Green Day's Photographer

GreenDay'sPhotographer - 36 - TrickTreat, WinLose

"The Court has come to acknowledge the case of Gerald Dick and Alyssa Kimbyll. Would the plaintiff and defendant please stand up?" the judge called out. You stood up, eyeing Gerald down whilst holding Billie's hand. Gerald cleared his throat loudly and stared at the judge, waiting for the next command. You soon did the same. The judge nodded, and both of you sat down. The judge rearranged himself in his plushy leather chair and sighed.

"Good then...let's begin..."

For the next couple hours, Gerald's lawyers went through countless amounts of 'evidence' to prove that you were trying to ruin Green Day's career. It was boring, to be honest. Their claims didn't seem convincing enough for the judge, because after each object, he would simply ask "How?" or "Why?", which would cause the next object to be brought out. Occasionally you and Billie would share glances, smiling from the outcome that seemed possible with this case. If this kept up, the judge would declare it a mistrial, and that was something you hoped for in the worst way. It only made sense, since all the evidence was so out of line and ridiculous. It was the only sensible way to go.

Suddenly Gerald's lawyer stood up and sighed.

"I'd like to call Alyssa Kimbyll to the stand, please..." He said with a smile. It disgusted you, but you stood up and let go of Billie's hand. You went up to the stand and stood up to raise your right hand. A policeman held up a Bible to you and you put your left hand on it, just like you were supposed to.

"Do you swear to tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth, so help you God?" he asked. You nodded and stated "I do..." to him, and he left. You sat down. Gerald's lawyer walked over to you and folded his arms.

"State your name, please?" he asked me.

"Alyssa Kimbyll," you answered calmly.

"...and how long have you known the members of Green Day?"

"Oh, I can't's been a while though. Long enough to be good friends with them..." you replied warmly, looking at all three of them. They all smiled back just as warmly, yet the lawyer interrupted that happy moment with a loud sigh.

"Well then, answer me this. When did they last put out a record?"

"Well, I can't tell you the exact date, but..."

"Why not?"

"Because I don't obsess over dates! I'm not that kind of person!"

"Well, in general, it's been a couple years, and they've been wanting to make a new one recently, right?"

"Yes, that's correct..."

"...and when they wanted to make a new record, they would've wanted to talk to my client, Gerald Dick, wouldn't you think?"

"I guess so..."

"Now, about a month ago, Gerald's clients, aka Green Day, were in a meeting about the new album, and unless my client is lying like mad, you interrupted this meeting to curse him out and take the boys to a theme park, am I right?"

"Well, when you put it that way..."

"Tell me, why did you do that? Was it a sudden fling? Or was it something you strategically planned to ruin their plans?"

"Excuse me! I'm not out to ruin them! Gerald was insulting me, telling me to serve him like a maid or something!"

"Do you have proof of that statement?"

", but..."

"Then that cannot be used in this case..."


"...well, in your situation...absolutely nothing..." his lawyer said with an evil smile. Before you could speak up, he walked closer to you. "Tell me, you have no evidence to show that what you say is true, and it seems as though Green Day have shown no positive progress from your presence being with them. Do you think you should be there?"

"...well, yeah, I mean, I love Billie...I love all of them…"

"...but do they love you?"

"I would assume so…otherwise they would tell me to leave..."

"Not if you've tricked them into loving you..."


"Those guys wouldn't know if someone coaxed their minds into thinking the wrong things were actually right!"

"If they didn't want me to be there, they would say so!"




"ORDER IN THE COURT! Alyssa! Mr. Templeson! CONTAIN YOURSELVES!" the judge ordered with his mallet. You sat back down, not realizing you had shot up in the heat of the conversation. Gerald smiled widely at the energy that was evident in the court room. He sat back and kept watching, which made you feel sick.

"Alyssa...those boys, even if they WEREN'T tricked...are the kind of guys that will be nice and pretend to like someone so that their feelings aren't your case, that seems very apparent, especially since you're their photographer, and you HAVE to be there...isn't that right?"

"'s possible I suppose..."

"Sooo, do you THINK the boys actually cared about you? They are known to do drastic things, which usually get media attention...this is most likely another drastic event..."

"Then why would they say they loved me?!"

"THEY DON'T LOVE YOU!" he screamed in your face, causing you to look down, trying hard not to cry. Suddenly you heard a chair being flung to the ground, and you saw Mr. Templeson somehow float away from you, as if he was being pulled. You looked over and saw that Billie had run over and grabbed the man by the throat. He looked so angry as he pinned the fear-stricken lawyer to the table behind him. Security guards were running right towards the action, but Billie screamed.

"LET ME SAY WHAT I HAVE TO SAY!" he yelled to them. They immediately backed away, for he looked too angry to be dealt with. He turned back to Mr. Templeson and sighed.

"You can say a lot of damn things...even if they aren't true...and I won't stop you, for I believe in free speech..." he stopped when Mr. Templeson tried to get up, and he pinned him down yet again. "...HOWEVER...I will NOT tolerate a man that tries to prove that I DON'T love Alyssa...I am NOT being mind-controlled, and I'm not imagining things...I LOVE HER, and there's nothing you can fucking do about it!" he threatened, shoving the man back into the open court floor. Mr. Templeson straightened himself and sighed with an evil smile.

"You'd be surprised, Mr. Armstrong..." he said simply. He walked back over to you and whispered in your ear words that made you almost want to die.

"If you win this, you'll be sure that something fatal will happen to your little Green Day buddies...and I'll blame it aaaallll on you, you bitch…." He said with a cold tone. Your eyes widened immensely and you got up slowly and stared him down.

"Mr. Templeson...even if by some chance I AM a bad influence on these guys, I assure you..." you stopped and suddenly punched him right in the face, sending him to the floor with a loud THUD! You didn't smile and finish your statement, because for some reason, the lawyer had actually made a little piece of you believe that you weren't supposed to be with the guys. Maybe by some chance this was all for publicity. Every celebrity practically did this. They got someone new to be in their lives for a while, and then when they felt tired of them, they'd make something extreme happen to be rid of them in a horrible way. It made sense. Why would Green Day want to tell you that? It'd ruin their whole plan……maybe that's why they looked for photographers in the first place…someone new to stir up their lives. Well, as much as you hated to admit it, their plan worked.

Billie looked at you, smiled slightly, and took back the smile when the look on your face appeared in his eyes. He ran over to you and gave you a stare, trying to decipher what you were feeling. You sighed and looked down. " light of recent realization, I would like to allow the wishes of the plaintiff and to restrict myself from the presence of Green Day, and to permit a restraining order for them no closer than 100 feet effective immediately..." You stated, making Billie give you a shocked expression.

"Ali, are you serious?!" he asked.

"Yes, Billie...Mr. Templeson is right...I was just in the way...and I know that you wanted me here for stirring up attention. It's okay, I understand...I'll even understand that you may have grown to like me a little, was never real, and I can see that..." you muttered, not looking at Billie at all. You saw out of the corner of your eye a small tear form in his eye, and you looked back to be certain that was what it was.

"Alyssa...listen to-" you looked away from him mid-sentence. He took your face and pointed it back to his direction. "LISTEN TO ME!" he almost cried. "Alyssa...I….LOVE...YOU…..I DO...and, I want to have you in my life forever...I would never take someone as beautiful and true as you for granted...I am madly in love with you...don't you dare fucking think otherwise..." He said, crying at the end of his words. Suddenly he pulled your face forward and gave you a passionate kiss, causing you to lose any hatred you had set in your mind in that moment. You both stood up and backed up, causing Billie to be sent over the stand in which you were standing in. He broke from the kiss, due to his fall, but he quickly shot back up and went right back to kissing you, and you both ended up smashed up on the back wall, and the judge took one look at the two of you and sighed loudly.

"Mr. Dick, I don't have the slightest idea where you might think this girl is a threat to their lives, but it looks as though they like her just fine! I declare this a mistrial, and I'm fining you $25,000 for false claims and convenience charges! Case dismissed!" he yelled, and he slammed the mallet down onto its wooden plaque, and the whole courtroom cheered in happiness. You broke from the kiss to look at Billie.

"You really meant that, didn't you? The whole love bit..." you asked with glassy eyes, finding out that the lead singer of your favorite band of all time was in love with you. He pulled your hair out from your eyes and hugged you warmly.

"I still mean that...and every fucking day of my life, I will always mean that...I love you, Alyssa..." He said, sounding like he was crying. You didn't hear any of the massive cheering going on around you, for you were in this separate world with Billie. You were both together, and you both planned on staying together for the rest of your lives.

Nothing else mattered...

"Oh and Gerald," Billie started, turning to face him, "'re fired!"

Okay, maybe nothing else apart from that...

[[Woo!!! Thanks so much to Steph for the chapter...I LUFF YOU LOADS!!! Awww...I can't believe that the next chapter is the last! Yup, that's all ends on chapter 37...*cries*...thanks everyone who's commented so far, lets try and get loads more before the last chapter!!!]]