Green Day's Photographer

GreenDay'sPhotographer - 31- OneLastKiss

After Billie and you pulled away from each other's kiss, you both gazed at one another. Despite the unconscious drummer lying on the ground next to you, there was a feeling in the air that you couldn't describe. It made you want to kiss Billie more, so you leaned in. Soon you both were making out, and it continued for a bit, yet then Billie started getting really into it, and his hands started to go up your top. You accepted his move, not feeling uncomfortable about it at all. You opened your eyes for a split second, yet that was enough time for you to see Tre on the ground, but with more than twice the amount of blood there was before on his face. This freaked you out, and you pushed Billie away, not wanting to continue. He looked at you with confusion at first, and when you went to Tre's side, he got even more confused.
"What the fuck?" he muttered, disgusted by your recent move. You ignored him and stared at Tre's head, which was almost drenched in his own blood. You ran your hands through his hair, but you felt a weird feeling, and when you pulled your hand away, you gasped. His hair was soaked in blood, and there was a deep gash in the middle of his head. You looked around quickly to see what had caused it, and you stopped when you saw a small trace of blood on the dresser's edge. This was while Billie was beating the crap out of him, and it hurt you to remember that. You sighed and continued to look at Tre.
"Billie....Tre's bleeding..."
"...and?" he muttered, twiddling his thumbs. You looked at him in shock.
"Doesn't that concern you at all?!"
"'s pretty bad.....his hair is soaked in blood..." you said with worry in your eyes. Billie's eyes widened and he got up to join you at Tre's side. He looked at Tre more, and this time he was deeply concerned. Just then you heard Mike yelling from the living room, on his way up to Tre's room, which you were in.
"TRE! HURRY UP AND FINISH SO I CAN MAKE FUN OF YA! I GET A KICK OUT OF DO...HOLY SHIT!" he yelled when he entered the room and saw Tre on the ground. He instantly crouched down to his side and he looked at you.
"What happened?"
"Um...well...." you tried to say it, but it was difficult. Just seeing his blood made it hard to explain. "He.....confessed his love to me.......he....thought I loved him, too.....and well.....he kissed me....." you said reluctantly, even though it was the dark truth. You saw Billie flinch when you mentioned Tre kissing you, and you closed your eyes to continue. "......and Billie saw....he kicked his ass, and knocked him out......and, yeah.....that's basically it...." you finally finished, relieved you actually said it without breaking down. Billie got up and huddled up to the wall, starting to sob and his hands in his hair, tugging at it a little too tightly.
"Oh my God......what have I done?!" he yelled, his voice muffled from his face up against the wall. You looked back over to Mike.
"Mike...I need you to call the ambulance...." you said with urgency, hoping he would run to the phone. However, he just stood there, still gazing at his friend's limp body. You got impatient and shoved him to the ground, getting anxious.
"MIKE! NOW!" you yelled, snapping Mike out of his trance. He shot up and rushed downstairs to call 911. You held onto Tre's lifeless hand and clutched it tightly, hoping he would magically wake up and not have any pain at all.

You sighed and rested you forehead on his hand, and suddenly you heard Billie sliding down to the ground. He huddled his knees to his chest and started rocking back and forth, obviously starting to have a panic attack. He had tears in his eyes, and he looked straight ahead, ignoring you completely.
"It's all my's all my fault...." he chanted, making you more concerned than ever. You left Tre for a minute and rushed over to Billie's side, seeing as he needed your attention more than Tre at the moment. You rubbed Billie's back and tried to embrace him in a hug, but found it difficult to do.
" calm down....this was nobody's fault....."
"Billie, you're being ridiculous!"
"IF HE DIES, IT'S MY FAULT! MY FAULT! OH GOD!" he yelled to you, plunging his face into his hands. He started sobbing even more, and his whole face was glossy due to his tears. You sighed in worried frustration and forcefully held Billie in an embrace.
"Shhhh,'s ok.....he's not gonna die.....just please relax....everything will be fine....." you cooed, petting the rocker's hair and rocking him yourself. He started to calm down, and his sobbing was soon reduced to the occasional sniffle. After a few moments of comfortable silence, Mike rushed back up to the room.
"The ambulance is here.....c'mon Ali, let's carry Tre down....."
"Why not Billie?"
"He's too unstable....he can't handle it...."
"Yes I can, Mike...." Billie whispered, starting to get up. He went over to Tre's body and picked him up by his feet. Mike, giving him a shocked expression, lifted up Tre's head and shoulders, and they both carried him to the ambulance truck waiting outside. The two men in the truck came out with a stretcher and helped Billie and Mike place him gently onto it. They secured him in it and lifted him onto the back of the truck, and you got behind Billie. Billie didn't seem to move, so you got up soon after Mike did, and you helped Billie onto the truck. You both glanced at each other, and you then glanced over at Mike, and all of you could see the sad expressions on your faces. You sighed and then remembered something.
"Wait....what about Steph and Lily?"
"Oh....well, they went shopping for more clothes, and they won't be back till late afternoon, so yeah.....Lily's cell phone is shot at the moment, and Steph's cell got drenched in that fountain, so there's so no way to reach them....." Mike muttered, looking to the ground and shuffling his feet. You nodded your head and sat down, right next to Tre's head. Everyone else sat down as well and the ambulance sped off, its lights flashing brightly....

While you all were in the back, you noticed Tre's hand move, and you immediately took his hand in yours. You looked at his face and saw his eyes move through his eyelids. You had a slight smile on your face, and you turned to the guys, yet Billie was nodding on and off in sleep, and Mike was staring out the window in deep thought. You turned back to see Tre's head lifted just a little bit. You got closer and sighed, happy that Tre was showing signs of life.
Are you okay, Tre? How are you feeling?" you whispered, not wanting the others to hear you. His eyes opened and he saw you. He smiled slightly and sighed lightly.
"Ali....I love you....." he murmured, and his head went back down. He went back into unconsciousness and soon he was just as limp as he was a minute before. You sighed and continued to hold his hand, knowing the irony in the air was so thick you could cut it with a knife.....

You all rushed out to see Tre be taken in the stretcher to the Emergency Wing of the hospital. You watched him until the swinging doors closed, and his face no longer visible. You followed Billie and Mike to the waiting room, and you heard the intercom come on.
"Dr. Tweety....Dr. Tweety, please report to the Emergency Room immediately for a CAT Scan.....Emergency Room IMMEDIATELY...." the woman urged. You knew this was for Tre, and you sighed, thinking of the doctor's name.
"Great....we got a bird to be Tre's doctor.....this will be fun...." you muttered a little cruelly. Mike snickered a little at the comment, but Billie remained silent in his thoughts.

After about an hour of waiting, Dr. Tweety came out and greeted you guys. You all urged him to skip the welcome crap and get to the information immediately, and he did so.
"I'm sorry for keeping you so long, but we needed to make sure Mr. Wright had what we thought he had...."
"And......what does he have?" Billie urged. Dr. Tweety took off his glasses.
"He isn't as bad as he looks. He has a deep gash on his head, which can be easily stitched up, but he's got injuries.........a broken rib and a few bruises....."
"....but nothing permanent, right?" Mike asked, hope starting to return into his eyes. The doctor smiled.
"Nope...he'll be back to rocking the drums in about 10 weeks.....his rib needs to heal properly, and playing the drums won't help at all until it has completely healed....."
"OH THANK YOU, DOC!" Billie said with a smile, embracing him in a hug. You and Mike looked at each other, and you giggled a little, finding this funny. After the doctor was freed, he allowed you all to go and see Tre. When you all got there, you all started to go in. Billie rushed in to a conscious Tre looking out the window. He got down to his knees.
"OH, GOD! Tre, please forgive me! I can't believe I did this to you! I'm a monster....." he pleaded. Tre smiled after a minute or so and patted Billie's head.
"You're a sexy monster....." he joked, and all of you laughed. Mike then walked in.
"So,'s it hanging?"
"Last time I checked, it was the same as before...only one of them...." Tre joked, looking down to his crotch. Billie laughed and sat down, getting a chair behind him. Mike got a chair for himself and sat down as well. When you came in, you couldn't help but remember the moment when Tre drug you into his room. I replayed in your mind constantly, and you couldn't stop it. You didn't say anything and just sat down next to Tre, looking into space. After a few moments of useless chit-chat, Mike went over to you.
"Would you and Tre like a moment alone?"
"Try to get this whole mess straightened out....remember, he still thinks you love him...." Mike warned, jerking his head in Tre's direction. You nodded, seeing Mike's point, and he took Billie's arm.
"MIKE! What in the hell are you doing?!"
"Let's get some coffee.....there's gotta be a fucking Starbucks around here somewhere...." Mike said, leading him out of the room. Tre's eyes widened, as if he forgot something.
"WAIT! MIKE!" he yelled, causing Mike to return with Billie still in his grasp.
"Get me the usual....please?" he asked, using an angel voice. Mike smiled and sighed.
"Orange Mocha it....."
"Thanks....." he said, and Mike soon took Billie away once again. Now it was just you and Tre. Tre looked over to you and smiled, enjoying your presence. You, however, felt awkward, and you showed it. Tre noticed and he took your hand, caressing it.
"What's wrong, Ali?"
" might not want to hear this, but......" you started, but Tre interrupted you.
" don't love me, do you?" he said, looking out in front of him, still caressing your hand. You sighed and nodded your head.
"Yeah.....I'm sorry, Tre...."
"It's fine......I just.....I just wish I could get over you, but.....I can't help it.....I'm still madly in love with you....."
".....but....what about Steph? Don't you love her?"
"....I honestly don't know........she probably doesn't love me, though......"
"What?! Are you kidding me?! She's nuts about you!"
"Are you serious?"
"It might not be my place to say, but she told me herself that she can't get enough of you....she loves everything about you....."
".....she does?"
"You bet your ass......I could never love you as much as she deserve someone like her.....not me...."
"I....guess....I have to......move on......right?"
"Yeah......I'm with Billie, now......Mike has Lily, and you have both belong me....."
".........ok then......I am now officially over you.....if that makes sense...." Tre said with his head down.
"I guess it really that easy, Tre?" you asked, wondering if falling out of love was as easy as saying a phrase. He shook his head after a moment.
"It never is......I'm tricking myself......"
"Is it working?"
"I hope........Ali, can I ask you one more favor?"

"Can I have a farewell kiss? I want to feel it one more time...." Tre asked, looking deep into your eyes and hitting a part of your heart that made you feel sorry for him. You nodded your head, and you both leaned in. He stopped, not sure if you were okay with it, but instead of him leaning in the rest of the way, you did it yourself, and you made sure this kiss was a great one. You pulled Tre's head closer, and it caused him to do the same with yours. After a few moments, you knew it was time to pull away, and you slowly did so, making sure the kiss lingered on his lips, just like you did in the Dare game you had played. His eyes remained closed, and when he finally opened them, he stared at you with affection. You both continued the gaze for a few moments until Billie and Mike came back with the coffee. Tre sighed, still looking at you, but his attention towards the other two.
"That was one mind-blowing kiss...." he commented, and you froze, hoping the two didn't notice. Billie looked at him for a moment and smiled.
"Yeah, well Cam is a good kisser, so I guess you couldnt resist pulling her into your room for a try, eh?" Billie joked, which surprised you. He was in a better mood now, probably because of the coffee, and you smiled. You thought of how funny it was that Billie thought Tre was referring to the kiss that started the whole ordeal in the first place, instead of the kiss he had just given you. This caused you to laugh and give Billie a peck on the cheek. The cut-with-a-knife irony was still there, but now in a happier form. Now maybe life can become somewhat normal once again.....