There's a difference between being a wimp and being smart, y'know!"
"I're still a wimp..."
"AHH! SHE IS ALIVE!" he said, toppling you again. He started to tickle you again, yet this time it was harder. You kept laughing uncontrollably as he continued to tickle your stomach, and making tears fall down your face. After a moment or two, he stopped, trying to get a breather.
"Oh, I see the King is tired..."
"Well, it was a worthy battle..."
"I'm guessing that's your costume for the party...right?"
"Yes, I'm gonna be King For A Day..."
"Princess by dawn..."
"That's it! You should be a princess! Mostly everyone at the party will get the idea!"
"True...but I wanna be a dark almost a dominatrix or something..."
"Fine then...I'll go get my dominatrix outfit from when we recorded 'Warning'..."
"Blood, Sex and Booze...don't you read the little text underneath the technical crap? Geez..."
"In the album booklet to 'Warning', there's a little thing of text that says 'Dominatrix Simone'...or something like that..."
"You mean that slapping thing in the song was real?!"
"Yes, the slap as well..."
"Um...just one thing..."
"Why was she telling you to put your head down?" you asked with your eyebrows raised. Billie sighed.
"That's a private matter, Alyssa..." he said with a smile. You laughed and pulled him down next to you. You kissed him sweetly for a moment or two, but then started to makeout. He rolled on top of you and begged you with his tongue to open your mouth. You easily let him in, and you both continued to makeout for a few more moments, until a car pulled up in the driveway and saw the two of you. The driver got out and stood above the two of was Tre.
"OOOO! A public showing! How much are tickets?" he asked, jumping up and down. You broke from the kiss.
"Um...would you give up your left nut?...oh yeah! That's right! YOU DON'T HAVE ONE! HAHA!" you joked. Tre laughed and patted your cheek.
"Sure, make fun of my past experiences...that's fine..."
"Ok...well, I guess you can't see the showing then...since you have no left nut!" you said, starting to laugh as you were saying this. Tre just snickered and walked inside the house. Billie shook his head and laughed.
"Tre's been acting strange lately..."
"So? What else is new?"
"No...only to you...ever since that whole hospital incident..."
" think he's over that?"
"Oh yeah...I think so...but you better ask him never know..."
"Ok, I will...let's go get ready for the party!"
"...and dont say that ever again!" you said in the same cheery voice.
"Ok!" he responded, imitating you. You both went back inside to get your costumes ready...


"Tre! Why are you wearing a bra?..." you asked, giving him a confused look. He looked down and smiled.
"This is my costume...I'm a cross-dressing whore!" he said with pride. You just shook your head and laughed. All of you were in the car, on your way to the party, which was at Gerard Way's house. You glanced over at Mike, who was driving. He had a tux on, but had a half-mask on as well. You smiled knowing who he was.
"Hey, Phantom of the Opera, are we there yet?" you asked in a child's voice. He looked at you through the rearview mirror and shook his head, smiling as well.You giggled and snuggled up to Billie Joe, who was a king. You were happy with your costume,which was the dominatrix/black angel costume you had planned on. It looked like this...(Ok,I was having a bit of trouble with the pic I can't get it to load up.I'll try to sort it out,in the meantime try to imagine it.Soz)
You smiled to yourself and saw Gerard's house coming up. Mike pulled into the driveway and opened the door for you, being a true gentleman. You smiled at him while getting out, yet Billie, a tiny bit jealous of not being able to do it for you, slapped Mike in the head, causing his mask to fall off. You laughed.
"AHH! He's unmasked! Quick! Get a chandelier to fall on him!" you joked, yet the boys just gave you funny looks. You sighed. "In the play, the Phantom gets clobbered with a falling chandelier..." they kept looking at you weird, not knowing what in the hell you were talking about. "Go see the'll see..." you said, walking up to the front door. Billie, trying to regain his kindness from before, ran in front of you and opened the door, smiling at Mike in the process. Just then a man came to the front door, looking at Billie in a funny way.
"You know, most people knock first before entering..." he commented, making Billie jump. He turned around and saw it was Mikey Way. Billie rubbed the back of his head, signaling his embarrassment. You felt bad, knowing Billie was trying very hard to be kind and gentleman-like to you, yet every attempt ended up in ruin. You hugged Billie and gave him a quick peck on the lips.
"I know you're trying to be the kindest boyfriend there ever was to me, and I really don't need to have doors held for me and to be helped out of cars to know that..." you explained, playing with his cape. He smiled in a surprised way.
"Really? Are you sure?"
" wouldn't hurt to do it every once in a while, but not constantly...ok?"
"Now, let's party..."
You entered the house, and you looked around, seeing cobwebs and darkness everywhere. It looked perfect for Frank. Just then you felt a tap on your shoulder, and you turned around, expecting Billie. It was Gerard Way.
"Oh my...oh my...oh my GOD! IT'S GERARD! NICE TO MEET YOU!" you screamed, shaking his hand. He laughed and smiled.
"Same seem overly excited to see me...I don't know if I'm THAT great..."
"ARE YOU KIDDING ME? I LOVE YOU GUYS!" you screamed, and the boys of Green Day turned their heads to you. You giggled.
"...but not as much as Green Day, of course..."
"Well, I'm glad you're not one of those poser people...they would be the same as you...except they'd be wearing pink lip gloss and high heels...well, I'm glad you could make it here! Enjoy the party, and Tre will be the lookout for Frank, so keep your ears open..." he said, giving you a kiss on the cheek. You gasped as he walked away, going to greet others to the party. You felt like a preteen again, so perplexed at how a celebrity just kissed your cheek. Luckily Billie didn't see Gerard kiss you, otherwise he would've bashed his skull open with his bare hands...yeah, Billie loved you THAT much...


"HE'S COMING! EVERYONE HIDE!" Tre yelled, running behind a couch as if he was avoiding a bomb. Everyone resisted laughing at him, and they got in their hiding places and shut the lights off. You heard the door open, and Frank quietly walking into the living room. All of a sudden, you heard him trip on something...or someone...and he fell to the floor. The lights went back on and everyone jumped into the air.
"SURPR..." everyone started, but stopped when they noticed Frank on the floor...on top of Billie...
"HOLY SHIT! BILLIE! HOW'D YOU GET OVER THERE?!" you yelled, running over to help them. You remembered that Billie was next to you when the lights went off, so why was he at the opposite side of the room? You gave him a curious look as he tried to get up.
"I wanted a different hiding place, and I guess I didn't hear Frank coming...sorry Frank..." he apologized to Frank. Frank laughed.
"That's fine tell you the truth, I kinda found that experience...interesting...if I do say so myself..." he said, getting up as well. Everyone laughed and the party began...
After the cake was cut, and the presents opened, everyone started partying. You were talking with Billie Joe and Frank.
"Hey, is anyone thirsty?" you asked, willing to get drinks for them.
I am Billie said in a cheery voice.
"So am I...hold on, I'll get them..." you said, starting to walk towards the punch table. Billie stopped you.
"Nope, you're a lady...I will get them..."
"I thought I told you not to be nice to me..."
"No, you said I could be nice every once in a while...this is a 'once in a while'..." he said, running off to the punch table. You shook your head and laughed.
"Damn, he's acting sooooo nice to you..." Frank commented. You nodded your head in agreement.
"Yup...that's Billie for ya...sometimes he's too nice..." you said, smiling at Frank. You and Frank started talking for a few moments, and you both were having a great time. You noticed Billie was coming back with the drinks.
"Hey, Alyssa...don't mind me asking, but are you doing anything tomorrow night?" Frank asked, getting your attention. You gave him a surprised look, realizing that he was hitting on you. You turned back over to Billie, and your face froze when you saw that he had heard the WHOLE thing. Billie took his cup of punch, looked at it, and threw it into Frank"s face, and then throwing the whole cup at him. Everyone in the room stopped and stared at the three of you, noticing what had just happened. Billie didn't know what to do, so he just ran over to the front door, ran out of it, and slammed it shut. You quickly followed him out, and soon the party carried on, despite what just happened to the birthday boy. You went over to Billie, who was sitting on the steps leading up to the front door. You sat next to him.
"Billie...please come back was all a big misunderstanding..." you tried to reason with him. You rested your head on his shoulder, but he flinched away.
"No Alyssa...he was hitting on you...there's no misunderstanding THAT!" he said, getting up and looking up at the sky, which was full of stars. You took his hand and held it. He gazed at you.
"Billie...he doesn't know I'm dating you...he thinks I'm single..." you said, kissing his cheek. His anger subsided, and he sighed.
"Well...why would he think that?"
"...because you're so nice to everyone, he thought you were just being nice to me...we weren't showing ANY signs of dating in was as if we were just friends..."
"Oh...well, why don't we show some signs then?"
"Sure, that'd clear some things up...but first, you need to apologize to Frank..."
"Especially since it's his birthday..."
"Damnit...ok..." he said, giving you a small kiss on the lips. He went back inside, and you closely followed. He went up to Frank, and he held out his hand.
"Sorry for throwing that shit in your face...truce?" he asked, hoping for a response. Frank smiled and shook his hand, agreeing with Billie. You smiled, happy about the whole situation. After that, most of the party left, and the rest of you did the same. The whole way home you snuggled with Billie Joe, letting him know he was your one and only...