Green Day's Photographer

GreenDay'sPhotographer - 35 - Court&Cologne

"Oh my God, that was the BEST vacation ever!" you yelled as all of you were approaching the house. Billie smiled at your comment while still looking at the road, since he was driving. Tre giggled and sighed.

"You bet...what made you think of Disney Land anyway, Ali?" he asked, reaching for Steph's hand. She smiled at his action and let him embrace her's. You shrugged at his question, obviously not knowing the answer.

"I have no clue...maybe it was because I had never been there? Anyway, I just hope nothing big's happened since we've been gone." You said, looking out the window. Ever since that phone call with Gerald, you hadn't thought of him once. It was nice for once, not having to think about a creep like him and instead go ride roller coasters. You all got out of the car and got the luggage out of the trunk. Tre started singing random stuff as he got his suitcase out.

"In the trunk there's loads of junk that's also bunk and dances to funk...." he sang in a high pitched tone. Everyone cracked up and dropped their bags, including you. Billie seemed to be the only one who didn't hear it, since he kept walking with his bags. He turned around and shook his head.

"I swear, sometimes I think I fucking live with seven year olds...." he joked, starting to laugh as well. Everyone laughed for a bit and then afterwards you all got up, still giggling.

"Wait, let's think of another one...Oh! I got one! Ahem....'I am a bunny, whose nose is runny, and always smells funny and burps for money!' HA! In your face, TRE!" you yelled, pointing to him, signaling for him to continue. He laughed and shook his head.

"No, no,'s someone else's turn....unless no one else is clever enough...." he said, sounding like challenging the others. They all started to think of good phrases. Lily raised her hand quickly.

"WAIT! I HAVE ONE!" she yelled, startling Mike. Mike rushed back into composure and waited for her funny phrase. "I am a bat that likes to eat fat, is friends with a rat and plays hopscotch with a gnat!" She yelled in joy. Everyone had a good laugh and you all dropped the luggage once again, succumbing to the power of laughter. You turned to Billie, and he was at the front door. Geez, that guy doesn't seem to have a sense of humor today. Tre got up and got his luggage in another attempt. He looked at Billie, who was standing in front of the door, seeming to be looking at something. Tre sighed and cleared his throat.

"Ok, Billie...your turn...think up of a gooooood funny phrase!" Tre challenged, looking at him. Billie didn't seem to move, and it worried you. Finally he spoke, but in a serious tone.

"You are being sued for Obstruction in Career and have ten days to comply..." He muttered. Everyone gave him a confused look and looked at each other in response to his words. Tre giggled slightly and sighed loudly.

"Oh, sure know how to throw us off like that! Now, think up of REEEEAAALLLLYYYY good phrase..." he joked, going over to Billie Joe. Billie's face never turned happy, however, and it made you think twice about the words he had said. You went over to him and saw something posted on the door. It was a plain white 8x10 piece of paper, and it was filled with lines upon lines of small print, yet on top there were four words that made your stomach flip and crash to the bottom, then having it stabbed over and over again...


"He can't actually do that, can he? I mean, 'Obstruction in Career'?! That doesn't even sound real!" Steph asked, starting to get a little angry. Billie sighed and shook his head, but not in answering her question, yet in disgust.

"I swear, that piece of shit just doesn't know when to get a fucking life!" he muttered, almost to the brink of screaming. You pulled him into a hug, trying not to get emotional yourself. You had never been sued before, and it scared you. What if he won? Would he take all the money you had? All your possessions? Were you going to be separated from the Green Day boys forever if he won?

That made you all the more determined to make sure that you won this battle...

"Billie...we can beat him, right? I mean, he's claiming something that's obviously false, so when you guys explain that you don't mind having me here, then that would be it...right?" you asked cautiously. He sighed and held you closer.

"I honestly don't know, Ali...lawyers these days know so many ways to get a person…even if they're innocent, they can lure them into guiltiness without them even knowing it...they're good on words...but trust me, I'll do my best to prove them wrong..." he said, getting quieter with each word. Those words didn't comfort you too much, mainly because he didn't guarantee anything, except that he'd do his best. Even that was unassuring...


All of you were in the car, driving to the Court House for the trial. Naturally the press found out, and it was on almost every news station in the country, which made it even more terrible to go through than it already was. You held Billie's hand as Mike, who was driving, stopped the car abruptly for paparazzi that had jumped in front. Everyone grumbled at the careless act and tried to ignore it, but that seemed ridiculously hard to do.

After all of you were at the Court House, you all got out of the car and started to go in. Suddenly a horde of camera men surrounded you and the others, and cameras flashed everywhere. It was a nightmare, trying to keep a hold on Billie's hand whilst barging through the moving wall of desperate camera men with no lives. You looked back to see that Tre and Steph were struggling just as much as you and Billie were, and Mike was trying to keep Lily from being trampled from the people hording her. It was literally a madhouse, and it was actually taking you over. You gave credit to anyone that was famous and dealt with this stuff on a daily basis, especially the Green Day boys...

You were walking with Billie when suddenly one camera men shoved another into the two of you, which caused you both to lose grip on each other. You were sent to the floor, where people started trampling you and pushing you deeper into the chaos. You struggled to get up, but eventually you did, only to find that Billie was lost in the rage as well. You suddenly were scared of what would happen. It was a total tornado of paparazzi and camera flashes, and it was scaring you half to death. You suddenly felt a hand grab yours, and you screamed in fear. You pulled away and tried to hit whoever was trying to grab you. You looked in their direction and quickly felt relieved when you saw it was Tre coming to save you. Steph helped to push you along as Tre took your hand and guided you through the rest of the paparazzi and up to the front door. You met Billie at the front door and hugged him tightly, happy to be safe in his arms once again. Of course, this was a perfect picture shot for the cameras, so flashes went off like crazy, but you didn't care. You were just happy that you didn't get permanently scared from that experience.

You all entered the Court House confidently, hoping that things where going to turn out your way. You saw out of the corner of your eye a man in a grey suit, and his hair was slicked back in a way that made him look cheesy and dirty. Even from far away you could smell the cologne he was using. Yeah, he had money, but he had terrible taste in cologne. You all practically gagged at the smell, which caused attention to fall on the lot of you and caused the man in question to turn towards you. He smiled and walked closer, seeing the suffering you were already going through by being in the same room as him. He chuckled and sighed loudly.

"How are my number one clients this evening?" he asked jokingly. Mike flinched to go near him, but Lily held him back as much as she could. Gerald laughed loudly and started to walk away, but not before giving you such a look that suggested that he was out for the kill...and you were the prey...


Omg I'm SOOOOOOO sorry for the long wait peeps!!! My friend was helping me with the story and she was a bit busy but it's okay coz it's out noooowww!!! And I promise that there won't be such a long wait for the next one!!! Comments are totally appreciated! Hehehee!!!

Cam xx <3